Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1578: Cruel hands (first)

At that time, Akin also struggled to crawl over and handed his eyes to Ruta. The two were out of danger. Guan Heng did not know at this time. His eyes had already fallen on the black suit. Woman's face: "You ?! Aren't you the Dark Lord Wolf Queen?"

"Mr. Guan Heng, can you stop shooting Pawn now?" The Dark Lord Wolf pleaded pleadingly at this moment, and she yelled, "I, I beg you ..."

"You ... That's the case, I understand. You really are the woman who has a struggle with Pawn and his third brother, Parkinson." Guan Heng said at this time, "Your request is too much, but I can't answer it. Yes, Pawn is evil, he must—dead! "

"I know my request is too much, but please see me for letting your companion enter the enchantment, and promise me."

The face of the black devil wolf gradually lost his blood, and she said: "Mr. Guan Heng, I also know that the starburst magic stone is buried directly below the devil's palace. If you would let me and Pawn to live a life, I will immediately take these Dangerous things are transferred away with Paine, and will never appear on the land of St. Lomplon. Do you think this will work? "

Hearing this, Guan Heng's eyes flickered for a moment, and he glanced again at the cage, like a walking dead Pawn, and finally nodded: "Well, I will give you this opportunity and hurry up all Starburst Demon Stone and Paine move away! "

Because the power of the starburst magic stone is too horrible, Guan Heng really does not want this dangerous thing to appear in any corner of St. Lompland. Since the Dark Lord Wolf promised to dispose of these things, Guan Heng will also She made a benevolent relationship and asked her to take away both Pawn and the Starburst Demon Stone, but just in case, Guan Heng quietly made a small unknown action.

At this moment, Guan Heng said to all his partners, "Let's go, Borui, hurry up and use the teleportation spell to bring us back to the teleportation array."

When everything was ready, Guan Heng turned his head and said to the Dark Lord Wolf Queen: "I hope you can keep your promise and don't let Paine return to St. Lompland again, otherwise you will regret it."

Guan Heng's voice didn't fall, and he and the crowd disappeared. At this time, the pale-faced Dark Lord Wolf queen glanced at Pawn in the cage, and she smiled bitterly: "This time, We can finally be together forever. "

At the next moment, the Dark Lord Wolf chanted a strange mantra slowly, and a huge black hole appeared on top of her head. The Dark Lord Wolf muttered to herself: "That space is located in Saint LP An unknown area in the middle of Lun and the Demon Domain, Pawn, we can ... uh ?! "

Before she said this, the Queen of the Black Devil suddenly felt a cold heart, and a hand that protruded through the gap in the cage fence had already grasped her heart and pulled out the body.

"Ehhhhhh!" The Dark Lord Wolf screamed screamingly, and she turned her head to look at Pawn in the cage: "You ... why?"

"Huh, stupid woman, you've been fainted by love!" At this moment, Pawn, who was able to sneak attack, glanced at the red heart in the palm, and threw it into the corner of the cage, just like throwing a dirty Like garbage.

"Do you know? I didn't really like you from beginning to end." Pawn said with a smile: "But I still want to thank you, because your woman's stupidity, Guan Heng was willing to save my life, but he I would never have thought that I would rather go to perish with the land of St. Lomplon, than run away like that! "

"Pawn, you too ..." Tears kept streaming out of the Dark Lord Wolf's eyes, and she cried aloud, "Why? Why wouldn't you let go?"

"Huff ..." With emotion, the poor woman spit another blood, while Pawn yelled at the cage fence with both hands at this time: "Because I'm not willing, I will never take what is coming Let it be, let's wait, I will rush out of this broken cage and regain the **** of St. Lomplon! "

"I was wrong, I always thought I could touch you, but now ... I just realized how outrageous I was!"

As soon as this sentence came out, there was a resolute meaning in the eyes of the black devil wolf queen: "Since you are not willing to leave with me, then I have to ... destroy it with you!"

Speaking late, then, soon, the critically injured black devil wolf queen suddenly raised her head and shouted, "Oh, magic palace, let me enter another space with me!"

"Wow!" The four corners of the huge and infinite demon palace southeast and northwest flashed strange lights, and then four huge beams of light popped up. Then, the huge black hole in the huge space above the black devil wolf's head suddenly became powerful. The inexhaustible suction instantly brought the entire palace of the demon **** into a different space.

"Abominable, smelly woman, are you crazy ?!" Pann shook her frantically at the iron cage fence and said, "What on earth do you want to do?"

"Hehehehe, when I was in the abyss of the Demon Realm, I met Guan Heng. He said that you might be defeated, and asked me to hurry up to meet you for the last time."

Slowly speaking this sentence, the black devil wolf queen gasping with wounds on her body said, "But when I came here, I found that Cohan had buried all the starburst magic stones in the ground of the magic palace. At that moment, I In order to prevent accidents, space transfer arrays have been set up in the four corners of the demon palace! "

"It turns out my anxiety is right, Paine ... You are too vicious, in order to keep my promise to Guan Heng, to take you away from the mainland of St. Lomplon, and also for ... and my favorite Men are always together ... "

The black queen wolf queen laughed at the corner of her mouth. She said, "Let's go in this space together!"


"Bang!" Between the electric light and flint, the black devil wolf yelled. She exhausted her entire body of magical power and slammed it on the ground with a slap, only to hear a "click" sound and began to crack, and then, Countless "starburst magic stones" buried under the magic palace appeared in front of the two.

"No no no-don't do this, I promised to go away and fly high with you, stop now! Stop now!" At this moment, the shadow of death completely covered Pawn's mind, he was already anxious: "You can't do this, I am the Lord of the Abyss, I am the King of the Demons! Let me go out, I and I promise to be with you ... as long as you are willing to stop ... I beg you ... "

"Pann, do you think it's still useful to say these things now? Just now, you have pulled my heart that loves you out of your body and thrown it away like garbage." The Dark Lord Wolf finished this sentence Then, slowly put out an index finger, "Oh!" A small flame slowly lingered on the fingertips.

—— [2016.8.11 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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