Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1533: Mighty Might (first)

"To be honest, I still feel ... haha ​​... I didn't choose the right opponent ..." Ti Mai's eyes scanned Akin and Dorie's face, and he whispered: "But before I die, I have one more. Things to do. "

With that said, Timmy grabbed A Jin's wrist close at hand, and Dorie was astonished at the sight: "What do you want to do? Let go!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Dorie had already subconsciously rushed over. He wanted to help A Jin break away from the grasped arm. At this moment, Timmy grinned: "Okay, come here!"

"Pop!" Dyme's other hand also grabbed Dole, and he muttered to himself: "This is my last strength, roar, roar-burn, dragon soul origin!"


On the platform near the gate of the devil's palace, Guan Heng's three heavy punches struck Urtero's head and shoulders. The other party did not flinch, and immediately punched them hard: "Bang Bang!" Soft arm numbness in the soft body!

"The power of Guan Heng is getting stronger and stronger!" At that moment, Utro frowned, and he was startled: "Huh? The breath of Haussen, Cancour, Boom, Leger and Timmy ... … All have disappeared, it seems that my brothers have performed their last tricks ... "

"Uh-huh, brothers, you take a step, I'll be here soon!" I felt strongly that the five transforming dragon fighters had been struggling to death, and Utro groaned suddenly: "I will also spare no effort It's up! "

"Well, Urtero has some special connection with the five people. He reacted so strongly. It seems that Borui and they have won!" Guan Heng was pleased in his heart, and he was ready to go, and secretly calculated in his heart. : "Later, I have to deal with the two **** of Pawn and Cohan. I have to save some strength."

Just thinking about this, Urterol in front of Guan Heng suddenly lifted his air into the air, and he shouted, "Guan Heng, I know that my strength is far worse than you, but as a soldier, you must always think of the impossible. Goal challenge, today I will use my unique skills to launch a final blow to you to express my esteem's respect for your powerful enemy! "

Having said that, Urterol suddenly smashed the armor around him, leaving only the black scales that shone coldly on his body. Urterol screamed sternly: "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I am coming when I am so angry!" With the roar of Utero, the unknown heart exuding the black gas of the demon domain was beating, and in a few minutes, it exploded in the body.

"Uh ---" Utro opened his mouth and sprayed a large red mist, he sneered sneerly: "I finally understand today, I Utro is a dignified dragon warrior, and he has the most powerful power, why should I To gain strength by transforming the body's micro-evil evil path, this 'dragon devil destroys the sky' is my last source of burning-"

Hearing Otello's words, Guan Heng was also a little bit confused, and he murmured in his mouth, "Hum, the origin of the burning dragon soul? It is really strong enough, then, well, I also came to bear this blow, as a right Your best enemy is the best reward! "

At this moment, Utero suddenly shook the Entos steel sword in the palm of his hand, and issued a savage roar like a dying beast: "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

A group of dragon souls exuding powerful forces slowly emerged from the sphere as a few feet above Utro's head. Seeing this scene, Guan Heng's eyes flickered, and he secretly said: "This is Utro's The origin of Dragon Soul? Such a familiar taste is really the same as the crystal of Dragon Breath in my body, but its power is still not as good as mine ... uh ?! "

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly realized that the dragon's breath crystal trembled in his body. It seemed to be a mutual reflection with the opposite source of Ottro. At this moment, it seemed to be a psychic reaction. Guan Heng smiled and whispered: "How? The origin of the Dark Dragon Lord, want to break with your last bloodline? "

"Bang, bang, bang!" The crystal of Dark Dragon Breath was slightly restless at this time, apparently responding to Guan Heng's speculation, and slightly nodding his head, Guan Heng immediately raised his head and screamed: "Okay, then I don't need Dragon God Power, use your power alone to make the final fight with Utro! "

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng shook his body a little, and a mighty and mighty mighty power burst out from his body. Then, the crystal of dragon's breath emerged from Guan Heng's head. That is, the sphere of the Dark Dragon's main source of power slowly rotates a few feet above his head.

"唰 —— 唰 —— 唰 ——"

"Drink!" With Urtro's violent drinking, the dragon soul origin on his head shattered all over the sky in an instant, and those who wanted to come and continue to erode Urter's magic domain black gas were stirred up in a hurry. Crushing, between the breath, the original fragments became countless dark blades with the same appearance as Entos steel sword, and thus floated in the air.

"These hundreds of black blades are really murderous, hey, what tricks do I have to figure out?" At this moment, the corner of Guan Heng's lips flickered a strange smile, he whispered: "I originally One trick is to leave Pawn that **** thing, but it should be done for you at this time! "

The words didn't fall off, Guan Heng's double-edged dragon blade had suddenly detached from the sheath. The original sphere of dragon's breath crystals on his head suddenly deformed suddenly, and in a blink of an eye, became a looming astonishing blade, that giant The shape of the dragon tooth blade in the blade virtual shadow and Guan Heng palm is generally the same, and it also exudes the most powerful dragon breath origin momentum!

"Uh--a strong breath, it really is the power of the Dark Dragon Lord in the past! Hahaha, today I can challenge it positively, I am Otrow dead without regrets!"

Urterol looked at Guan Heng, and in his eyes, an endless amount of raging warfare was burning. He suddenly shouted: "The dragon and the monster destroy the sky and kill me, kill me!"

"Oh!" In a flash, the sky's dark blade suddenly turned into countless assaults. "Woohoo!" All chopped to Guan Heng on the ground, and the opponent has been up, down, and left All right, east, south, west, and north are sealed off, Utero shouted, "Come, see how you can break my best trick!"

"Thousands of extremely sharp and continuous slashes may really tear the sky and destroy the sky, but it is too scattered!" At this time, Guan Heng suddenly slashed the dragon teeth's double blades forward and fell, and he shouted loudly. Roared: "Any way you can incarnate, you can't reach me!"

"Dragon's Breath-Destruction of the Demons!" As Guan Heng's roar rang, the horrifying blade on his head suddenly split forward with a mighty sword.

This chopped through the air in an instant, and easily shattered the countless swift attacks. Suddenly, he had arrived in front of Otrow, the young master of the Dragon race, and descended from his left shoulder, gently crossing the heart and waist. belly……

"Hey! Hey!" A bright red flickered and fluttered, leaving a long, narrow knife mark on Urtro's body that made people look thrilling!

—— [2016.8.2 The first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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