Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1677: Underwater tracking

In an instant, the painful six-footed hexapod fish rolled wildly, immediately set off a hurricane in the water, Guan was caught off guard, and was finally shaken off. His body slammed into the underwater reef, and the sharp reef was closed. Scaling all over his body, he only felt black in front of his eyes, and a wow of blood spurted out.

At this moment, the six-legged monster fish swam to the end of the water, as if there was something that could save its life. Guan Heng suddenly bit the tip of his tongue at this moment, desperately trying to wake himself up, then quickly Use your hands and feet to plunge water into the water, chasing in the direction of the six-legged monster running away.

"Where the **** is this **** fish going?"

After chasing for a while, Guan Heng only felt that his hands and feet were becoming weak and weak. Obviously, it was because of an injury that caused too much blood loss. Guan Heng now just managed to support his breath and kept chasing each other. He thought: " The whereabouts of Qing Huang's residual soul must have landed on this strange fish, and must not be lost. "

At this moment, the madly escaping hexapod fish suddenly made a sharp turn in the water, and suddenly turned into a river. Guan Heng looked at it carefully at this time: "Here ... the bottom of the waterfall in Yingjin Beach, and The tributaries of the river are interlinked. No wonder this **** fish can come and go freely! "

Suddenly, Guan Heng eyes watched as the strange fish got into an underwater grotto in the river beach. After bubbling a few blisters, he disappeared.

At this moment, Guan Heng just felt that there was little air left in his lungs, and he was about to suffocate. In anxiety, Guan Heng also “slipped” and got into the underwater cave ...


"Oh!" Guan Heng's head got out of the water for a while. He kept shaking the water stains and breathed in a greedy mouth. At this time, he had desperately swam through the winding cave tunnel. Reached this place with air circulation.

"Uh? It's the footprints of six grotesque feet ..." Guan Heng leaned down at this time to find the traces on the ground and a lot of blood, but at this time, Guan Heng was close to running out of oil, and those underwater reefs were scratched He had wounds all over his body. The most important thing was that Guan Heng had no weapons in his hands, and Qingye's soft sword, snow-like bow, and arrow pot were left at the devouring tiger before launching.

At this time, Guan Heng only had the carved eagle arrow pulled out from the hexapod monster fish, which he could barely use.

"Huh, huh, huh ... Must find the strange fish ..." When thinking of this, Guan Heng felt dark before his eyes and suddenly half-knelt on the ground. He had not eaten or rested for a long time. The body is supported by the orange strong qi, but it is not always iron.

Suddenly, Guan Heng found some weird fungi growing in the middle of the stone gap not far from him.

"This wild mushroom is so fragrant ..." Guan Heng walked quickly at this time. He found that there were many footprints of the six-legged monster near the wild mushroom, and there were many unclean wild mushrooms scattered on the ground.

Guan Heng only observed a few eyes, and his heart was very clear: "The escaped hexapod fish has eaten wild mushrooms here. The traces here are obvious. As it goes forward, the blood on the ground is gradually decreasing. Therefore, this wild fungus must have a hemostatic effect. "

When he thought about it, the hunger in Guan Heng's abdomen had already been lighted. He couldn't hesitate any longer, and secretly said, "Take care of him, eat before talking."

He grabbed a lot of wild mushrooms in the cracks of the stone, smelled it off, and it turned out to be a refreshing aroma. He stuffed it into his mouth, chewed a few times and swallowed it into the belly: "Well, although it said nothing It tastes, but after eating it ... hmm ?! The wound is really healing, this wild mushroom is a good thing. "

After filling his belly in a hurry, Guan Heng pulled his legs and ran to the inside of the grotto. After a while, Guan Heng found that the road in front had become narrow and wide, and the footprints of the six-footed monster on the ground became more and more clear.

Guan Heng thought to himself at this moment: "Well, it should be almost the lair of the six-footed monster, maybe Qing Huang's remnant soul ..." As soon as he thought of it, he heard the end of the cave in front of him suddenly heard from him. A scream of screams.

"This voice ?! It seems to be the sound of a strange fish ..." Guan Heng thought at this time was a good opportunity. Hurry up and take a look. He was holding the eagle arrow tightly in his hand, and reached it with a few clicks. With a screaming left, he turned inward and looked inward.

I saw the hexapod fish trembling at the moment, lying on the ground and mourning, and there was a large grass nest not far from the side, with five white eggs in it. In addition, there was one in the nest. Mucosa-like objects, like cocoons, also faintly cried.

Guan Heng's eyes flashed immediately: "This is the girl doll that Liu Lang lost, and I have to find a way to rescue her."

Just thinking about it, Guan Heng only felt that a huge whirlwind suddenly set off in this huge cave. A dazzling soul slowly emerged in the middle of the vortex. At the first sight of Guan Heng, he was overjoyed, and his heart was leaping. "Yes, that's Qing Huang's remnant soul, and finally I found it!"

I saw that piece of Qinghuang's residual soul blooming and shining brightly, gently passing over the six-footed monster fish. The wound that was shot by Guan Heng with a carved arrow and still bleeding was healed suddenly, although six The monster fish is still half-dead on the ground, but it finally recovered half of its life.

At this moment, the lingering soul in the air seemed to be communicating with the hexapod fish.

At this moment, the strange fish quacked, and then opened the mouth with a python-like head to pick up the white cocoon in the nest, and then tore it apart slightly, and the crying female doll, Qing Huang's remnant soul appeared. After seeing the baby girl, she flew over in a huff, and suddenly she disappeared into her eyebrows.

At this moment, Guan Heng had already guessed eight or nine points for the sake of it. Qing Huang's residual soul originally wanted to be attached to the strange fish, but unfortunately there seemed to be some exclusion between the two, so that the residual soul could not be incorporated into the strange fish. Body.

In desperation, Residual Souls used the favorable conditions such as helping the six-legged monster to treat the wounds as bait, and let the strange fish find a body that they can board, which is the daughter of Liu Langgang who was born three days ago.

At this moment, Qing Feng's residual soul was incorporated into the body of the baby girl. The incident seemed to have come to a successful end, but the hexapod monster stared at the female doll who had stopped crying and fell asleep, and a flash of greed and hotness flashed in her eyes.

Qinghuang Residual Soul itself contains a lot of power, so it can play a role in healing and healing some monsters and monsters, but unfortunately because of its physical constitution, the six-legged monster fish cannot merge with the Residual Soul.

But at this moment, the strange fish found a physical body for the soul to warm the soul, and most importantly ... the strange fish can now swallow the baby girl, and it will trap the residual soul in the stomach. It's a big deal!

—— [Fourth more of 2016.8.30, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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