Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1639: Three ancient countries (first)

At this time, the head of the village, Feng Lao, and A Ju, who embraced his only son Chenger, hurried over and said in unison: "Benefactor, you are finally back."

Since Chenger ran back to the village alone last night, the two men have been worried about the safety of Guan Heng, for fear that the life-saving benefactor will encounter something unexpected. At this time, seeing Guan Heng returning in peace, Feng Lao and A Ju were only loose. Breathed.

At this time, Guan Heng reiterated the identity of the Ago he made up, but he did not say that the strong man Ago was the lunatic who lived in the savage in the canyon, because that would scare the whole village to a half.

At this moment, Guan Heng let the devouring tiger carry the crystal coffin with Ago to rest in the guest room in the village. Ago had already eaten off Guan Heng's barbecue on the road, and it was his usual style to sleep when he was full. After the room was sleeping, it was noisy.

The Swallow Ghost Tiger lay down outside the guest room with his eyes closed, Guan Heng saw that the two of them were okay, and entered the village chief's room. He decided to ask the elder some more information before leaving.

During the conversation, Guan Heng asked why there were a lot of monsters in the deep mountains and dense forests. Feng Lao said that he was not very clear, but the days when the monsters appeared and raged everywhere, probably started more than ten years ago. .

At that time, the three ancient kingdoms—Taotang Ancient Kingdom, Youyu Ancient Kingdom, and Chong Kingdom—all prospered abnormally, and many small and medium-sized tribes continued to thrive under their jurisdiction.

Just over a decade ago, when the world was still in peace, a tribe moved from the distant and cool place in the west. Although the number of this tribe is not large, all of them have unique skills, no matter whether they are men, women or children. The name of this tribe is "Large Sun".

The scorching sun tribe has two patriarchs, both masters of black power who can control the black gas. The chief patriarch is called "Jinwu" and the second patriarch is called "Chi Gai". They also have ten powerful sons and a pair of charming daughters. .

In order to have a good relationship with the three ancient nations, the two patriarchs decided to match their two daughters to one of the ancient founders Tang Yao, Yu Shun, and Xia Yu. They could marry beautiful women and marry themselves with the scorching sun. The forces, Tang Yao and the three other co-owners were all very happy, but what was unexpected was that the happy event of this marriage finally turned into a terrible news!

Overnight, all the members of the Lie tribe died inexplicably. No one knew the reason, but only knew that it was related to the patriarch of a small tribe under Tang Yaozhi.

It is said that Dasao is also a top black gas bully, and is good at bow and arrow and martial arts. He once commanded Tang Yao to kill countless beasts and demons. He is an amazing hero.

However, Dasao's character was misbehaving. Only because the daughter of the patriarch of the Lie Ri tribe failed to marry him secretly, and washed the Lie Li's settlement in blood in a dark night.

"Blood washing a tribe ?!" Guan Heng heard Feng Lao said here, and said secretly in his heart: "My obedient, what kind of hero is that guy? It is obviously a ferocious devil."

At this moment, Guan Heng asked: "Lao Feng, what about later?"

"Later? To be honest, the things I told you are all talked to by the guests in the past years. The credibility level is not so sure. I only heard that the night of the blood-washed sun, two Although the patriarch was severely wounded and dying, he also activated the treasure of their own secret town. "

The old village chief said at this time: "It is said that there are ten fiery huge golden balls, which contain the demons and evil spirits of the western cool land, and that is the secret of the magic of the scorching sun. They usually use the golden balls. Extract the magic power, so that you can have powerful alien spells. "

Having said that, the old village chief paused for a moment, and then continued to say, "Ten large golden **** containing demons and evil spirits burst, leading to the release of evil gas, which gradually mutated ordinary animals in the world and became bloodthirsty. Lifelike monsters, and the earth has become what it is today. "

"That's it ..." Guan Heng then asked at this time: "So, what happened to Dasao? Are you dead?"

"I don't know very well." After saying this, the village chief Feng Lao slowly shook his head and said, "At that time, the uncle's evil deeds provoked the three leaders to punish him at the same time, but he was seriously injured and escaped. I don't know if I'm dead now. "

"The three major communists all shot Dasao away?" Guan Heng only felt a little unbelievable when he heard this, and he whispered, "Isn't it that the three ancient communists are in charge of the king of the king?" A peerless master? When they join forces, they will let a black bully slip away. Seriously, I don't believe it. "

"Hahaha, this is what I learned from the legends of the guests. Maybe it is the story they compiled." Lao Feng laughed at this time: "Little brother, I advise you not to take it seriously, this is only a decade. It ’s just a story that has been circulating until now. "

"It's also true that this type of legend can only be heard as stories and jokes. By the way, Feng Lao, let me show you this thing ..." Guan Heng said and passed the snowy bow around him to the village chief. He said, "I accidentally picked it up in the canyon. Not only is it heavy and heavy, but it has no matching arrows. Do you know its origin?"

"This bow ... is so beautiful."

Feng Lao looked at the blue bow of Bingjing with some surprise in his eyes. After a moment of contemplation, he twisted his beard and said, "I don't know this bow, but it should be a good thing, little brother. If you want to cast it, it can be used The arrows shot by this bow are so sharp that our humble village is obviously unable to do so, but in the city of Life Yu, a hundred miles away, we should be able to find a caster to think of a way. "

"Is Yumingcheng? Really a strange name." Guan Heng said at this moment: "Let ’s take a note of it, the village head. It's not too early, and I have to get on the road while it's dawning, Let's just stop there. "

"Okay, I see you, I think you seem to be in a hurry to get on the road, so Aju had already prepared some dry food."

Then, the old village chief gave Guan Heng a heavy baggage, and he said, "It's all rough noodles, just take them on the road and eat them."

"Thank you for your kind intentions." Guan Heng smiled and took the baggage with his hands, then went out with Feng Lao.

At this time, the coward Adan was waiting outside the door, and he smiled at Guan Heng: "Brother, it is difficult to walk a few miles north of Nanpo Village, and it is easy to get lost. Be your guide. "

"That's great." Guan Heng heard the words with great joy, so he greeted the devouring tiger and awakened the stupid and strong man Agou. Under the leadership of Adan, the group went directly into Nanpo Village Houshan, heading north.

On the way, Guan Heng and A Dan walked in front and talked and laughed, while Gorgeous Tiger and Strong Man A Dog followed silently behind them, and the three of them got out of the way. The distance soon came to a hill covered with verdant green pines.

—— [2016.8.23 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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