Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1552: Surrender to the Ancient Beast (fifth outbreak)

Hearing Guan Heng's inquiries, the giant tortoise said weakly: "That pass, the teleportation array ... is on my back, because the chain is blocking the appearance, so it is not obvious. If you want to use it, just step on Just go up. "

"Huh, that's the case." Guan Heng said loudly at this time: "Open your mouth, Qiyu and I will come out immediately."

When the giant tortoise opened its mouth, it also wanted to play with crooked eyes. While closing its mouth and passing its mouth, as long as it closed its upper and lower jaws like lightning, it could bite each other's body in two.

However, Guan Heng had long expected that this giant tortoise was not good, so he used Entos's broken sword to hold the giant turtle's mouth, and Guan Heng sneered and said, "If you dare to shut up suddenly, I will just shut you up His head was cut into eight pieces! "

As soon as this threatening word came out, the giant turtle suddenly frightened him into a cold war, and he had to open his mouth as far as possible to release the evil star Guan Guan.

The next moment, Guan Heng stared at the giant tortoise and asked, "You should be an ancient beast living in the sea? Why did it appear here?"

"Even if you ask me this way, I can't answer it." At this moment, the giant tortoise choked and said, "I originally lived in the vast sea area west of St. Lomplund's mainland, but suddenly one day I was caught Here comes the palace. "

"Did you get caught suddenly?" Curious Yuyu begged at this moment and asked, "Do you remember when it happened?"

"Probably, probably just a few hundred years ago."

The giant tortoise's brain was not so good. It tilted its head for a few seconds at this moment, and then said, "The man who caught me calls himself the" Master "or something. He used a huge iron chain to turn I'm **** and stuck here to guard the side hall, alas, I don't know when this day of suffering will end. "

"Well, if you want to leave here, I can consider taking you away." At this moment, Guan Heng's eyes flickered a hint of brilliance, but the giant tortoise didn't care which one, it immediately rejoiced: "Really, really? Then you take me away."

"Wait, I'm conditional."

Patting the head of Qiyu Beast around, Guan Heng smirked at the moment and said, "You swallowed us just now. I can't care about this account, but you have to show your sincerity to apologize to Qiyu Beast. Let ’s do this, contribute two-thirds of your original strength, and let it be absorbed by Rain Beast, and I will set you free again. "

"What ?! Two-thirds of the origin?" The giant tortoise snoring when he heard this, his own voice trembled: "This is too much, if the origin of the power output too much, I will be dead . "

"Well, I have this condition anyway. You love to promise or not. I don't have to take you away. You're right?"

Guan Heng looked around at his companions. Everyone was smirking, and they all said in unison: "Yes, it's too much work to carry such a big burden, let's forget it."

"Hey, hey, I have something to discuss. I promise, can I promise it?" Even if stupid, the giant tortoise can analyze it. The "freedom" thing is far more valuable than two-thirds of the original power. So this guy finally succumbed.

At the next moment, the giant tortoise slightly shook his body and transmitted a cloud of blue water mist to the rain beast, which immediately opened his mouth to swallow the giant tortoise's original power into his belly.

"Okay, now is our job." Guan Hengxi beckoned suddenly. "Maze, Ruta, follow me to the giant turtle's back."

"Oh!" The three men quickly jumped on the giant turtle's steep back like a few times, and Guan Heng this time retracted Entos's broken sword to the scabbard on his back, and then suddenly pulled out the dragon teeth. He cried, "Cut these chains off on the back of the giant tortoise!"

"Okay!" Ruta and Maze agreed in unison, each with their own blades.

Just listening to the sound of the broken chain of "嚓嚓 嚓, Dangdangdang", the hundreds of chains that tied the giant turtles fell to the ground.

There is also a huge teleportation array on the back of the giant torch, which was tied to it by a chain. Guan Heng and the other two also grabbed the object and jumped on the flat ground by the water.

"Oh!" The slate teleportation array lay flat in front of the crowd, Guan Heng took out a golden magic pet's tube, and took the giant turtle into it with a whistle, and then Guan Heng threw the magic pet's tube to Zuo Wei, He said, "When you get outside, look for a chance to release this guy, or stay with you, it's all up to you."

After hearing this, Zuo Wei slightly jaw head: "Well, I know, Brother Heng Heng."

The next moment, everyone stood on the teleportation array, and suddenly disappeared without a trace. After only a few seconds, there was another scene in front of me: the endless wide stone road, and at the end of the front, there were faintly visible four huge arches.

Guan Heng took out the map at this time and confirmed it a little. He said: "If you go straight towards the four arches, it will be the second half of the demon palace. It won't take long to reach the third side hall."

"Then let's run over like this?" As soon as Imela said this, Akin and Dorie suddenly shouted in unison, pointing at the air, "Look at it, there are a lot of things flying over that day."

Upon hearing this, everyone looked up and looked at each other closely, and it turned out that a group of "unidentified flying objects" rushed from far to near.

"Those are ... Pegasus with wings!" Guan Heng was the first to see the distant objects, and he exclaimed: "There are still many black armored knights on Pegasus, everyone Watch out. "

Upon hearing this, the rest of the companions were waiting for each other to hold their own blades.

Speaking late, at that time, in the blink of an eye, the group of black armored knights on pegasus had already landed and rushed towards Guanheng.

"Da Da Da, Da Da Da--" The rapid sound of the horseshoe slowed suddenly, and one of the black knights headed growled, "I am the chief of the death knight of the devil's palace, under the command of His Majesty Pawn, Come and kill Guan Heng and others, come over and die! "

"I think you're here to die." Borui took a step forward at this time and banged his fists. Then, he sent a cold, extremely cold breath forward: "Ice God's indifference!" "

"Oh!" The large-scale cold air in the mid-air couldn't stop panning, and suddenly became a tall giant of snow and ice. This behemoth immediately swept down from the air with his fists of ice and snow, and rushed directly to his target- The group of "Death Knights" riding dark horses!

"Huh, the ice magic is nothing!" The Grand Knight of the Death Knight suddenly raised his head and shouted, "Let this group of guys look at us, everyone!"

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.5, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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