Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1554: Giant Elephant and Beetle

"嗷 ——" This unicorn giant, who has always been rampant and grumpy, grumbles and grumbles at this time, and has to run in the direction pointed by Guan Heng.

The surrounding herds saw the unicorn giant elephant shaking its huge body and ran wild all the way. Where did he dare to step forward to stop it? In this way, Guan Heng took a few minutes to ride the unicorn giant elephant and ran to the huge arch. under.

"Stop first." Guan Heng's hand lightly patted on the head of the giant elephant. The big guy immediately stopped, for fear of being a little slower, and he had to take a fist. At this time, Guan Heng started looking up at the four arches in front of him. "Well ... what door do you want to go in?"

"Brother Guanheng, haven't you said that? Although the four arches have different paths, they all lead to the third side hall." Zuo Wei said at the moment: "Since this is the case, let's just find an arch and go in. ? "

"I think Zuo Wei makes sense." Akin looked up at the arches around her, and then said, "It doesn't seem to make any difference."

"All right, hello, the unicorn giant elephant, hurry forward." Guan Heng patted the giant elephant's head at this time, "Let's go to the arch in front of us."

"Oh ?!" Upon hearing Guan Heng's order, the unicorn giant seemed to have a chill in a sudden, it was a bit daunting, but Guan Heng's order had to be heard again, so the unicorn giant had to step forward. He strode into the arch.

Although most people were unaware of the unicorn giant elephant's response, he only noticed it. He wondered in his heart: "What's wrong with the giant elephant? Is there something behind the arch that makes it fearful? ?"

But at this moment, the unicorn giant had already run into the arch for hundreds of meters, and no abnormality was found in the horizontal position, so he relaxed his vigilance slightly and put the matter in his mind temporarily.

"Oh, da da da!" The unicorn giant's footsteps were unusually heavy, shaking the green bricks around the ground.

The rushing giant elephant flipped on four hoofs, kicked the dust, and rolled all the way forward, with a mighty momentum, like a huge salon of several tens of meters, and immediately covered the back of the unicorn giant.

"Haha, such a horrible run can only be done by unicorns." Guan Heng looked at the surrounding scenes at this time and found that the sides of the road behind the arch were unobstructed and looked a bit strange. Weird feeling, but can't say what's wrong.

Speaking late, fast then, I just heard a series of loud sounds coming from the front, and everyone on the back of the giant elephant heard this sound, and suddenly there was an unknown feeling in my heart. The horizontal roar has confirmed this premonition.

"Oops, the passage behind the arches seems to be reserved for the 'rolling stone' passage."

Guan Heng's ears and eyes were clear, and he had already seen the rolling stones rushing hundreds of meters away for the first time. The huge stone ball was comparable to the body of a unicorn giant. No wonder this big guy looked abnormal when he entered the arch. Fear, that's the root cause.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, since now when he ’s scabbing on the back of the dragon ’s teeth) Forward, Rolling Stones will take care of me. "

At this time, the unicorn giant elephant had no other method. The idea of ​​survival prompted it to be expelled. The giant elephant burst into a roar and rushed to the rolling stone 100 meters away.

"Dragon God's fighting spirit, the power of ice inflammation, and the thunder and lightning are three-in-one !!" Guan Hengyan suddenly jumped into the air, the dragon's tooth blade in his hands gathered the power of ice inflammation and thunder, crackling, "Eh ah ah— —Bingyan Lightning Dragon God Cut! "

"Hoo-oh-bang !!!!"

Guan Heng ’s most violent slash hit the Rolling Stones in an instant, and it has to be said that this is definitely a force that destroys the world. Although the Rolling Stones have weight acceleration, they are just stones after all. The egg was severely cut from the front by Bingyan Thunder and Lightning Dragon God, and suddenly shattered and scattered in the loud noise!

"Success!" Guan Heng then turned over and fell on the back of the unicorn giant. He immediately returned to the scabbard and breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, I saw the opportunity early, otherwise, we will have a big loss. . "

"Huh, we've watched this trick a lot of times, and the power has soared from time to time." Ruta said at this time: "I guess even if Penn's **** faced it, he would have to end up seriously injured. "

"My wish is to smash him with a trick." Guan Heng sneered at the same time, "I sincerely hope to quickly settle that **** thing and Cohan, and get our things back."

"You're right, I have a hunch, we will definitely be able to resolve the matter." Ruta said just now, A Jin said with a finger in front of him: "Look, have you reached the end of the passage? "

Guan Heng and everyone gathered their eyes and looked forward, and when they saw that it was not far from the other door, Guan Heng laughed at this moment: "Finally here, I believe the third side hall is not too far away. . "

At this moment, the unicorn giant elephant was so tired that he was sweating and sweating all the way out of his life. Guan Heng looked in his eyes, so he said, "The giant elephant, just slow down a bit, I do n’t want to Watching you die suddenly. "

"Howl—" In a low hiss, the unicorn giant's footsteps have slowed down a bit, if Yu Tianen was pardoned.

But at this time, a figure suddenly appeared at the exit of the other door, and the height and size were no less than the figure of a unicorn!

"Well? What the **** is that?" Borui first saw the shadow blocking the gate, and everyone looked up, and saw that it was a huge green with a "T" antenna on the head. Foot bug.

This green beetle is not weaker than a giant elephant, and its T-shaped tentacles are like a very dangerous weapon, which makes people scared at first glance.

"Well, isn't this a unicorn? How could it be so huge?" Guan Heng was shocked, too. "There are some strange things in the palace of the demon god. . "

"But no matter who is blocking Lao Tzu's way, Lao Tzu must destroy him!" Guan Heng was going to take another shot in the roar, but Borui said: "Boss, you first rest, this is just a bug, Just leave it to me. "

Speaking, Borui took a step forward on the back of the unicorn giant, and then gathered a large amount of ice crystal elements in the mid-air in front of him, forming a powerful cold vortex in a short time.

"Take the call, a hail storm!"

In the strong roar of Borui, the fist-sized rain and hail slammed into the huge unicorn that suddenly appeared. This guy suddenly suffered a lot when he was caught off guard. He could only hear "pops, pops" The sound of the stone falling was endless, and the giant unicorn immediately shook his head and fled.

—— [Second more in 2016.8.6, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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