Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1580: Thank you (third)

Although there were only a few words on the paper, after everyone passed them on, their faces invariably appeared bright and glorious, all with slightly jaw heads.

"Dear friends, I can only leave you with a limited amount, but I sincerely wish you all the best to live on the continent of St. Lomplon." At this moment, Guan Hengyang said: "Remember Hold on to what I say, good luck will always belong to you! "

"Oh-oh ---" At this exciting and slightly sad time, eight fists slammed together, and it said that although everyone in the scene would be in the future, there must be one side to the other, goodbye. , But the solid friendship of solid flutter, has already sprouted in the hearts of everyone, and thrive.

At this moment, the youngest Dorie and Zuo Wei thought to himself: "Brother Guan Heng, I will never forget how much this month has made for my life!"

"Guan Heng, you are really one of the best opponents and comrades. It is my glory and fortune to fight with you in this life." Ma Ze stroking the lance of the keel spear at this time, could not help feeling mixed: "I will always You will not forget that it was you and everyone who gave me the opportunity to regenerate my former sinner! "

"Brother Guan Heng ... if it weren't for your rescue in Saiting City, I would have been dead." Imela muttered in her heart: "I wish you and Ruta can safely return to Ashton."

"Boss, I'm really happy to fight with you until the last minute." Borui's eyes flashed at this moment, he whispered to himself: "Although you are about to leave, but your friendship towards me, Will last forever in my heart! "


At the same time, the guardian elf Dovre hurrying in the air at the entrance of an unknown small village on the mainland of St. Lomplund, her mouth shouted: "I am a god, a demon god. Appeared, he must have defeated the demon Lord Pawn, and is heading here. "

"Well, that's good. A dragon **** is with me. I think Guan Heng will return without incident." After listening to the elf's words, the human **** nodded slightly, and then said to the demon **** beside him in good faith. : "Are you ready for Guan Heng's translated gold leaf notes?"

"Here it is." The devil shook the gold leaf notes in his hand. He said, "I have compiled all our translations, and recorded them in the blank spaces of the notes. Oh, right ..." said the devil. When I got here, I suddenly pointed at the vision in the air: "Look, the black hole in the space tunnel appears, it seems earlier than expected."

At this moment, Doffer said with a tense expression on his face, "Oops, oops, oops, it hasn't arrived yet! In case this space tunnel suddenly closes ..."

"Hey ?!" Speaking of this, Dovre's tone suddenly whispered, and she whispered suddenly: "In that case, Guan Heng can't go away, you can always play with me, travel with me ... This is not Is it better ?! "

"Hey, elf, you ca n’t be too selfish." At this moment, the **** shook his head with a smile: "Do n’t forget, Guan Heng is not originally in the world of our land of St. Lomplun, he still wants Embark on a journey to find the fate of the fiancée, even if you ca n’t bear Guan Heng, we all have to respect his choice. "

"Gee-hee-God is really annoying!" Upon hearing this, Dovre made her face grimace at the gods. Although she knew that the other party was telling the truth, it was still difficult to accept. After all, Some were reluctant to leave.

At this moment, the black hole tunnel in mid-air expands in a circle, and then, a behemoth suddenly flew in the northwest sky, which is the Stone Demon Fortress that Guanheng took on.

"Boom--" The stone monster fortress slammed into the ground instantly, saying that it was late, and at that time, Doffer was carrying a multi-headed Basilisk, Yabu, and some people around him, including Eding in Schlescher County. Selach, Ting Si, brothers and sisters, and others, hurrah all rushed to the gate of the fortress, and the eight of them hurled off and ran out at this time.

"Everyone is here?" Guan Heng said loudly at this time: "Ruta and I are about to leave here. Here, I would like to thank you for your care. Goodbye, my friends--"

"Oh oh okay-go all the way, our great hero of St. Lomplun!" Everyone cheered in unison: "Your name and merit will be passed on forever in our world!"

"Guan Heng—Woo Hum—" Doffer suddenly became a normal figure at this time, and stretched her arms around Guan Heng in front of her. She whimpered, "I can't bear you ..."

"I'm sorry, Dovre." Guan Heng stroked the other's head and smiled helplessly. "This time I really want to leave, now, let me and the gods say a few words."

"Well ... that's okay." Doffer knew that it wasn't time to be coquettish, and had to frown, and retreated with a reluctant flat mouth.

At this time, Guan Heng had come to the **** of man and the demon. He first took out the soul of the evil thoughts to the demon: "Hey, these are the two avatars I promised you to take back. The evil consciousness inside has been strong. The erasure of power has left only pure energy, and once you absorb it, you will become a complete demon again. "

After receiving the soul stone, the demon said gratefully: "Thank you, Guan Heng, you are a good friend who keeps your promise."

"Hey, Guan Heng, are you leaving now?" Suddenly, the spirit of the dragon **** Ganeso appeared in front of everyone, and he said with a smile: "It's a pleasure to work with you along the way, I I will miss this short but meaningful time. "

"Ganesha, I have something for you before I leave."

Guan Heng spread his palms, and the sphere of Dragon's Breath crystal suddenly floated out. He then said: "I hope you can refine this Dragon Breath by yourself. In this case, you will be a dragon **** with dual attributes of light and darkness. Meet each other. You have repeatedly used the power of the Dragon God to help me escape from danger and defeat the enemy. Please accept this small gift. "

"Guan Heng ... did you leave such precious things to me ?!"

After listening to Guan Heng's words, Ganesha was holding back for a while, but Guan Heng said, "Come on, my friend, this is a testimony of friendship, and also an opportunity for you to rebuild the dragon family in the mainland of St. Lomplon. I hope you can get along well with other races, and that is my last wish. "

"Thank you, Guan Heng."

The dragon **** Ganesha solemnly held the sphere of the dragon's breath crystal, and he said loudly, "If you say, I will always remember it in my heart, and I hope to live in the entire continent of St. Lomplon for peace, because of this hope It is the result that you and your companions have brought to us after hard work! "

—— [2016.8.11 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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