Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1593: Shrine visit (first)

"What ?! It's near Weier's house?" Guan Heng asked strangely at this moment: "How can I be there?"

"That's it. As a vassal protagonist of Her Majesty the Light God Darakund, our Dragon clan has a very good relationship with Her Majesty Weier, and Miss Weier's personal relationship with the patriarch is also very good."

Kufa exclaimed at the moment: "Because the position of the hanging dragon tomb often changed in the past, it was very inconvenient, so Ms. Dalavier asked the patriarch to move the dragon tomb near her own palace, so that the two sides would also be convenient for walking and chatting with each other. of."

"It turned out to be this way, Dalavier is really a lively and likes a lively temperament, so, she should be with Ruta at the moment, let's go and see Weier." Guan Heng smiled at Xiaobai at this moment: "Don't you keep clamoring for a walk around Jingu? Now is a good opportunity."

"Great, Master, you're the best." Xiaobai shouted excitedly at this moment: "Let's go to the shrine, did you hear that, Brother Lan?"

After listening to Xiaobai's last sentence, Landi asked with a slobber: "There must be a lot of delicious food in Jingu? Then you can eat and drink this time."

"Well, you two children, one is delicious, the other is fun, it's really easy to pass." Speaking of this, Guan Heng looked at Mertie with a smile again: "You have to look at them well, don't Let these two mess up. "

"Relax, brother." Merty replied with a smile: "Your orders, I will remember it in my heart." After hearing this, Guan Yo smiled suddenly: "I knew I could take these naughty monkeys Entrusted to you, after all, you are much more stable now, even if ... "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng left the rest of his words in his stomach, but what he meant was obvious, that is, even if he left Ashton mainland two days later, he could rest assured.

Merty is smart and snowy, and has long guessed the meaning of Guan Heng. Although she is very reluctant, she can't tell the truth, because it is only a sorrow. It is better to spend the rest of the time happily together. And leave some more fond memories.

Nothing along the way, Bone Dragon Kufa has flown to the gods of the five gods in a short time. At this moment, a team of gold armored soldiers riding bi-winged pegasus ran across the air. Priests.

"Hey, where does the undead evil bone dragon come from? You dare to wander near the shrine. Do you want to find death?" The priest shouted loudly, "Not ready to roll yet ..."

"Hey, Cooper, if you are so angry all day, be careful of aphthous ulcers." Guan Heng smiled on the back of Bone Dragon with a leisurely smile: "Don't you even know me?"

"Eh? Guan, Guan Heng ..." The leader of the team was Cobo, the great prince. After seeing Guan Heng, he grinned suddenly and said, "Okay, only you can think of a bone dragon as a mount."

At this point, Cooper waved at the amazing soldiers behind him: "All patrol Lao Tzu far away, I want to chat with old friends to tell a narrative." The group of soldiers saw unsmilingly on weekdays. The great priest is a bit abnormal, who dares to say a few words, so he runs away like a smoke.

Guan Heng patted the head of the dragon Kufa at this time, and then laughed at the great **** official Kubo: "I, the dragon brother Kufa, is a great hero of a different world. Even His Majesty the Five Gods praised it. In the future, do n’t say what evil creature it is, otherwise do n’t blame me for turning my face. ”

"Hahaha, okay, it's my fault. Now I apologize to you and the Kufa brothers." Although he heard Joan Heng's words as a joke, he didn't care, he said, "Are you guys here today? If you found Her Majesty Drakend, you should know that he has stayed in the Temple of the Sun recently ... "

"No, no, no, I brought my siblings to visit Ruta and Weier today." Guan Heng interrupted Cooper's words with a smile, and said, "Then I will go to the hanging dragon tomb for serious business. "

"Ah? Are you here to visit Miss Weier?" Hearing Guan Heng's remarks, a strange weird color suddenly appeared on Cooper's face, and he said with a bitter smile: "It's right time, Miss Weier is now in the palace and Mr. Ruta is awkward. "

"You mean, the two of them quarreled ?!" Guan Heng had already brought Xiaobai, Landi and Merty behind him, and Bone Dragon Kuffa along with the great priest through the temple corridor to the Goddess of Darkness. Near Dalavier's palace, he asked at this time: "Cooper, what's going on?"

"Hehehe, it's just a common quarrel between the couple." Cooper said quietly to Guan Heng at this time: "It seems that because of the preparations for the wedding, the opinions of the two parties suddenly diverged, and they quarreled. You know Miss Weier's temper, and she is stubborn and doesn't listen to explanations, so Ruta looks very difficult ... "

"Oh, then we have to go in and have a look." Guan Heng said to Bone Dragon Kuffa. "You wait for a while at the door. After I have seen the Dark Goddess and Ruta, let's go to the Dragon Tomb."

"Well, then I'll take a nap here." Kufa said as he snored at the door of the palace, and the unruly and rude sleeping face saw the great prince Cooper rolling his eyes: "This guy is real You're welcome, hey, the dragons are all virtues. "

At this time, Guan Heng asked, "Cooper, will you go in with us?"

"Me? Let's forget it!" Courbet waved his hands after hearing the words, and said with a bitter smile: "It's almost up in the air, I don't want to go in and be beaten."

After saying this, the Great God official ran away without turning back. He cried as he ran, "Guan Heng, the matter of persuasion will be left to you, I believe you can do it."

"Hey ..." Guan Heng shook his head at this time and said to Merty and Xiaobai, "This Cooper, it's really a nuisance to throw at me, it's nothing!"

"Hahaha, lord, let's go in." Xiaobai went to the dormitory honestly at this moment. The guard at the door saw that the pedestrian was brought by the great priest Kubo, and he didn't stop them. Released.

At this moment, the dark goddess was pouting and sulking in Dalavier's palace, "Well, Rutta, why don't you go with my heart? This is a wedding event, you should have listened more The woman's opinion, Ruta ... big idiot! "

"Hmm--" There was a sudden knock outside the door, and Dalavier thought about it, and threw it at the pillow on the bed: "Roll, I don't see anyone now!"

"Slap!" The man at the door quickly caught the pillow, and then smiled and said, "Sister Weier ... brother, I will come to see you!"

"Yeah, Guan Heng." She thought that it was a maid-servant standing at the door, but she did not expect to hit Guan Heng. Dalavier's face turned red, and she said a little embarrassedly: " Sorry, sorry ... I didn't mean it ... "

—— [2016.8.14 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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