Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1696: Rescue everyone (third more)

With this shot, Guan Heng only killed three of them, but the old collar Hu ethnic group he initially captured did not kill him, because Guan Heng needed to know how to rescue the captives, and he needed to ask some information. Message, so stay here.

After a while, Guan Heng held two bamboo tubes and drank the clean water on the heads of three Tianshui people, who only woke up at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng untied the three men's ropes and was entrusted by the elders to find them. The three Tianhu people were overjoyed and thanked and reported their names. They were Wang Gui and Wang Xiang. Two brothers and Liang Ji.

At this time, Guan Heng took the older collar Hu tribe up. When the three Tiansong people saw the boy, their eyes were filled with blood and their eyes were crazy, and he was beaten and kicked to make the other person alive. Guan Heng Quickly said: "Wang Gui, the three of you stop first and ask him where the Rongzheng patriarch is now."

"Yes, yes, we came out to find the patriarch. This is the most important thing."

After listening to Guan Heng's words, Wang Gui nodded quickly, then stared at the Hu people and shouted, "Say, where is our patriarch now? If you don't honestly explain, you will be killed alive."

Wang Xiang and Liang Ji also yelled in unison: "Huh, you will be killed without saying-"

"Do n’t, let me say ... I said ..." The Hu people have always been bullied and frightened. Facing the choice between life and death, this guy did not hesitate to choose the truth.

It turned out that just before the end of the month, Geng Shu, the patriarch of the Hu people, had met a strong man from a certain force in the three ancient countries. The guy paid a premium to let Geng Shu capture two people with the ability to control the gas of orange. The monster ape, and gave a lot of gifts to Geng Shu.

Under the desire of the heart, Geng Shu agreed to the deal, and hit his mind on the two demon apes of the Tiandai people, with four ears and right head, and white head Zhu Yan. Geng Shu first took advantage of the height of the moon and the black wind, and God sneaked into Huangluoling without knowing it, and threw a pair of ancient monsters “蛫 蛆” carefully cultivated by himself into the places where two monster apes slept.

It is said that this cricket has a unique shape, a narrow body and a very fast body. As long as it penetrates into the ears and nostrils of any living being, it can pass directly into the brain and inhabit it. When necessary, it disrupts the host's brain and makes them suffer from mania. Harm people or things around you.

Geng Shu drilled into the heads of the two demon apes with tadpoles, let them furiously escape the Huangluo Ridge, and then captured them, but what he didn't expect was that the four-eared right and the white-headed Zhu Yan even fled separately. In a hurry, Geng Shu had to temporarily abandon the arrest of Chang You, and went to chase the white-headed Zhu first.

However, the patriarch of the Tiansong clan was not a fool. After finding that his demon ape was running away, he immediately ordered the three brothers of the Ma family to hunt down the four-eared long right, and he himself caught the white-headed Zhuyan.

This chasing out is dozens of miles away. In the old forest of the deep mountains, Rong Zheng blocked the white-headed Zhu Yan who was frantic. The two had a fight in the forest, and they fell into a dark place, but Rong Zheng did not. Forbearance killed Zhu Yan, and could only try to capture it.

Just when Rong Zheng was about to catch the white-headed Zhu tired, Geng Shu rushed out of the oblique stab with someone. It turned out that this guy had already settled the attention of the fisherman. He desperately attacked Rong Zheng and the demon ape. Zhu Yan, intending to take this opportunity to win both together, and then take the opportunity to attack Huangluo Ridge to destroy the Tiandai tribe in one fell swoop.

However, people are not as good as heaven. Geng Shu didn't expect that the other party would fight hard to resist. At that moment of life and death, Rong Zheng exploded his last strength. Finally, he suffered a defeat with Geng Shu and hit the opponent at the same time.

At the moment when the two sides were fighting, Rong Zheng, holding a comatose head, fell into the bottom of the cliff with a stunned head, and Geng Shu was sprayed with blood after being caught off guard. This time it was good. The two demon monkeys didn't catch it. It was a great loss to be so proud of it.

At that time, Geng Shu's injury was quite serious, and he needed to find a place to heal the wounds. Therefore, the subordinates of the several ethnic groups he ordered to pay attention to search for the signs and monster apes on the cliff, and to collect a large number of poisonous insects in the local area. Ready to attack the Tianhu tribe on another day.

In addition, Geng Shu is afraid that those people of the Tiandai tribe will return to find the trace of the patriarch Rongzheng. He thought of an idea to let his tribe stare at the movement in the direction of Huangluling. Once someone got into the deep forest and looked for Rongzheng, he immediately poisoned him. Capturing and not killing them is to later use these guys to mix into the horde of Huangluo Ridge.

After ordering these things, Geng Shu left to heal and never returned. From beginning to end, the older leaders of the Hu nationality were involved, so under the pressure of Guan Heng and others, this guy Here comes a bamboo tube to pour beans, all of them said.

"So, you didn't find the corpse of the patriarch and the white-headed Zhu Yan?" At this moment, the brothers Wang Gui and Wang Xiang and Liang Ji looked at each other. They thought that if Rong Zheng was unknown, but the body was not found, the other person There is at least a glimmer of hope for survival.

"Yes, yes, four of us, plus a dozen other people who came to the rescue the day before yesterday, have searched under the cliff. Indeed, Rong Zheng was not found ... Ah, no, it is the remains of Rongda's chief." The long-collar Hu tribe said, "I think, maybe he hasn't returned yet ..."

Hearing this, Guan Heng was thinking of another thing. At this moment, he stared at the other person with a calm face and asked, "Huh, you just said that some reinforcements are coming? So where are the rest of the Hu people? Say--"

"Eh ?! They, they searched under the cliff again today. They haven't returned yet."

The senior collar Hu quickly said, "The location of the Rong Zheng clan is not far from here. We have a footpath under the cliff, so we take turns to find the path every day, but Nothing has been harvested. "

"If you get something, if you have something to gain, then my head of family will be unlucky." At this time, Liang Ji, a nerd of Tiansong, muttered angrily, and then he asked Guan Heng again: "Little brother, you say we are What should I do?"

"The question should be almost clear. The four-eared long right has been returned to Huangluoling at this time. We are now looking for the trace of Rong Zheng and Zhu Yan."

After a little thinking, Guan Heng said, "Go out now, and everyone will search under the cliff, and if you meet the guys who lead the Hu nationality ..."

The eyes of the two brothers Wang Gui, Wang Xiang, and Liang Ji were shot in anger, "Just slaughter them all!"

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng thought that all the information was almost the same, and he winked at Wang Gui, who immediately noticed, and immediately shot, breaking the neck of the elderly collar Hu with a click.

"Let's go." With a wave of his hand at this time, Guan Heng rushed out of the waterfall cave with three people of the Tiandai clan.

—— [The third change of 2016.9.3, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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