Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1647: Four big aliens

"Little brother looks like an honest person, okay, I believe you." The physical appearance of Guan Heng also looks like he is about sixteen years old, and the woman looks two or three years older than him. But a bite of a "little brother" is really affectionate.

At this moment, the woman in the yellow shirt said to the soldiers around her: "Go, tell the general manager Zhu, and say there is a contestant who specially recommended this contestant, the name is 'Kuan Heng', and let the general manager add to the list."

The words of the woman in the yellow shirt were quite useful. After the soldiers heard it, they turned around and flew away. Then, the woman smiled at Guan Heng and said, "Little brother, the competition will start tomorrow morning. Also bring your giant tiger. If someone in this house is embarrassing you, remember to say my name, my name is 'dou Wanxin'. "

"Uh, thank you Sister Dou for reminding me, then I'll leave first." Guan Heng then turned around with a fist and thanked her, and Dou Wanxin, a woman in a yellow shirt, smiled at his back and turned into the door.

When the two of them disappeared, the soldiers and servants at the door began to discuss: "Good young guy, even the young lady got entangled. Hey, he's bad luck."

"That is to say, there are not a few people who have been rectified by the lady in the past two years. That young man ... well, I hope he can keep his own life."

Guan Heng, who has already traveled far away, has not heard these words. He is currently thinking about an important matter. At this moment, Guan Heng thought to himself: "If I go to participate in the competition tomorrow, I can bring a swallowing tiger, then What can a dog do? If I am not with this fool, he will inevitably cause some trouble. "

So, thinking hard for a long time, Guan Heng then came up with a slightly more secure idea: find a suitable concealed residence, let A dog stay there to eat, drink and sleep honestly, and then let the five gangsters wait outside the door In case of any accident, Aogu can immediately go to the competition venue and inform Guan Heng to rush back.

As a result, Guan Heng looked east and west on the street and really saw an unused and worn thatched hut, because the population in Mingyu City is not too much. Except for the old and young women, the young and middle-aged are also in the thousands. It's just humans, and because of the harsh living environment around them, residents often go out of the city to hunt and do business, and they die under the claws of monsters, and their residences are idle.

Guan Heng inquired and realized that there are many uninhabited houses like this. It is okay for travelers passing by if they want to stay. Just that night, Guan Heng, Ghost Tiger and A Dog lived there. Shabby hut.

Early the next morning, Guan Heng said to the strong man: "A dog, listen, I left a lot of roasted meat, dry food and fruit in this room. As long as you feel at ease here, eat when you are hungry. Sleep, that's all. "

Guan Heng also couldn't see if Agou understood what he said, but the other person was already sitting in front of the pile of hill-like food prepared by him, and smiled sillyly, taking a piece into his mouth from time to time.

"Well, I hope these food and drink can tie your feet and keep them from running around." Guan Heng smiled bitterly at this moment, then walked out of the door with a devastating tiger, before he went from the founder Lao Wu also had a big bronze lock there. Although he knew that this little thing could not trap the amazing magic dog, Guan Heng used it to lock the door of thatched house just in case.

"Ahem, five goblins, come out—" Guan Heng cleared his throat and called out the big googls and four goblins: "You just have to stay around this thatched house, ten million Don't let Ago run out, and if you can't stop him, hurry to the Biaoyutai near the city's main house to find me. "

Hearing this, Dasao Ghost nodded, and then took four men to hide around the house, and disappeared.

At this moment, someone strode from the end of the street, and shouted in his mouth, "Guanheng, it's late, we should pass."

The man who spoke was Laowu, the founder. Because Guan Heng was not familiar with the inside story of the Yuyu City Competition, this enthusiastic old Wu volunteered to be Guan Heng's guide and went with him to Yantai.

"Uncle Wu, I have to trouble you today, tell me something about the Yucheng Competition." While walking with Wu, Guan Heng asked: "I heard the people in the nearby cities say, this The contest is held every three years, isn't it? "

"Yes, you know, our city of life is remote and located in a barren area. Not only do a lot of monsters often come and disturb, but also aliens who hate each other come to take advantage of it. Everyone ’s life Sorry. "

Old Wu said at this time: "So the owner of Dou Cheng of this city thought of a way to send invitations to those strong men in cities and tribes hundreds of miles away from Mingyu City every three years, and let them come to Mingyu The city is more competitive. "

Having said that, Lao Wu paused for a while, and then continued to say: "If the winners not only receive precious prizes, but also are willing to stay in Mingyu City, the city owner will also hire them to serve as coaches in the city or Guards, so every three years, this place becomes very lively. "

"This is the case, this is how the master of Dou Cheng solicits masters to let Yu Yucheng protect himself." Guan Heng heard this here, his heart was already clear, but he secretly said at this time: "I am not interested in staying here, I just hope After winning the prize, it is enough to get the prize of purple gold ore. "

At this moment, Lao Wu also said: "Because of the rich prizes won by martial arts, many aliens with great skills will also come to participate in long journeys, including the four aliens within three hundred miles around Yucheng City. , They send someone to participate every year. "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng asked curiously: "The four major aliens? Who are they?"

"East is the 'Zhu Dais'. They live in the mountains, their appearance and appearance are basically the same as those of the human race, but their bodies are covered with leopard skin-like plaques. Good at it and like to support leopard herds and hunt for myself after training. "

"The western tribe's interracial tribe is the 'Molang tribe'. They are characterized by long dark blue hair. They live by the river and are good at playing wonderful sounds with leaves and controlling waterfowl fishing. This tribe There are very few men. Most of the work and hunting is done by women, but the Motu people are both powerful men and women, and no one dares to provoke them. "

"The most prosperous alien in the south is the" Tianyu ". The ethnic group is majestic and looks powerful. This group appears to be the most mysterious of the four major aliens. It rarely interacts with the outside world. It only knows that they worship a monster. The great ape is a totem, and it has obtained amazing strength. In terms of strength alone, the Tiandai are also the strongest of the four major aliens. "

—— [Fourth more of 2016.8.24, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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