Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1548: Elemental Beast (first)

Hearing what Guan Heng said was very reasonable, so everyone nodded their heads, and the next moment, everyone began to set off to the lower floor. After a few minutes, Guan Heng and his companions encountered some unexpected obstacles on the fifth floor.

The map indicates that a huge winch is to be obtained on the fifth floor here, but when Guan Heng came here, they found that a group of wooden armored soldiers wandering around the dark air of the demon domain was guarding the object.

Seeing this, Ma Ze and Ruta immediately yelled and went to war. The magic soldiers seemed to be ordinary life bodies. Ma Ze and Ruta's weapons were chopped on them, and there was no trace of scars. This was very strange.

After a few minutes of fierce fighting, Guan Heng suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some slight flashes on the fifth-floor roof. He took a closer look and found that there were dozens of ugly round spiders on the top of the wall, and he was spinning and controlling. The wooden armoured soldiers arbitrarily slaughtered with Ruta and Maze.

"Borui, let's shoot together!" After Guan Heng shouted, he then used the Entos sword in his palm to chop a dragon's breath. Borui also issued a fierce fire spell at the same time, and shouted: "Burning to death You bugs! "

Speaking late, at that time, a dozen cobwebs suddenly popped spider webs with their belly, and "Hula" formed a huge cobweb, which was actually worthy of blocking Borui's fierce fire spell!

"I wipe, this is too evil!" Borui burst out swearing, but then he was happy again, because although his fire spell was blocked, the offensive dragon's breath slashed into a devastating and destructive majesty. Potential, burned the huge cobwebs in an instant, and burned all the round spiders into fly ash powder.

"Oh!" The spider silk entangled with the wooden armored demon soldiers broke off, listening only to the sound of "Wala La", these weird things all broke down into pieces by themselves.

"Okay!" Guan Hengyang cried. "Take the winch and hurry to the fourth floor."

The people immediately kept their feet and walked to the fourth floor. There were not a large number of enemies here, but beside the four giant chains that they wanted to obtain, there was a mountain tusks giant asleep.

At this moment, Borui snatched a step forward, and he shouted, "Let me do a trick to settle this guy." As soon as the words came out, Borui immediately pointed at the opponent with the wand of the dragon demon and yelled: "The Flame Demon Rage curse! "

Suddenly, a ghost of the flame giant suddenly gathered in mid-air. When the flame man saw the fangs giant, he immediately blasted out with a fist of flame!

"Hoo-bang!" When the heavy fist fell, the fang-toothed monster was immediately awakened on the spot. The beast did not seem to like to be disturbed while sleeping. Seeing the flame giant rushing towards him in a hurry, it frightened. Opening the mouth of the blood basin is a sip.

"Oh!" Just in a blink of an eye, something that made Borui startled and surprised! This fang-toothed monster even sucked the flame giant into his stomach, and finally sprayed out his mouth and nose with a jet of black smoke, which turned the effect of the Enchanted Wrath spell into nothing.

"How is this possible ?! Is it too evil?" Borui scratched his head at this time and shouted, "What is the origin of the Fangs Beast? Even my advanced flame mantra can digest it?"

"I heard that there is an ancient beast called" Elemental Beast "that specializes in feeding on various magical elements formed between heaven and earth. At this moment, Ma Ze analyzed with his chin and said," So the Elemental Beast is magic. Teacher ’s natural nemesis, because you not only release any sharp magic, they will be eaten immediately as delicious delicacies. "

"Hell, there is such a monster!" After muttering, Borui was also interested. He immediately retreated behind Guan Hengshen, and then laughed with a smile on his face, "Hey, boss, a guy like this will still give you Come clean up, brother, I'll cheer for you. "

"Smelly boy, you still have to beg me for a shot in the end, haha, let alone clean it up." Then, Guan Hengji tilted his glance at the opposite Elemental Beast, seeing that guy didn't take the initiative to come to fight, but again Lie on the spot and fall asleep as soon as my eyelids fall.

"Well, this guy is full of elemental power. If he attacks it directly, it will cause these elements to leak suddenly ..." Guan Heng thought to himself: "In that case, maybe it will blow up all the ground nearby." No, you have to think differently. "

As soon as his eyes turned, Guan Heng suddenly thought about it: "If you have it, just do it."

Speaking late, fast then, Guan Heng suddenly opened his palm suddenly, and the sound of the dark dragon's crystal sphere "唰" emerged, and began to spin at a rapid speed, and saw the Elemental Beast suddenly tremble, its body The various elements in it have been devoured and accumulated over the years, but at this moment all are forcibly removed by the crystal of dragon's breath.

"Wow!" An angry roar, the Elemental Beast Huo stood up with a huge body, and it immediately understood in his heart that if he went on like this, he would have to be exhausted. The fangs fierce beast is an ancient alien How can you be willing to finish like this?

Just between the electro-optic flints, the Elemental Beast opened its huge mouth to generate suction. It not only wanted to grab back the elements it lost, but also deliberately tried to **** even the spheres of Dragon's Breath crystals.

"Why do you want this thing? Really greedy." At this time, Guan Heng noticed that the crystal sphere in his hand was shaking slightly, and knew that the other party had a bad intention. He suddenly smiled: "Well, if you want, I will give it to you!" "

"Hoo!" Guan Heng made a rather bold move in the next second. He even dropped the dragon's breath crystal sphere in his palm and flew towards the Elemental Beast. The fang-toothed monster was overjoyed when he saw this scene. A roar of shriek was about to reach over his head and devour the dragon's breath crystal.

But can it really do what it wants? The answer is of course-no!

The sphere of Dragon's Breath crystal has been controlled by Guan Heng for a long time, and it will never be taken away by any elemental beast. He just threw the object into the air just to get closer to the fang-toothed monster. In this case, The dragon sphere crystallizes as much as you want!

"Woohoo ~ wow!" In the next second, the Elemental Beast was a bad mold, and saw the crystal of Dragon's Breath suddenly turn like a hurricane. The suction power became stronger and stronger. The beast's body is getting smaller and smaller at this time.

Because the element-eating beast itself relies on absorbing elements to make itself gradually fat and huge, this time the dragon's breath crystal has taken away most of its elemental power, and the element-eating beast has become a big fist in an instant. A small point, but the appearance is still horrible, the tusks of the teeth, the body is almost transparent, looking extremely weak.

"Borui, it's time for you to be cheap this time." Guan Heng laughed loudly at this time: "Quick, now I will teach you a way to control the invisible soul, so that you can leave your spiritual brand on this guy In the soul. "

—— [2016.8.5 The first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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