Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1700: Mi tribe

After Guan Heng said this, he looked at Rong Zheng with a smile. After this campaign, he had learned the strength of this kid Geng Shu, and the newly received Qin Yuan Hu Feng's attack power was not weak, though The Stinger can only be used once a day, but it is undoubtedly a backup killer.

In addition, Geng Shu cut his arm immediately after the stroke, and it was a tough person. This person should not be underestimated. Guan Heng had secretly kept an eye out. When he planned to encounter that encounter again, he would have to remove it with great skill to avoid another trouble.

After a while, Guan Heng, the bird and the bird eagle that he found with the medicine for attracting birds, ate all the poisonous snakes and poisonous snakes on the ground, and everyone was relieved. Then he hurried in the forest.

Along the way, Rong Zheng told Guan Heng that, in addition to the four aliens of the Tiandai, Modai, Zhudai and Linghu, there are many customs in the vast mountains of this region. A small tribe, where they will pass by tonight, there is a small tribe called "mud faced tribe".

The so-called mud-faced fans are actually no different from ordinary people living in mountainous areas, but they have a very unique custom, that is, when the whole family goes hunting in the mountains, they will evenly apply wet mud on their faces. It is said that It can prevent the bite of mosquitoes, and can be prevented from being found by the evil monsters. In addition, it can also prevent evil.

Guan Hengwen, who was on his way with Rong Zheng, heard this, and could not help asking strangely: "Avoid evil? What does that mean?"

"As for avoiding evil, it actually has something to do with the legend in this mountain." Rong Zheng looked at the path at this time and found that he had turned into a narrow winding mountain road in front of him. He said to Guan Heng casually: "I He has some friendship with the elders of the mud-faced fans, and he knows some local stories from his mouth. "

Speaking of this, Rong Zheng paused for a while and continued to say: "A hundred years ago, there were a few small tribes living in the four neighbouring mountains of the mud-faced fans, but one year suddenly a terrible mountain appeared. A monster, that monster is different from a normal monster, and its strength is amazing and changes. It can kill people and kill people everywhere. It makes people on the surrounding mountains die and flee. Gradually, it becomes sparse. "

Guan Heng blinked and said, "But those who are mud-faced can still live here, so there must be a secret in it?"

"Hehehe, Brother Guan said so well."

At this moment, Rong Zheng started with a smile and said, "Those people on the muddy face were initially frightened by the horror of monsters in the mountains, but then someone came up with an idea. When they entered the mountain, they painted their faces with mud and covered their bodies. Blending with the surrounding trees and flowers, disturbing the sight of the monster, so that you can save your life while the monster is passing by. "

"Oh, that's what happened, I understand." Guan Heng said casually, but thought to himself, "What exactly does that monster look like in the mountain, what is it? I really want to see it, but now In a hurry, it's better not to have extravagant branches. "

Guan Heng just thought of it, and Rong Zheng said suddenly, "Look, the mud-faced villagers are in front. It's almost dusk now. If it's easy to get lost in the middle of the night, let's stay overnight at the local elder's home . "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng slightly said his head: "Okay, all listen to Brother Rong's arrangements." Guan Heng and the three of them took the ghost tiger and two demon apes into the mud-faced mysterious village, Zhaizi not far away. Sure enough, someone knew Rong Zheng, and immediately welcomed the elders of the mystery.

After seeing an old friend Rong Zheng visiting, the elder of the mysterious tribe appeared extra enthusiastic. He introduced several people to his home, asked the family to prepare meals, and arranged the accommodation of the devouring tiger and two giant apes.

However, Guan Heng found that the people around him were a bit unnatural, seemingly sad, and he was absent-minded in speaking and doing things.

So Guan Heng quietly said to Rong Zheng: "Will something happen in this village, why everyone's faces are a little worried, it is obvious that they have encountered difficulties, brother Rong, you can ask the elders, if Need us to help, you and I can ... "

"Well, Brother Guan also makes sense. The elder has always been very cautious and taciturn. He asked him in front of everyone, maybe the elder refused to speak." Rong Zheng said to Guan Heng: "So, you are here Sit back for a while, and I'll go to the elder's room to find out the details. "

After listening to Rongzheng's words, Guan Heng slightly said his head and said, "Okay, you go, I'll just wait here."

At this time, Rong Zheng looked at the direction of the elder's bedroom, where the lights were still on, so he stepped forward and knocked on the door gently, and was then greeted by the elder.

Guan Heng waited for about a moment, and Rong Zheng finally walked out of the room with a calm face. He went to Guan Heng and whispered, "Brother, come with me."

Guan Heng then glanced at the dog next to him who slept into the ghost, and the dark crystal coffin, then nodded: "Okay, let's go."

The two entered the elder's room again, but Guan Heng found that the elder had cried red eyes at this time. He felt a little strange, but was inconvenient to ask himself, so he looked at Rongzheng.

At this time, Rong Zheng closed the door, then said to Guan Heng, "At first the elders refused to tell the truth, but they were afraid of involving us, but I repeatedly asked, and he told me what happened here recently. "

"Oh, I'll listen to that, too." Guan Heng glanced at the elder at this moment, and the latter finally sighed, and then said, "Little brother, I know that you and the chief Rongzheng care about us here and want Help, that's why I bother to inquire about the situation, but it's weird to say it. I'm really afraid that you will be involved ... "

"Hey, I said the elders. Since we are all here, it seems to be a bit late if we are not involved." Guan Heng smiled slightly at this time: "Be assured, I plan to hear what is going on first. Well, in case I ca n’t help, I ’ll forgive you, and I ’m sure you wo n’t care, right? ”

"Well, it's a rare little brother to ask, then I'll talk about it." The elder of the tribe actually took a breath and wanted to talk to someone. When he saw Rong Zheng and Guan Heng so enthusiastically, he was not good anymore. Concealed it, so he just said it all.

That was the situation a few months ago. As in previous years, the mud-faced fans have held the biggest mountain hunting event of the year in the hottest summer season. The hunting will go into the mountain for seven days in total, which means that the young and old men of the whole family Ding must smear wet mud on his face and body, waist animal skin and straw skirt, and with a spear and a bow in hand, go hunting in the mountains.

Although the man-eating monster in this mountain appeared more than a hundred years ago, its real-time to this day, it has long been only a legend and no real thing. Therefore, the people of the mud-faced fans put mud on their faces for hunting, just in accordance with the old customs and old examples. No one takes the matter of monsters seriously.

—— [Second more in 2016.9.4, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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