Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1686: Magic claw (third more)

But in such a time, Guan Heng suddenly saw a crooked neck ancient pine not far away ticking the blood on the ground, and he looked up involuntarily, the original half of the eagle eagle remains hanging on the treetop, and it Two giant claws like steel and iron were also pulled there, blown by the breeze, and still shaking.

"Ha, my soft green sword is here." Guan Heng made three steps and ran to the bottom of the tree in two steps at this time. Claws. It was found that the giant claws had three toes each, the tip of which was as sharp as a hook, and the back of the leg bone was about three feet long, which could just hold it tightly by hand.

At this moment, Guan Heng thought: "Although Qingye Soft Sword is convenient to carry, it is more flexible and not strong enough. I might as well take off the two claw carving claws and make a pair of weapons for myself."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng said what he did. At first, he first peeled off the flesh on the leg bones of the eagle eagle with the blade of the soft blade of the green leaf. Then he found a rushing stream and washed a pair of eagle talons. .

"Woohoo--" The two claws of the eagle eagle twirled around Guan Hengzhang in a strong wind, and then he nodded with satisfaction: "Well, yes, yes, I used to use two-handed weapons, It's the same now, it's the right weight for the claw, and it's just my second blade. "

He played two more rounds of claws, and Guan Heng was used to using it. Then, he found two rough vines and held the two claws of the eagles on his back. Then he identified the way Meng Si said to go to Wenlei Valley. Take a big step and ran over.


After a while, roars were heard in a wood near Wenlei Valley. There were more than a dozen strong men covered with leopard plaques in the forest, and it looked like they were all the Dai people.

At this moment, a group of dozens of four-horned monsters were screaming and besieging a person. This man was a burly tiger with a bearish waist on his back and a five-foot bronze stick in his hand. He was driving away with a black panther beside him. Monster.

"Come on, **** the four-horned soil hoe! Uh ah-" Zhu Qiang strong man slammed the copper stick and patted the soil **** in front of him. Who knows that the guy ’s action is really strong, and he avoided it As soon as he hit his copper rod, he lowered his head, and in the howl, quickly pointed at the strong man's belly with a sharp corner.

"Yeah!" The strong man didn't hide from him for a moment, his belly was suddenly opened with a narrow blood mouth, and the red mist suddenly flew out. The strong man screamed. He just felt dark before his eyes and was about to slap. Planted ...

"噌 噌 噌 ——" Suddenly a figure rushed from the oblique spur, and saw that this man held a pair of strange claw-shaped weapons in his palm, and shouted at the nearest four-horned soil owl!

"Yeah!" The carving claw went into the meat for three minutes, then fastened and twisted, and immediately ruptured all the muscles on the side of this soil. The four-cornered crickets suddenly wailed and fell to the ground.

The figure didn't hesitate, and the single fell into the group of soil crickets alone, and saw a pair of eagle eagle claws flying up and down. Under the tearing of his divine power, several of the four-cornered soil crickets were suddenly caught and the whole body was blurred, and the rest Seeing this condition, Tutu was so scared that the fart rolled away and rushed around, disappearing without a trace without even daring to look back.

At this time, the injured people of the Qiang ethnic group had crookedly collapsed beside a tree. Guan Heng ran away from the group of soil owls and walked to him and asked, "Hey, don't you worry?"

"Please, benefactor, where did you ... come from?" The puppet people said at this moment, panting, "It is impossible for ordinary people to enter this mountain."

"I was commissioned by Monu patriarch Monu to help you deal with the four corners of the Tujiao." Guan Heng said to the Dais at this time: "Are you going to return to Wenlei Valley in front? I will send you Let's go back."

"Thanks, thank you guys ... My name is Shensuo and I am the nephew of the patriarch ..." This strong man named Shensuo said at this time: "Our patriarch Shen Biao, today went to the ancestral temple of Houshan behind Wenlei Valley. Before he came back, the people in the clan were afraid he had an accident, so ... "

Shen Suo said that when he had a sudden meal here, he seemed to be exhausted. He took a few breaths and went on to say, "So the elder sent twelve people including me, and wanted to go to the ancestral temple of Houshan to find the patriarch. But I didn't expect, but here I was ambushed by the four corners of the soil. Except me, all other brothers have ...

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng glanced again at the Qiang people around him, and found that they were all picked up by the Tujiao with four sharp horns until their bowels penetrated, and they died extremely miserably. Guan Heng shook his head slightly. Just to comfort the other two words, I heard a sudden tiger roar from behind me: "嗷 ——"

Guan Heng listened clearly, knowing that the devouring tiger, Agou and Meng Si had come here to meet with himself. At this moment, Meng Si ran over first. When he saw the wreckage on the ground, he mourned. Cry out: "Oh, I'm late, brother, you're dead so badly-"

Seeing Meng Si's heartbroken cry, Guan Heng hurriedly cried, "Meng Si, don't worry about sadness first, there are still living people here, come here."

At this time, Meng Si stumbled to the front. He stared at his eyes wide and suddenly cried out, "Claim, you, are you all right?"

Hearing his words, the claim slowly shook his head: "I don't care, I just don't know what the patriarch is doing now."

Meng Si hurriedly asked, "What the **** is going on?"

After claiming, he went to the Houshan ancestral shrine by the patriarch. He said that he had n’t returned yet. He had just finished talking, and everyone heard the valley not far away. "Hey," the heavy drum sound, and that sound spread almost everywhere in the surrounding tens of miles.

After hearing this drumbeat, Guan Heng and A Gou did not respond to the unknown situation, but Meng Si and Shen Soo suddenly changed their faces.

"Not good, this is a signal from our tribe in Wenleigu to inform all the people that there is a strong enemy to invade." Meng Si said angrily at this time: "There must be something wrong in Wenleigu."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you just now."

Shen Suo struggled with pain and said, "Recently, a large, small, and two-cornered swarm group appeared in the mountain forest near Wenlei Valley. Many of them often came to Wenlei Valley to attack our tribal village, but a few The small group of soil turtles does not appear often, but the four-horned soil turtle king is always in it. "

Having said that, Shen Suo paused, and continued to say: "Earlier, the patriarch heard that some people saw a small group of soil moths lingering near the ancestral temple of Houshan. It was because of this that the patriarch went to investigate. "

Upon hearing the claim, Guan Heng turned his eyes and said immediately: "Look at it this way, Meng Si and A Gou escorted the injured claim back to Wenlei Valley. I went to Houshan to see if I could find the trace of Patriarch Shen Biao."

—— [The third update of 2016.9.1, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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