Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1567: Break into the main hall (fifth more outbreak)

When he heard that the other party wanted him to act with Ruta, Akin couldn't help but whispered, "Ah, Ah Heng, I want to be with you ..."

Ke Heng interrupted her. At this moment, Guan Heng said in a deep voice: "Ajin, I hope you will be safe until the end. This is my last request. Do you have the heart to refuse?"

Guan Heng uttered this sentence, and there was a touch of touch on A Jin's face. She knew that the moment of separation was imminent, and she could no longer hesitate. She tried her best to help Guan Heng and Ruta find the lost property. Can help Guan Heng.

So Akin nodded and said calmly, "Well, I promise you to act with Ruta."

Her words were just on the way. Everyone had run hundreds of meters away from the gate of the palace. The rushing Guanguan saw them clearly. Here are four strong demons with different forms, which can stop everyone's way. .

The strong men, wearing heavy yellow, blue, red, and blue armor, shouted in unison: "The four guards of the Magic Palace have been waiting here for a long time!"

"Luta, don't fight in love, quickly bring Akin forward."

Guan Heng said that he suddenly sent a slash with Entos's broken sword, and fell unbiasedly at the feet of the four guards of the Magic Palace, forcing these people to take several steps back, and Ruta pulled Ajin's arm, The two men, who were swift and inexhaustible, ran out a few times.

"Roar-kill !!" The four guards of the magic palace each waved the huge mountain axe in the palms, and released the whole body of the dark realm in a violent drinking, rushing towards Guan Heng and Borui.

"Yeah! The Wrath of Fire Demon!" For a while, Borui showed his strongest fire magic, and the flame giant in the air shouted a fiery flame, "Bang!" Two heavy armored guards instantly The violent axe blocked the fire fist. On the other side, Guan Heng had already hit with the remaining two magic palace guards.

"Dangdang, bang, bang!" Entos's broken sword and two giant axes repeatedly collided in seconds, splashing countless Mars.

Guan Heng shouted at this time: "Lao Tzu came to Pang's bastard. As for you, it's just some miscellaneous dregs, let me go away-" The words fell off, Guan Hengzheng his wrists and stabbed his sword. "Dang" hit the axe in the middle, and the dragon's breath on the blade rushed forward, burning the arm of the soldier in a blink of an eye!

"Uh-huh-hhh" In the roar of pain, the armour of this heavy armored guard was burned into fly ash, and his neck was cold after a flash of cold light, and the sound of a "head" in the skull was sent by Cyclonus Blood Mist Midair!

"Next!" Guan Heng's offensive didn't stop at all, and he found the only remaining guard between the electric light and flint. The guy saw Guan Heng's menacingness, and immediately waved his axe and wrapped the wind to chop the opponent. split into two.

But in the next second, Guan Heng's figure had disappeared as if it were a ghost, and a bang appeared to the enemy's side, "Bang!" At the same time, the giant axe fell to the ground, suddenly in Huge cracks of several meters were split on the steps.

"Ugh!" Instantly, Entos broke the sword in and out of the opponent's abdomen four times, and immediately stirred the flesh inside the body of the heavy armored guard.

"Flop!" Guan Heng's corpse in front of Guan Heng slowly collapsed with unreconciled pain. At this moment, Borui's flame curse giant wave has also devoured one of the enemies, and the other guy was also burned. Scorched and dying.

"Have you on the road!" Borui turned his wrist sharply, and suddenly turned the end of the dragon's wand, "Hoo-ooh!" He sent it into the neck of the dying guy.

"Leave—" Guan Heng and Borui looked at each other and immediately rushed forward.

Just a moment ago, Ruta and Akin passed through the side corridor of the main palace of the Demon Palace in a lightning flash, heading directly towards Pan's sleeping quarter in the direction pointed by Guan Heng, but after the two had walked for a few breaths, Suddenly a dozen dark shadows appeared at the gate of the main hall.

It was a group of magical warlocks in strange costumes, yelling for the first old demons over half a year old: "Now is the time for our demon‘ enchanter ’to die for His Majesty Pang, and start—”

"Don't—" It was late, and then fast, the dozen Demon Enchanters suddenly ripped off their robes, and the upper body painted with strange mysterious runes appeared, and I saw these people roaring In his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, he couldn't stop bleeding, and the runes on his body burst into ominous alien light.

"This is ?!" Guan Heng ran the fastest. He had discovered the strangeness of the warlocks. He felt awkward in his heart. When he was trying to find a way to deal with it, the strange magic method of the Demon Enchanter had appeared in an instant. The big change, these guys roared wildly: "Take blood as a curse, sacrifices of life, the strongest enchantment, condensate-" "Boom !!"

"Eh!" With the shocking violent sound, the bodies of the dozen Demon Enchanter burst into blood mist. "Eh!" For a while, the place where these guys died A light curtain of gray.

"It's bad, it's an enchantment again!" Guan Heng looked very clear this time, and just before the moment of death, Borui, who was running behind him, suddenly uttered a roar: "Rainstorms and hail-frozen mode ! "

"Hey!" Borui's strongest ice ban curse was launched violently, sweeping the enchantment barrier that was about to form in front, even allowing the enchantment to condense in an instant.

At the same time, several other companions rushed behind them. Ma Ze struck his keel spear and flew out in an instant, which contained all his golden fighting weapons and hit the barrier of the enchantment: "Bang ! "

"嗖-唰 唰 唰-Papapa!" There were also three keel arrows that came out of the enchantment together with Ma Ze's keel spears, followed by Yimera. He stood up like an electricity and came to the enchantment, gathered his strength and shouted, "Ancient martial arts, the king of tigers will destroy the magic!"

"Roar!" A huge giant tiger virtual image gathered in Yimera's fists, and then banged heavily on the barrier of the enchantment.

"Finally it's mine—the sacred light destroyer!" Zuo Wei finally slammed the staff into the ground, then released her whole body of magic power, fused with the god-control stone on the top of the staff. One place, "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sledgehammer of light, containing Zowei's strongest power, smashed three feet in front of the barrier of the enchantment, only to hear a "crisp" sound.

Borui, Maze, Dole, Imira and Zowei, all exhausted their lives, finally won a chance for Guan Heng to rush into the main hall before this strongest realm of enchantment failed to fully condense. , These five people roared in unison at this time: "Guan Heng, go in—"

Their words came to an end, "Ka La-嘭!" The front of the enchantment shattered a gap immediately. At the time of electric light and fire, Guan Heng's figure was like a burst of air. Already entered the enchantment and reached the gate of the main palace of the magic palace.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.8, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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