Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1668: Fuzhong Night Banquet (fifth more outbreak)

"But for the sake of Sister Wanxin's goodness to me, it's best not to turn her face with Dou Tianwei." Guan Heng thought at this time: "Lest I get started, Sister Wanxin is sandwiched between me and her father It ’s difficult, um, just do it. "

In this way, Guan Heng walked and thought, after a while, he had already reached the gate of the city's main government house. At this moment, the fat man, Director Zhu, had been waiting anxiously for a long time.

"Ah, it's Master Guan here, come quickly, please in the VIP guest." After listening to Mr. Zhu's words, Guan Heng only felt a little crying and laughing. He pretended to be flattered and said, "How can Mr. Zhu be so kind, I dare not take it seriously. "

"No, no, it was my old Zhu who neglected Master Guan."

At this moment, Zhu Fatzi said to Guan Heng with a happy face: "The doorway is not the place to speak, Master Guan, go in with me, and this ... Mr. Zhuanghan, go with me, city master If you are specifically ordered, you must meet him. "

After listening to Mr. Zhu's words, Guan Heng's eyebrows frowned unconsciously, and he secretly said, "Look, it must be coming, in case Dou Tianwei investigates what happened to A Gou hit him, 啧啧, This is a bit difficult to end. "

But Guan Hengfu thought again: "Take care of him, soldiers come to block, water comes to Tutun, I and Agou joined forces, may not be afraid of any Dou Chengzhu, go in and see the situation!"

By the time Mr. Si was here, Guan Heng and A Gou had already gone into the house with Director Zhu, and Director Zhu then ordered two local soldiers: "Go, take Master Guan's giant tiger to the side dining room, and more Prepare good meat. "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng nodded slightly with his jaw: "So there will be Mr. Lau and Zhu, swallow the ghosts and tigers, and follow them." But at the moment the swallowed tigers left, Guan Heng quietly turned the five ghosts. Called out, and then hidden in his vicinity, just in case.

After a while, Guan Heng and A Gou had already come to the banquet room of the city's main mansion. The area was quite large, the reeds and articles had been neatly arranged, and all kinds of dishes had been put together. The aroma of the wine and meat spreading slowly When he drifted away, A-gou couldn't hold it as soon as he smelled the smell, so he sat in front of the desk with his buttocks, grabbed the steaming roast duck in the bowl, and sipped it.

"Agou, you are too rude ..." At this moment, Guan Henggang wanted to stop Agou's rude behavior, but the lord Dou Tianwei happened to arrive at this moment, and he squinted at Agou's head. I didn't lift it either, and I felt like a cloud of suspicion appeared in my heart.

"Master Dou Cheng, my righteous brother may have been badly hit, so he's a little stupid now." After saying this, Guan Hengquan apologized: "I'm sorry for his rudeness."

"Eh? No matter, no matter." Dou Tianwei just woke up from the startled horror at this time, he hurriedly said to Guan Heng, "Please sit down, let's talk while eating."

Guan Heng promised, and immediately sat down next to A Gou. At this moment, he glanced around the corner of his eye, but did not find the trace of Dou Wanxin, and he couldn't help but restlessly: "Sister Wanxin, nothing will happen. Right? "

At this time, Dou Tianwei glanced at Ago again, and then asked: "Little brother Guan Heng, the owner of the city has one thing to ask. Did you just say that ... your righteous brother was badly damaged? Is it true? "

Dou Tianwei's questioning seems a bit rude, not like what people of his identity should ask, because the two sides met for the first time (the time when Guan Heng and the two escaped from the main wall of the city's government was not counted).

For a stranger asking such a question, Dou Tianwei had lost his identity as a city owner, but he was suspicious of sinus in his heart.

Guan Heng was hindered by the fact that A Gou had hurt Dou Tianwei before, and deliberately eased the embarrassing situation of both sides, so he replied carefully: "Well, I'm not very clear, so I can't answer the owner."

Hearing this, Dou Tianwei was surprised: "Oh? How do you say that?"

"That's it. The righteous brother Ago and I only knew each other half a month ago." Guan Heng explained at this time: "At that time, he was wounded with a large number of fierce monsters and beasts. I passed by to help, two people That's why they met. "

After a moment's pause, Guan Heng continued, "My righteous brother was not badly injured at the time, and his mind was very vague and chaotic. After I healed the righteous brother, he became like this muddy and unidentified name. Now. "

After listening to Guan Heng's words, Dou Chengzhu slightly jaw head: "Oh, so it is, his experience is really bumpy."

At this moment, Dou Tianwei glanced at A Dog, who was still eating and drinking, and he murmured in his heart: "This person has amnesia, but his powerful skills can not be impersonated. His life experience is extremely horrifying. I was originally It is because of speech loss that I end up leaving the country and running away. No, I must be rotten in his stomach and never let others know. "

Thinking of this, the owner of Dou Cheng looked at Guan Heng, who was smiling at himself, and then thought, "Of course, this boy is included."

Guan Heng didn't know Dou Tianwei's psychological changes at this time. He just wanted to explain two sentences here, and quickly left with A Gou. He subconsciously touched the dark crystal coffin and snow bow and arrow pot around him. Guan Heng's heart was dark.忖: "I don't know how Sister Wanxin is doing now. I was going to tell her to leave alone. Now it seems ..."

Guan Heng just thought of it, and saw the fat man in charge, running out from outside.

"City, city master, something bad is going on!" At this moment, Zhu Fatman wiped the cold sweat dripping from his head, and then handed over a piece of sackcloth: "Miss, she left after leaving a book on it."


Upon hearing this, Dou Tianwei stood up from the front of the table, and he pulled the piece of sackcloth, only to see the bright red words left by Dou Wanxin biting his finger: "Daddy, I thought about it for a long time, but decided Leaving, but I will never let the people of Mingyu City suffer with me. You wait, I will kill the pig demon and return a peaceful scene. My daughter left a message.

"Jack girl, it's just prank!"

"Bang!" In the fury, Dou Tianwei slammed the desk case with a palm of his hand, and immediately cracked the case into pieces. He shouted at his throat at this time: "Guard, pass the order, and block the cities on both sides of Yucheng City Door, saying nothing can keep this girl away. "

Dou Tianwei's furious behavior suddenly affected A Gou, who was eating, because the wood chips that had just fluttered hit his face.

I saw Ago suddenly dropped the chicken bone in his hand, then stood up and rushed to find Dou Tianwei's trouble. Guan Hengjian hurriedly grabbed Ago: "Hey, remember what I said? Don't get too angry, Don't be furious, be careful of your old headaches. "

—— [Fifth more on 2016.8.28, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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