Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1653: First battle (fifth more outbreak)

Hearing this, Guan Heng's heart moved slightly, and he asked softly, "What does this mean?" "Guan Heng, tell you the truth, because I have a natural ability to see any kind with my own eyes. The potential of the monster. "

At this moment, Dou Wanxin whispered: "Every monster that I have glanced at, I can estimate how strong they are, but at the first sight of the giant tiger, I was surprised to find that the giant tiger has deep potential Unpredictable, and you, as its owner, must have extraordinary strength. "

"Miss Dou has a good vision, and she can see the extraordinaryness of my family's swallowing of ghosts and tigers." Guan Heng said with a smile at this time: "Well, I originally came here to participate in the contest of the contest, Since you signed up for me before, I promise you that I will do my best at that time. "

"Thank you, Guan Heng. I really did not read the wrong person." Dou Wanxin saw Guan Heng nodded and said happily, "Don't call me Miss Dou anymore, call me Sister Wanxin."

"Yes, I'll call you Wanxin Sister." Guan Heng said at the moment: "I'm actually over 20 years old, and it stands to be older than you, but this physical body is too young, so we barely suffer. Just a second, let me call you this beauty, two sisters, it doesn't count me as a loss. "

"By the way, if the marriage with the three major aliens fails, what if the pig demon strikes Yucheng again?" Guan Heng glanced at Dou Wanxin and said, "Have you thought about these things?"

"If that's the case ..." Dou Wanxin's face flickered with a trace of persistence, and she pressed Fenquan tightly and said, "Then I'll do it myself!"

"Take it yourself?" Hearing this, Guan Heng chuckled in his heart: "Willn't this girl want to do anything risky?"

But at this moment, Dou Wanxin's face had returned to normal, and she said, "It is estimated that the time for lunch is almost over now, Guan Heng, you should leave."

"Okay, I ’m almost done. I ’ll go to Yantai to participate in the second round of competition. Sister Wanxin, please wait for my good news." Guan Heng stood up at this time and put the crystal coffin and snowy bow Lost on his back, Dou Wanxin finally couldn't help curiosity and asked, "Guan Heng, what's in your mouth and that coffin?"

"Do you want to listen to the truth?" Guan Heng glanced a little smile, and after seeing Dou Wanxin nodded slightly, Guan Heng told her seriously: "The one lying inside is the most important person in my heart, I'm looking for ways to wake her up. "

"You ..." Dou Wanxin listened to Guan Heng's words, apparently a bit mistaken, but at this time, Guan Heng had pushed the door and went out.

"This Guan Heng, it looks like he is two years younger than me, but he looks like a young man, and he is also surrounded by unbelievable giant tigers. He has many mysteries."

At this moment, Dou Wanxin shook her head vigorously, and muttered in a low voice: "Forget it, don't think about these things, the most important thing now is to get rid of that **** marriage, so I can ..."

At this time, Guan Heng had found the devouring tiger who was eating meat in the yard, and Dou Wanxin's sister-in-law, Duer, was also there. Guan Heng walked up to say hello, and immediately took the devouring tiger out of the main town. .

"Guan Heng, I'm here." Lao Wu, who had been home for a long time for lunch, greeted by the door and ran over. He exclaimed: "A lot of participants have gone to Yantai. Let's hurry up. "

"So fast?" Guan Heng patted his head at this time and said, "Man, let's get on the field."


After a while, Guan Heng and Lao Wu walked under the platform. At this time, the crowd was moving and the discussion was very lively.

At this time, the fat man, General Manager Zhu, has come to the ring, and he said to the participants in the audience loudly: "Dear everyone, the second round of the contest in this city contest is officially started."

After a little pause, President Zhu continued to shake his head and continued, "From the second round, all participants can use their monsters and use their power to confront their opponents, but the use of monsters is limited to one Only, now the contest begins. "

Said, Mr. Zhu took out the roster and called the names of two participants. Both of them were masters who came from a distant blog. They not only possessed the blue spirit of the peak, but also a fierce long man crouching beside him. The arm horse monkey, another thick python with petals around its waist, is not a good character to deal with.

In the first match of the second round, I spent a lot of time tea, and finally with the help of his long-armed monkey, one of them waved the knife to the opponent's thick python, and then kicked him to the ground with one kick. Under the stage.

Immediately after, it was the second game ... the third game ... After a little more than half an hour, the general manager Zhu finally called Guan Heng's name. Guan Heng then boarded the ring with Ghost Tiger. A mediocre middle-aged man of the Hu nationality is called "Laoxiu".

After seeing Guan Heng and Swallowing the Tiger, the laborer frowned involuntarily: "It's unlucky. Just in the second round, he encountered such a giant tiger. To deal with it, I'm afraid it is It's not that easy, I might as well instigate the killer early, so as to avoid any accident. "

At this time, the general manager Zhu had announced the start of the contest, and Guan Hengyi was quick to decide, only to hear him yell: "Swallow the ghost tiger, go up--"

The giant tiger got the instructions and flew forward suddenly. He immediately approached the labor repair, and saw the tiger claws rushing down with a strong wind. He was so frightened that labor repair "Oh", bowed and rolled forward to hide. Passed the tiger paw.

"Hello! It's dangerous!" Lao Xiu just breathed a sigh of relief, but saw the figure in front of him, Guan Heng had already killed him in a gap: "Oh! Look at the fist!"

"Bang!" Guan Heng suddenly stepped forward one step, the left fist blasted straight out, the first move of the three-step fist-the top! This fist went straight to Lao Xiu's forehead, and was wrapped in a dark blue breath. If he hit, even if the crest of the skull was not broken, he would lose his blood.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Lao Xiu's body suddenly "teng teng" retreat three steps, who knows that this kind of middle and horizontal care, the last two strokes of the three-step boxing, "sealing the throat" and "heartbreak" almost simultaneously hit the wind .

"Eh ?! Not good!" Frightened in the heart, Lao Xiu barely avoided the fist of the throat, but felt that his heart was banging, and he had been hit by a broken heart. This boy "wow" a back blood It sprayed out, but at the same time, a black light burst out from the cuff of labor repair, soaring towards the closed noodle door!

"Ah!" Guan Heng saw the thing coming very fast, and hurriedly turned his head to avoid the surprise attack of the thing.

—— [Fifth more on 2016.8.25, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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