Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1530: Strongest VS Strongest (Third)


"Woohoo!" The axe-like giant axe's offensive action was extremely powerful. Even if Dorie was already several meters away from Timmy, he could still feel that the axe would cut himself at any time.

"Abominable, Sister Akin, you have to think of a way!" While Dole tried to dodge the opponent's onslaught, he shouted to Akin not far away, "I ca n’t use it without distance from him. Bow and arrow! "

"Junk, stay away from my brother!"

"Small-slap!" It was late, then fast, and Akin ’s dragon-tail whip broke out in time, and turned straight to Dimi's neck. Pumped to the ground, leaving sharp and long whip marks!

"Huh, this little doll's bow and arrow are really powerful, I must hit him first, and then I will deal with you!"

As soon as Akin's cold words came out, Timmy swept out with a scream of a huge axe, and the flowers in the distance were listed, but he felt that his waist was cold, and he was about to be passed by the blade. He hurriedly twisted his body, volleyed back in the rushing sound of "噌 噌 噌", and escaped the axe crisis!

"Boy, you can hide very well, but you can also try my long-range attack." Among the electric lights and flints, the wheel axe in Di Mai's palm suddenly flew out of his hands. !!


On the periphery of the Demon Palace, the battles in the five rooms were extremely exciting and intense, but Guan Heng and Otero did not leave the place, and were always near the gates of the palace. At that time, Guan Heng looked at Otrow, who was full of scars. He frowned and said, "After physical transformation, your recovery speed has always been extremely fast. How can it still be the same as the old illness left by my last battle? Didn't heal? "

"Huh, there is a" Starburst Demon Stone "hidden in my strong demon heart. That thing was inseparable from the blood vessels around him at the time." He looked at Guan Heng with an expressionless expression, and Otero continued: "Lost the heart I was going to die in an instant, but when I think of the unfinished battle between you and me, I will not be reconciled even if I die! "

"Uh ..." Just now Uttro suddenly changed his face, and black blood was slowly flowing from the corners of his nostrils. Guan Heng immediately called, "What's wrong with you?"

"Shao Luo, Guan Heng, I can't die before I end the battle with you !!" Urterol growled angrily at this time: "I don't need your sympathy, what I want is that you can exert yourself and me One battle! "

"Just your virtue ... how dare I use my full strength? Hey ... that's right!" As soon as Guan Heng said this, his mind flashed suddenly, then he took out a small box and threw it to Otero in front of him. "Hey, here you go."

"Huh ?! What is this?" Utero took the box subconsciously, and found that the contents were fluttering, but he didn't know what it was. At this moment, Guan Heng's mouth turned up, and he flickered a mysterious smile: "Want to know what? Is it clear if you open it?"

"Cuck it ... bang!" With a little force on his fingers, Urterol smashed the small box, and when he saw something in his palm, he stared at his eyes roundly: "This, this is the brand-new strong demon heart ?!"

"Hey, it just happened."

Guan Heng shook his head at this moment, and then continued to say: "After the Battle of the Dark Dragon Valley, I unintentionally fell to the abyss of the Demon Realm. This strong demon heart was originally given by Pawn to his second brother Rage, let him He rescued his son, but the short-lived boy accidentally farted before the heart was sent home, and this heart fell into my hands. "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng pointed at the strong demon heart in Utro's palm, and he laughed: "Hey, if you really want to fight with me who is going all out, it is best to put this heart back in your body first. Because I don't want to meet a sick and weak coward, if it is passed on, it will hurt Master Ben's good reputation! "

"Huh, it seems that all of this is destined." A heart-holding hand suddenly shoved into his chest, Urter gritted his teeth and said, "Hey, Paine calculates with a strong magic heart that hides the murderous power Me, now you sent another good ... "

"Uh ah! The unfinished battle between us was really favored by heaven!"

At the same time that Otero's roar erupted, his body was horizontally and vertically, and the old wounds were healed in an instant. Otero suddenly pulled out the Entos steel sword hanging under his ribs, and his voice shouted. Road: "Come on, Guan Heng, let me, a powerful enemy that burns my life, use the flame of battle to illuminate the way forward for you-"

"Well said, I will do it quickly, I will fight with the strongest trick!" Guan Heng in the roar, immediately released the power of the dragon **** burst out of the body: "Yeah yeah--"

"It's crackling ... Boom ... Boom!" The three powers of Bingyan Thunder were suddenly wrapped in a pair of dragon blades, and Guan Heng's fierce move was ready again.

"Hmm! It really is the ice dragon thunder dragon **** cut, then I also ... yeah yeah yeah!" Said late, then fast, was stimulated by the imminent Guan Heng infection, Utero also turned in an instant His murderous power and strength soared to the extreme: "Dark Dragon Flame Flame Slash!"

Suddenly, a black dragon's shadow quickly coiled around the blade of Entos's steel sword, and the invisibility of the invisible sword suddenly surged to more than ten meters.

"Come on! The strongest trick is the strongest trick! The victory is here!" The two enemies broke out in front of the gate of the Devil's Palace, and they collided with the most fierce offensive. together!

The first thing that felt the huge shock at the gate of the demon palace was Ruta and Hausen. The two men tried their best to continue the fierce battle. When they heard the strong energy surge, Ruta "snapped" in an instant. Disappeared in front of Hausen!

"What? How can this be ..." With a look of mischievous expression, Hausen's thumping punches hit the ground with impartiality, and immediately slammed the blue bricks within ten meters, then cracked and collapsed.

"It seems ... Guan Heng and Utero's decisive battle is nearing its end, so I will end the battle!" As soon as he said this, Ruta's ghostly figure suddenly split into three in front of Hausen, Instantly make the other party unable to distinguish authenticity.

"Three Shadows Thief Moon Killing-"

"Hey-ye, ye, ye, ye!" The blade of light was like a rainbow like a moon, and in an instant, Ruta's three shadows passed over Haussen's side, and in the next second, Hausen's eyebrows and neck throat He Xingan bleeds a bleeding arrow at the same time. This tyrannical dragon warrior known for his martial arts is finally defeated by Ruta.

"This is a good fight. I will remember your name, Hausen." Rutta said here, he has already returned the double short-bladed scabbard, and the next moment he was going to the door of the room.

Speaking late, at that time, a rough, blood-stained hand reached out, slamming Ruta's ankle, and Howson struggled hissing at this time: "My battle is not like this It ’s easy to end, hahaha-burn it, my dragon soul is the source !!! "

—— [The third update of 2016.8.1, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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