Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1688: Wen Leiguzhong (fifth more outbreak)

Yun Lingzhu is a veritable good thing. Although he just absorbed a few fragments, Guan Heng can still feel that the five ghosts have strengthened a lot in these days, so he secretly kept in mind the appearance of Yun Lingzhu In my heart.

The exhausted Shen Biao just thought that he had no chance of surviving, so he threw the turquoise beads to the cliff, and Guan Heng didn't let Shen Biao do this. He immediately let the Wuzhang ghost rush to the cliff side. , Sure enough, he took the beads straight.

At this moment, when he saw Guan Heng shining a bead in front of himself, the four-cornered earth urn king suddenly exulted, only because this earth yellow bead was extremely important to it. As long as the beads are swallowed up, the strength of the King of Earth itself can immediately rise to a level.

Not only that, but also the spiritual wisdom of the King of the Landlord will be greatly improved, as well as the ability to talk with human beings. The benefits are endless. Something wins.

"哞 ——" A sudden howl, the four-cornered king of the earth rushed across Guan, it could no longer let the baby who was about to slip away, no matter who came out to obstruct, he would be subject to the king of earth Relentless killing.

"Well, a greedy beast, you just want this baby, don't dream about it." Guan Heng then patted his swallowing ghost: "Give it some color and see!"

"Oh!" In the earth-shattering roar, the devouring tiger burst out with great power to break the evil, but in the face of the four-horned earthen king who can control the orange aura, the roar alone is not enough. After this guy bears it in the front, I just felt my head cyanotic in an instant.

But at this moment, the witful devouring tiger had already "snapped" a long time before he swept away, a pair of tiger claws opened the bow to the left and right, and "sigh, shit!" Deep wounds can be seen in the bones!

"噗 ——" The sharp tiger claws swept across the area, and the big red fluttered soaring, and the painful scream of "哞" in the four corners of the soil, and the "Teng Teng Teng" suddenly retreated outside of Yu Yu, but it was just this Suddenly, Guan Heng, who was riding the ghost tiger, opened his eyes and looked carefully. The earth prince suddenly burst into a colorful light, and instantly healed his wound!

"Buzz--" At this moment, the crystal coffin bound on the back of the devouring tiger trembled slightly, and had already responded to the super healing power of the King of the Four Corners, and Guan Heng cried secretly: "This time You can be sure, the shard of Qinghuang Remnant is in this guy's body! "

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng couldn't wait to yell, and flung himself to the four-cornered earth urn, and the eagle-sculpture claws in his palms suddenly curled up and slammed into the opponent's head. Frighten the King of the Earth!

"Oh!" The King of the Four Corners saw Guan Heng's aggressive, blood-filled pupils, and was instantly scared by three points. Facing the sharp claws of the eagle eagle, he did not dare to use his body to harden it. Pick up.

In a short time, the king of soil swayed his huge head, and the four sharp horns on his head had slammed the two claws of Guan horizontally.

"嘭-creaking-" The harsh friction sounded suddenly, but Guan Heng's whole body momentum was already full. Without killing the four-corner soil king, Qing Huang's residual soul could not be recovered. Guan Heng was anxious at this moment, In a short time, 200% of the power had erupted.

Hearing only a "click", Guan Heng had broken the three sharp horns of the King of the Turtles with his two claws, and then he struck his claws and hit him hard. "Slap!" King's left eye.

"Oh!" I saw that under the fierce slap, the eyeball was soaring in the air with a bloodline, and half of the head of the landlord was also smashed, but at this moment, the strange light He emerged from his body again, and wanted to quickly heal the king of the earth.

Guan Heng yelled, "Swallow the ghost tiger, come over—"

"Yeah!" The devouring tiger carrying the dark crystal coffin jumped up instantly, and saw the coffin on its back suddenly tremble, and suddenly produced a great absorption force, a "yep" softly sounded In the middle, the phoenix phoenix soul inside the body of the King of the Four Corners was forcibly removed from the body, and the call was submerged in the crystal coffin.

"Tongtong!" Without the healing power of the residual soul, the ruined body of the King of Turkmen fell to the ground immediately, and the devouring tiger took the opportunity to take a photo of the claws, instantly breaking the other side's face completely, stunning the ground, A shadow of the soul condensed after the death of the King of the Landlord floated out from the remains.

"Huh-huh!" Swallowing the ghost and sneaking through the evil pupils, and instantly shining with three eyes, turning the soul shadow into the "soul of the soul".

Guan Heng used the soul record to glance at it slightly, nodding his head slightly: "Well, this four-cornered earth king is not bad, and his soul power is evaluated as a fifth-order strong soul, which is exactly the last teleportation of the soul stone record. Return to Shanhai Street. "

I just remembered that I still owed tens of thousands of Soul Stones to my sister-in-law and the fat boss Shu. Now only one is obviously not enough, but it is also necessary to show my heart. As for how sister-in-law and Shu Yan go to open accounts, it is harmonious. no problem.

At this time, Guan Heng glanced at the breathless and bruised Shen Biao next to him, and asked, "Hey, Patriarch Shen Biao, are you all right?"

Shen Biao picked up a life at this time, and his heart was already out of luck. He hurriedly waved and said, "Oh, it doesn't matter ... this little brother, ah no, it's Gong Gong, I don't know how to call it?"

Guan Heng immediately stated his identity, saying that he was commissioned by the Moyu people to assist the Dai people and eliminate the representatives of the Four Corners.

After listening to Guan Heng's self-introduction, Shen Biao was overjoyed immediately. He hurriedly saluted: "Thank you for your help. Since you are representing the Moyu tribe, that is our distinguished guest in Wenleigu. We must be in our tribe. Stay a few more days so that I can do my best for the landlord. "

At this time, the screams around the bamboo building kept coming and going. Under the driving and killing of the devouring tiger and the six gangsters, those ordinary four-cornered earth owls had been wiped out, Guan Heng said to Shen Biao at this moment: "When I came, a warning drum sounded in Wenleigu. It is estimated that something will happen over there, let's hurry up."

"Well, you're right, come here, I know a short way." Shen Biao waved and led Guan Heng to the path behind the bamboo tower.


After a while, the two had hurried back to Wenlei Valley in a hurry. When they stepped into the Zhu Dai tribe, they discovered that the corpse remains of the four-cornered **** were everywhere, and Meng Si and Shen ran to meet them. Sorry, the two explained, Guan Heng only knew what happened.

Just now, when Agou returned to the Wenleigu tribe with Meng Si carrying his wounded claim, a large group of local urns had surrounded the place. The situation was very critical. At the very moment, Aouyu suddenly shot and used brute force. Torn a few of the largest four-horned earthworms and immediately made them mess.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.9.1, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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