Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1649: Beginning of the Taiwan War (first)

Upon hearing this, Geng Zhong was secretly angry. He was the brother of the leader of the Hu tribe, Geng Shu. He had an aloof position in the tribe, second only to the patriarch. When was he ridiculed by a small soil soldier?

But this person has a narrow heart and is vicious and weird, so after listening to the story of the small soldiers, he solemnly grinned: "Sorry, sorry, we are leaving."

Having said that, Geng Zhong took a few Hu Hu companions away, but when passing by the small chief of the earth soldiers, Geng's shoulders shook slightly, and a tiny thing got into this quietly. The collar of a man leaves him unaware.

This unlucky little chief of the earth soldiers, because he had two more words in front of the heavy, finally brought himself to death. When he returned home that night, he suddenly spit black blood from his nose and nose, and died violently. It is miserable to die, this is a digression, no one else knows.

The crowd gradually dissipated after being drunk by the soil soldiers. At this moment, Guan Heng and Lao Wu watched the excitement outside, but he was a little bit interested, so he murmured with a smile: "Unfortunately, the two sides didn't fight, otherwise, I Rather, I want to see what the Zhu Dai and Linghu people are good at. If we meet them on the ring, it is good to be wary. "

Lao Wu smiled indifferently: "Hehehe, don't worry, anyway, the ring race is about to start, you can watch enough."

"It's true, too." Guan Heng slightly bowed his head at this time. He and Lao Wu and Ghost Tiger had already walked a while, and had already reached the wide square hundreds of meters west of the city's main government building. Zhang Gao's Yantai, Guan Heng and Lao Wu stood on the stage, waiting for the competition to begin.

At this moment, it's time to go to the morning. A fat middle-aged man stepped out from behind the platform. He stood on the platform and shouted, "I announce that the triennial yuecheng contest is now officially open. Start, that ... "

The fat man's voice had just fallen, and the crowd on the stage immediately screamed: "General Manager Zhu, every time I say the same thing, you are not bored, we are also annoyed, and quickly let the competition begin, we are waiting to watch the battle."

Shouting from the stage is a group of guys who are afraid of the world being chaotic. There are participants, and there are also idle people watching around. The fat man Zhu Zhu heard them noisier and less decent, so he shouted with a deep face: "Give me all Shut up, this is a serious battlefield, not a place where your group of guys make a loud noise, the soldiers, all come out to me— "

As soon as Mr. Zhu said this, he saw a large group of earth soldiers holding a long go in the corners of Huandai, suddenly blocking those noisy onlookers from the edge of the platform a few feet.

At this moment, President Zhu said loudly again: "The rules of this contest are similar to the previous one. The contestants heard their names and immediately went on stage."

Having said that, President Zhu paused a bit, and he continued to say: "The rules are still the same as in previous years. Since they entered the ring, they are alive and dead. Any means can be used to force the opponent to concede defeat, or directly hit the ring and kill them. It's a win. "

At this moment, a soil soldier was holding the tray and handed it to Mr. Zhu, because there was no paper or other things in the ancient world. Except for the animal skins, the materials were tree bark and bamboo slips. The fat man reached out and picked up The bark on the tray unfolded, and then chanted two names, and drew them to compete.

"噌 噌 噌 ——" One of the orthopaedic athletes struck the ring in an instant. It happened to be a young man of the Dai nationality, and another person quickly jumped onto the ring to see that he looked square and simple. He was a young human hunter. .

These two people are extremely agile. When they started, they jumped up and down, and flickered, no matter how fast. At this moment, Guan Heng asked the old Wu in the audience: "Uncle, not to say that the participants Can monsters help? Why not see them now? "

"Hehehe, participating in the war with monsters was allowed only in the second round of competition." Lao Wu explained with a smile at this time: "So now I can only rely on my fists and arms and other decisive games."

Hearing this, Guan Heng suddenly realized: "Oh, that's what happened, I understand."

Guan Heng and Lao Wu watched and talked, and pointed, and saw that the two people on the stage were playing faster and faster, and finally used their own Qi control technique. In the ancient world, the realization of Qi control technique is the strong And ordinary people, so this is the most common thing in the showdown between the strong.

The fighters participating in this contest are the most crippled characters. They are also the blue qi peak fighters who can compete with Guan Heng's Qi control technique. They are just like Guan Heng, only one step away from the blue " The "qi of the strong" has evolved into the "qi of the orange" of the junior.

However, even if this step is far away, there are many people who can't reach it for life, and only regret it. At this time, the strong lads of the Zhu people suddenly gathered their strongest blue spirit and exerted their strength to the extreme. He He stood up in an instant and rose to the top of his opponent's head, and immediately yelled, "Leopard leg method!"

"Woohoo-bang bang bang-" I saw the boys of the Dai ethnic group kicking out dozens of legs in a volley, and for a while he got his opponent's hands busy. In the end, the opponent's face door was banged when he caught off guard But kicking straight, the guy shouted and fell under the ring, and suddenly the personnel were unconscious.

"The winners, the Zhu Dais, Sang Peng." Director Zhu Zhuo came over at this time, he waved Sang Peng to rest and immediately said, "Beginning of the second game-"

At this moment, Guan Heng had no intention to watch the game again. He recalled the leg of the Zhu Dai tribe who defeated the enemy. It seemed quick and ruthless, accurate and fierce. It was a good leg technique, so, Guan Heng began to figure out secretly.

Because Guan Heng now has a deep blue spirit, but does not have the proper martial arts to use, so it is a bit of an indecent match against the enemy, and it is very dangerous. You must know that if you have better martial arts than your opponents, you can completely challenge, and it is so beneficial. Who doesn't want to learn a few more things?

The leopard leg method is based on the speed of swift and unrestrained casts. It also uses the power of dive when leaping in the sky, because it is the most important word for Wuji beginners. Good choice.

Guan Heng had been given a gift from Mr. Feng, the village chief of Nanpo Village, and learned the "three-step boxing" map given to him by Feng Lao. Now he has some foundation.

There are only three steps in the three-step boxing from shooting to closing. Although it seems crude, it is quite a bit open-minded because Lao Feng's ancestors were warlords on the battlefield and the martial arts used were straight. , Without any fancy, but it is the most direct and effective entry martial arts.

Today, Guan Heng's three-step boxing is slightly less successful after several days of training. If you add the leopard leg method, the effect will be even more outstanding!

—— [2016.8.25 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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