Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1636: Snowy bow (third more)

However, Guan Heng shook his hands in front of him for a long time, and the strong man suddenly blessed himself. He suddenly understood the meaning of Guan Heng. He said that it was late and fast, and he only heard a series of bangs— 嗤, 嘣, 嘣, 嘣The dozen or so rough old vines that Guan Heng tied to the strong man broke off every inch.

"Huh ?! What do you want to do?" Guan Heng was suddenly shocked when he saw the scene. He "stepped up" and took a few steps back, yanking the bronze sword around his waist. At the same time, he suddenly heard the warning sign. Swallowing the ghost tiger is also Huo's standing figure, staring at the brave man with an eye for fear, the other side will not hurt others.

But to the surprise of Guan Heng and the devouring tiger, the brave man didn't bother to hurt them at all, but turned around and rushed out of the cave.

Guan Heng was relieved: "Huh, this silly big man just wants to run away, hum, let's go. This is a crazy black bully. My strength is too different from him. Do n’t do it. ”

At this moment, Guan Heng had already retreated to the corner of the cave, hoeing to the ground, his heel suddenly hit a hidden thing in the straw.


"Oh, it hurts, what the **** is this?" Guan Heng rubbed his aching foot, lowered his head and reached for it: "I want to see what you are ... uh ?! It's heavy !! Let ’s say there are hundreds of pounds. This is ... ”

At this moment, Guan Heng was barely holding one hand in his hand, and it turned out to be a strangely shaped long bow. The whole body of the bow was ice-blue, and the ends of the bows were carved with strange beast heads, like Long Fei. Long Sheng has a single horn, as if it were two evil spirits.

The dark bowstring was made of three unknown animal tendons. Guan Heng gently pulled with his fingers, and immediately "snapped", it was obviously tough and abnormal.

"Good bow !!" Guan Heng stared at the stars on the back of the bow, looking like snowflakes, and couldn't help praising: "It's the first time I've seen such a beautiful long bow, it's so beautiful--"

"咚咚咚-咚咚咚-" At this time, there was an unusually heavy footstep outside the savage cave. Guan Heng and the devouring tigers around him heard this sound for a moment. "What is this?" What happened? "

"Go out and see." Guan Heng then shoved the ice crystal blue bow back under the straw, and one person and one tiger quickly rushed out of the cave. When Guan Heng saw the scene in front of him, he suddenly burst into tears: "You Guy ... "

It turned out that the mad man broke free from the shackles of rough vines and ran out of the cave and went back again, and when this guy ran back with a big stride, he still carried a thick mountain pig weighing hundreds of pounds on his shoulder.

"噗通 ——" At this moment, the strong man threw the hog in front of Guan Heng, then squatted on the ground, and looked at the other with a crooked head.

"It turned out that you didn't run away just now, but you went hunting ..." Guan Heng looked at the huge boar with his shoulders at this moment, but just smiled bitterly: "It's really hungry and crazy, such a big head is enough to kill you."

But Guan Heng's most worried thing didn't happen. The strong man didn't frantically hurt himself and swallow the ghost at this time, so he felt a little relieved.

At this moment, the swallowing tiger slowly approached the huge boar in front of it, and it seemed that he was very interested in the east and the west. Guan Heng whispered at this moment: "Why? You're not even full?"

"Grumbling ..." At this moment, Guan Heng's stomach was also a thunderous sound, so Guan Heng lifted a thick branch near his feet, and then shouted to the strong man: "Hey, I want to eat as soon as possible Barbecue, go find this kind of branch to light a fire right away, hurry up, the more the better. "

This time Guan Heng's meaning was simple and clear. The strong man immediately realized that this guy grinned and turned and ran away. In a blink of an eye, he took back a whole uprooted dead tree!

"Cracking, crackling ..." After a while, the boars roasted by the huge bonfire finally began to spread the rich aroma, and the madmen and devouring tigers squatting next to each other continued to swallow saliva.

Guan Heng looked at them in the eyes, and only felt secretly funny: "The lunatic has been eating raw meat, and it is understandable to see my barbecue gangster, but the guy who swallowed the ghost was only a meatless one. Beast spirit, I'm totally used to feeding my mouth with barbecue meat these days. "

Seeing the appearance of those two guys seemed a bit unbearable, Guan Heng had to use a bronze short blade to wave it off first, cut off two large pieces of cooked meat, and threw them to the devouring tiger and the crazy man. , These two guys have been busy in the past, not afraid of hot mouth, opened their mouths and chewed.

"It's nothing special." Guan Heng looked at the rudeness of these two guys, and finally burst out a swear word: "You two have been careful to eat too much and swell your stomach, just like you have never seen meat in your life!"

Even so, Guan Heng himself felt hunger unbearable, so he reached out and cut off the fattest barbecue.


Although a big boar was plump, it couldn't stand the two big-belly rice barrels of lunatic and brave man, swallowing ghosts and tigers, and Guan Heng's fierce eating, and it was finally "eliminated" by two thirds. At this time, the two A tiger can't stand it, it is already unable to stand.

"Huh ... you're full, now it's time to sleepy." Guan Heng glanced at the madman at this moment, who, after eating, lay down beside the campfire and whistled and fell asleep. Thunder.

The swallowing ghost tiger also lay down lying at the cave entrance, and the tiger's body fell into a dream together.

"Hey, it looks like that crazy man has become fascinated with my barbecue skills, and it will definitely not hurt me." Guan Heng beckoned in the air at this time: "But just in case, hey, stare at me With this guy, I'm going to bed first. "

After instructing the ghost who wandered around in the air, Guan Heng turned into the cave and lay down in the straw pile. He patted the crystal coffin that was properly stored next to him, and grabbed the ice crystal blue bow to look at it. He got up: "Well, what's the name of this bow? With that, the pattern on the back of the bow resembles ice crystal snowflakes. I'll call you ... 'Snow bow' is fine ..."

Speaking of which, Guan Heng's eyelids have begun to fight. This day's fierce fighting is really too tired, and he also damaged his arm. Guan Heng can't help but "sleep" and sleep, this sleep, I don't know how long it took.

"噌 噌 噌 —— 唰 唰 唰 ——" Under the cover of night, nearly a hundred weird dark shadows suddenly appeared in the silent canyon. These guys rushed silently and silently, and touched in a blink of an eye. In the daytime, the place where the long-haired man and the leader of the three monsters fight fiercely.

"Mumbling, mumbling, mumbling ..." The black shadows, led by the low-pitched voice, jumped to the gray-haired fierce orangutan who died under the strong man's fist, and couldn't help letting out a sad voice: " Oooooooooh-- "

But this voice, not big or small, did not wake up the swallowing tiger, long-haired man, and Guan Heng, but it alarmed the big miser who was wandering in the mid-air nearby.

At this moment, instead of rushing to attack each other, Dasao Gui secretly notified Guan Heng, who was sleeping in the cave.

—— [2016.8.22 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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