Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1619: Soul wears antiquity (first)

As for the space-time area to go to, the anti-horoscope has helped Guan Heng calculate, it is a parallel world of the ancient east, Guan Heng spread his palm at this time, he whispered: "Fortunately, although I am now There is only a soul form, but it does not affect the ability to use the "beautiful bead". "

Existing Wenzhu is Guan Heng's last killer besides swallowing beasts. This ability is to extract a large amount of knowledge and memory in the brain, and then condensed a "wenzhu" that can be embedded in keywords, and then let the Wenzhu who owns the keywords Become "Reality".

For example, the word "Wind" is inside the beads. After crushing the beads, the power of the wind erupts, and the combination of multiple keyed beads makes the power even stronger, just like two beads. It is the word "hurricane" and "wind", then the normal wind is not released, but a strong hurricane.

However, the more powerful keywords, the more difficult it is to embed them in Wenzhu, because it will consume the inestimable "knowledge memory", the sequelae are very serious, and then it will cause severe headaches and become an idiot without memory. .

Therefore, Guan Heng has not been easy to use the ability of "with existing Wenzhu", but now, Guan Heng, who has taken the strange fruit, has almost hundreds of times more memory than others. He only needs to keep learning new knowledge and keep it in his mind. , We can barely create a new present Wenzhu.

"What is going on now is the extraordinary" space-time traversal ", so the power of the present Wenzhu must be used."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng quickly extracted all the knowledge and memories in his brain. Even if he was only a soul body, he felt a terrible headache. Guan Hengqiang snarled and said, "Ehhhhhhhhhhhh. Ning !!! "

"唰 唰 唰 ——" I saw a flash of different light, and Guan Heng's palm instantly appeared with several embossed beads, which had been embedded with keywords: "Transition of Time and Space, Ancient Eastern World, XXXX BC. "

This is the space-time position Guan Guan is about to go to. Eighteen characters and eighteen embossed beads. Guan Heng gathered so many embroidered beads for the first time. In an instant, all the knowledge he had learned in his mind, It was almost completely removed, and the whole soul body was attacked by Guan Heng, which almost made him instantly collapse.

"Heng Heng——" Cheng Ying and sister-in-law next to each other yelled at the scene: "How are you?"

"I'm okay. Finally, I have learned enough before, and I can barely gather eighteen embossed beads."

Guan Heng panted at this time and said, "Hurry! I'm going to start, swallow the ghost and enter the crystal coffin!" The voice didn't fall, and the ghost swallow beside Guan Heng suddenly shook his head and turned into a lump of light. Penetrated into the dark crystal coffin.

At the same time, Guan Heng smiled slightly at sister-in-law and Chengying: "Two, I'm gone, we will have a period later!"

As soon as the words came out, Guan Heng's soul floated into the crystal coffin. The eighteen embossed beads shone with the embedded words, and fell lightly on the lid of the coffin.

"Guan Heng, goodbye." At this moment, Cheng Ying screamed with tears in his eyes, and immediately threw his hand and threw the crystal coffin into the "well of time" in front of him, only to see the dark crystal coffin fall As soon as the vortex of space and time in the well entered, the eighteen pieces of present beads on the lid of the black crystal coffin were smashed on the spot, and then the coffin disappeared.


I don't know how long it took, only the soul body in the coffin remained, waking up from a daze, he looked at the black coffin girl lying beside him, and the fat boss Shu Shu gave him "Soul Record Book", in addition to the light group swallowing ghosts and beasts, these are the only ones to accompany themselves.

"I don't know where the crystal coffin has fallen now. Hurry up and see." At this moment, Guan Heng greeted, "Hey, swallow the beast, go out with me."

Hearing this, the ghost swallowed the light and moved, and together with Guan Heng, the cover of the dark crystal coffin floated out. As soon as it came out, the strong glare of the sun had swept across Guan Heng's soul. .

"Uh ... too glare, this sunlight makes me uncomfortable." Guan Heng's soul shrank back at this time, he smiled bitterly and said: "I have forgotten that I only have the soul, Sunshine told me it didn't seem to be a good thing. "

In his own words, Guan Heng raised his eyes and looked at the surroundings. He found that here was a dense forest of ancient trees. The dark crystal coffin was reclining on a soft lawn.

I saw the trees and leaves covering the sky, and the forest was gloomy, and I could not see dozens of steps. Quietly around, I heard a few bird calls, and it was extremely quiet.

After looking at it for a long time, Guan Heng secretly said, "The most important thing now is to help me find a flesh skin that I can freely control. I need to guard the crystal coffin here, so I have to send a ghost to do it."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng said to the devouring beast that had turned from light group to his original form, "You can look around and see if you can find a usable skin bag for me."

"Oh." Hearing Guan Heng's order, the slightly swallowed ghost swallowed a roar, then turned around and ran towards the dense forest.

"Well, how can it be so easy to find the right skin pack in this old mountain forest ..." Guan Heng shook his head at this time and muttered: "Maybe a long time after that, I want to use the current body The form is active. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng slowly sat next to the crystal coffin, and he said to himself: "Now that I have lost my original body, I cannot swallow the ghost and beast into the previous tattoo, and I obviously feel that its power has changed. It ’s a lot weaker, and I do n’t know my soul-melting technique, and whether the power of the evil spirit of swallowing ghosts and beasts can be used ... ”

Just as Guan Heng lowered his head in thought, a terrifying roar suddenly heard from the end of the woods: "Oh!"

"Well? This is not the roar of swallowing ghosts, this is ... Tiger Xiao!" At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly felt uncomfortable, he felt that there was some danger in swallowing the ghosts.

Guan Heng looked back at the black crystal coffin that was tightly covered, and whispered, "Sorry, Qing Huang, I'll leave for a while, and come back immediately."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, Guan Heng's soul flew into the air suddenly, soaring towards the place where the tiger howling sounded in the distance.

In fact, that place is not too far away, at a distance of more than a thousand meters. When Guan Heng flew by, he had already seen the scene there.

It was an area overgrown with Artemisia spp. In the forest, and the roar of ghostly swallowing beasts roared repeatedly, and they attacked four monsters with black and yellow stripes, but Guan Heng expected nothing wrong. After coming to this world, swallowing the ghost The power of the beast has greatly diminished.

—— [2016.8.19 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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