Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1674: Run away (first)

"Eh ?!" Feeling that his situation is critical, a sudden mouth of Tian Xie's anxiety suddenly spit out the bronze sword that Yun Lingzhu hit Dou Tianwei again.

Just listening to the bang, the turquoise beads and the blade suddenly bumped into each other. That bead did not meet the power of the sword, and it broke out in a short time. The fragments shot everywhere, making Dou Tianwei unable to open his eyes.

"Woohoo--" Just between the electric light and flint, Tian Xieyu raised his stern yell, and the whole group of pig demon all over the city rushed towards the side of Dou Chengzhu.

"Not good, the city owner is in danger, release his arrow soon--" Zhu Guanguan, who was watching the enemy on the tower, immediately issued an order when he saw that Dou Tianwei was in a critical situation.

Fortunately, the remaining archer archer trembled at this moment, letting the overwhelming arrowheads and scoring arrows slam the wind towards the pig monsters in the city, listening only to the sound of the "噗噗 噗" arrow 镞 biting the meat. The roar screamed and fell suddenly.

But Dou Tianwei opened his eyes and looked around at this time, but he disappeared the severely wounded Tian Xie. It turned out that this sly guy had escaped in a mess.

At this moment, Dou Tianwei's heart turned like electricity, and he couldn't help thinking: "Who just shot an arrow suddenly, not only saved my life, but also defeated me and killed Tian Xie?" Suddenly, Dou Cheng's brain A flash of light in the middle of the spirit: "Yes, where is the arrow pulled out by the evil spirit?"

Between looking around, Dou Tianwei suddenly saw the mysterious arrow on the ground. He was about to walk over to take a closer look, and saw a cold and whirlwind swirling around him. The arrow that rolled and ran away suddenly and blinked. There was no trace.

"The arrow seems to be ..." At the moment when the arrow was blown away by the wind, Dou Tianwei suddenly noticed that it had a special appearance. He immediately remembered the strange arrow that Guan Heng had carried his back with an arrow before. It is exactly the same as the Guan Hengjian pot.

Dou Chengzhu thought at this time in shock: "Did Guan Guan really save me?"


Just when Dou Tianwei and Tian Xieyu were fighting fiercely, Guan Heng had touched a place that was not too far away from them. At that time, he was thinking, what can he do to help Dou Tianwei calmly, and yet Not noticed by others.

In the end, Guan Heng decided to experiment with the power of snow bows and newly created arrows, but if an arrow shoots out, it will be a bit troublesome to run back to collect it, so Guan Heng let the five ghosts chase the arrows directly in the air. , So that you can get the arrow back after hitting the target.

Who knows, Guan Heng used all his strength to exhaust all the orange aura burst, and then he reluctantly pulled off the bow like a snow bow. As a result, the arrows that were flying away quickly were fortunately avoided by the evil. Immediately, he ordered the big ghost to make a fierce wave on the arrowhead. Only then did the Feiya make a turn in the air and nailed it into the eye socket of Tianxie.

Because the big ogre inadvertently fiddled with the arrowhead, this allowed Deviation Feiya to hit the target again. At this time, Guan Heng thought of making full use of this bow vector shooting method, and Guan Heng whispered in his mouth, whispering: When an arrow was shot, the ghost was attached to it as a ghost, and the target's dead angle was adjusted. In this case, this flying vector was equivalent to growing a pair of eyes and running behind the enemy's ass! "

At this time, the five ghosts wrapped their arrows in cold wind and flew back. Guan Heng reached out and murmured, "Well, give this shooting method a name, it's called" Attached Ghost Arrow ". . "

"Eh ?!" Suddenly, Guan Heng found that the five scum-like ghosts seemed to be a little bit wrong. When they fell in front of Guan Heng, they were all blooming with stars and pale gold. Guan Heng's eyebrows frowned suddenly: "This what's going on?"

However, the big gangsters and the four gangsters did not feel the slightest discomfort, but were rather energetic. Guan Heng recalled the scene where Dou Tianwei and Tian Xieyu were fighting in the distance. He suddenly felt one thing: "Five These fragments of the ghosts seem to have inadvertently attached, the earth yellow beads crushed by the evil spirits. "

"I remember just hearing Tian Xieyu shouting loudly, claiming that this bead is called Yun Lingzhu ..." Guan Heng carefully recalled at this moment: "Depending on the situation, this bead is very powerful, but Tian Xieyu is trying to save his life. Let this thing smash, and take the opportunity to escape. "

Guan Heng saw that there was nothing uncomfortable for the five ghosts, and secretly reckoned that the power of the Lingzhu Shard might have been absorbed by the five ghosts.

"It's a good thing, maybe it will strengthen the power of the ghosts." Guan Heng comforted himself, then greeted the five ghosts in front of him to find a way, and followed them hurriedly to find Agou and Dou Wanxin. Joined with the Moyu girls.


After a while, Guan Heng had arrived at the monster beast mountain that had captured the straight-backed python, and he found that Agou and Dou Wanxin were waiting there, so he told everyone what happened when they came from Mingyu City.

Dou Wanxin heard that the pig demon of Tian Xieyu led his demons to attack Yucheng, and was shocked at once, but Guan Heng said that it was no problem, and that Tian Xieyu had already lost his arm and lost his eyes. He had already escaped without a trace. .

Upon hearing this, Dou Wan clenched her fists with annoyance and said, "Huh, that pig demon was cheap. I should have killed it myself to understand this. I didn't expect it to disappear."

Guan Heng smiled and said at this time: "It doesn't matter, that pig demon is so cunning, I don't think it will easily die. If you want to get revenge yourself, it is estimated that there will still be."

After listening to Guan Heng's words, Dou Wanxin's face was slightly calmed, "Well, that's good, I will definitely catch it.

Guan Heng also said that he had a conversation with Dou Tianwei when he was leaving, so he said to Dou Wanxin: "I see that your dad also has a sense of repentance. If you have a chance in the future, I hope you can let go of his old Complain, go back and look. "

"Daddy ..." Dou Wanxin looked down at the direction of Ming Yucheng at this time and bowed her head, then she said to Guan Heng: "I know, thank you for your kindness. If I drift enough outside, I think of my father and me The benefits of this will naturally return, but now, after all, it's been a long time since I was out of my life, I have to take a good look around. "

At this moment, Guan Heng slightly jaw head: "I know, the city owner told me that your first stop must be going to the territory of the Moyu tribe. He entrusted me to **** you with me, just as I would travel there. "

Guan Heng's words were not nonsense. He had inquired about the way he was going to go the night before he left Mingyu City. The Moyu people lived near the water, and their territory was just beside the river. The winding river that has been heading north, said Ai Xingqi Ling, said that in order to find the whereabouts of Qinghuang Residual Soul, he had to go in that direction, so Guan Heng said that he and Dou Wanxin were on the way.

After listening to Guan Heng's words, Dou Wan nodded heartily: "Well then, let's go together and go to the territory of the Molang tribe-Yanhe Village."

—— [2016.8.30 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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