Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1589: Break into search

"Is it? I'll try ..." Landi didn't seem to believe what the Monkey King was saying, but he had just walked less than three and a half steps before he heard a soft bang. The invisible power blocks back!

"Eh ?! What's going on?" Brother Lan rubbed his hurting head, and a faint expression appeared on his face. At this moment Guan horizontally patted his shoulder and said, "Okay, you go away first, Let me try it. "

"Hoo--bang!" Suddenly, Guan Heng raised his hand in the air in front of him, and he clearly felt that his hand was hitting a hard wall.

"Uh, this is useless." Ape Demon King Tale shook his head slowly at the moment and said, "I've tried this with my fist, but it was just a waste of effort, and I couldn't break the invisible barrier in front of me."

"Hey, maybe that's because you didn't use your energy to the right place."

"锵 ——" In an instant, Guan Heng pulled out the dragon's tooth blade on his back. Although this weapon is not attached to the dragon soul, it is also abnormally sharp. Only the sound of "撕" that tears the air is heard. Guan Heng waved his knife and passed out a creaking flare.

Suddenly, a series of screams of screams emerged from the invisible barrier around the entrance of the cave: "叽叽 叽-" as if something had been in great pain.

"That's it, bastard!" Guan Hengxi yelled suddenly: "Don't you dare to blame here, get out of Lao Tzu—"

As soon as this word came out, the top of the rock wall in front of everyone suddenly turned into a black wind. The ape king and Xiaobai saw that there was something unknown in the wind, and they were frantically trying to flee to the martyr when everyone came.

"Hum, swallow the beasts, catch them for me!" In the low roar, the ghost of swallowing beasts came out of the back of his hand in an instant, and flew straight to the escaping black wind. The mysterious thing had been swallowed by the ghost's hand, and in a blink of an eye, the ghost swallowed it to Guan Heng.

"Huh? What the **** is this ?!" At this moment, Guan Heng stared at the beast soul in the mouth of the ghost and was a little silly. I saw the giant rhino's head with a pair of wide wings of raptors. A python-like tail.

"Oh, maybe three incomplete beast souls accidentally merged with each other before they became this pair. Grab it first and then talk about it." Speaking of time, then quickly, and make up your mind. Swallowing ghosts and monsters to break the evil pupil immediately swept past, turning the other side into a soul stone.

At this moment, Guan Heng took hold of this soul stone and searched the memory carefully, which confirmed his speculation just now. It turned out that the three incomplete souls of Warcraft were really fused together, which gave birth to a new one. Beast soul.

And this fused beast soul also produced a new ability: to create a barrier to dissolve external forces, so the ape demon king Tale did his best to break through the barrier.

After understanding the situation clearly, Guan Hengheng took a step forward, and sure enough, the invisible barriers blocking his footsteps had disappeared.

"Ape King, there is nothing blocking us now." At this time, Guan Heng turned his head and said to Tale behind him, "How about, would you like to go in with us?"

Upon hearing this, the ape demon king shook his hand and said, "I don't have to, because in front of me is the ancestral tomb of my old friend, and I am not convenient to go in."

"Master, my feet are a little bit sour, so I won't accompany you in." At this time, Xiaobai was afraid of those invisible beast souls, so he said something defensive and shrank behind the ape king. She Whispering: "Hey, I'll just stand here with Uncle Talie for a while."

"If Xiaobai doesn't go in, then I won't go in either." Brother Lan said at this time: "I want to protect her here."

"Well, aren't you two timid?" Guan Heng shook his head helplessly, but Merty said with a smile: "Brother, I go in with you, isn't it just a beast?" Is it a tomb? It's nothing terrible. "

"Hahaha, or Merty is amazing." Guan Heng pouted at Xiaobai Landi: "Well, cowards, see you soon."

After saying two jokes about each other, Guan Heng took Merty and drilled into the grave cave of the giant rhinoceros. The two walked inside without hundreds of steps, and they suddenly opened their eyes.

At this moment, Guan Heng was in a huge natural cave. The bones of Rhino Warcraft were everywhere, and there were many beast souls of large and small sizes floating in the air. Do n’t say that Guan Heng can see clearly, Mel. Tee's eyes can also observe how the other party is hovering and dancing.

"Try your best to keep your footsteps light, don't startle these beast souls that are here to sleep." Guan Heng walked forward while whispering to Mertie next to him: "As long as we don't entangle with them, we can come and go become free."

Upon hearing this, Merty nodded slightly, and then asked softly, "Brother, is there any trace of the Astralis?"

"Well ... it seems not, because the core spar did not show any response in this place."

Guan Heng said here, just before this Merty turned and left, but suddenly found a dark shadow on the platform at the end of the cave, this black shadow seems to have long been on the two Guan Heng who came in.

As soon as Guan Heng found it, the dark shadow suddenly made a thrilling roar, and then rushed towards the two people who were about to leave. Guan Heng immediately snarled: "Be careful, this guy is here ! "

Speaking slowly, at that time, Merty gave a soft whistle, and a thick thorny rattan suddenly emerged a few meters in front of him, and a "thorny rattan shield" gathered in the sound of the "snoring" rushing dance.

"Bang!" After the dark shadow hit the vine shield, it was only a slight top, and it hit the object in a short time!

"What ?!" Merty was shocked when she saw this, and in the next second, Guan Heng yelled and slashed the dragon's tooth blade in his palm, sending out a slash to quickly pass the shadow. The pinch was just right, and immediately after Hei Ying's move, he uttered a scream of pain, screaming and walking away in the air.

"Where to go ?! Leave me—" At this moment, Guan Heng didn't allow the other party to run away. He immediately released the ghost and beast to capture the dark shadow for a living. At this time, he looked carefully, and it turned out to be a huge black Rhinoceros World of Warcraft, Guan Heng politely turned it into a beast soul stone.

Taking the soul stone in his hand and searching for it, Guan Heng suddenly found that the black rhinoceros soul even possessed the memory of several advanced talents and supernatural powers of the Rhino. He suddenly smiled: "Hehe, this is really a coincidence, the ape demon said The juniors of the three ethnic groups have not been able to comprehend the magical powers by themselves, and they just gave this soul stone to those guys, and it was good for them to be smooth. "

Guan Heng thought of this, immediately holding the soul stone in his arms, and then took Merty out of this rhino tomb hole.

—— [2016.8.13 The second change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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