Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1802: Origin of the Golden Demon

"It turned out that the masked woman was called Brigitte. It seems that you are quite familiar." Guan Heng asked at this time: "Who is she?"

"She is the servant of Tong Jianghai, the chief of the Dragon Dragon Tribe ... Hey!"

As soon as Lou Bao had finished speaking, he could not hold back the injuries and the venom of the snake venom. A black blood spurted out instantly. Guan Heng looked at Lou Bao's appearance and knew that if he could not be rescued, he must be dead. There are still some questions to ask Lou Feng, so this guy can't be brought to heaven.

"Big ghost," Guan Heng said at this moment, pointing to the downside you, "Go and dig out the demon monkey's brain."

The Youhou Demon Monkey has been torn in half by the big demon ghost just now, but his head rolls to the ground with his right body, and it is still intact. The monkey's brain suddenly opened, and a mass of red and white things was held up by the big miser.

"Hey, the brain of the demon monkey, I can give it to you." Guan Heng glanced at Lou Bao at this moment, and then slowly said, "But you have to tell me everything I want to know about the golden demon. If there is something concealed, then you stay here to die. "

"This ..." Lou Feng's face changed sharply after hearing this. The matter of the Golden Demon is related to the secrets of his family, but at this moment his life is more important. Helplessly, Lou Feng had to say things intermittently.

It turned out that Lou Feng was one of the strong red spirits of the Bainan tribe in Shijianshan. In the name of the patriarch, he wanted to tribute a strange treasure recently captured by the Bainan tribe to Xia Yu, the founder of Chongguo. .

Lou Feng left the Bainan tribe half a month ago and was ready to rush to Chongguo's Yangcheng to deliver tributes, but because of the mistake of the word "wine and color" halfway, he lost the trick of the four women headed by Brigitte. Not only did he lose the "Golden Monster", but he was also misled, and he lost his life.

Guan Heng looked at Lou Feng when he said that he was out of breath, so he divided half of the demon monkey's brain and threw it to him: "Well, eat this first."

"Thank you very much." Seeing that there was a little hostility on Guan Heng's face, Lou Bao didn't dare to say anything else. He swallowed the brain of the demon monkey with two mouthfuls, and then murmured, "This is only half of the monkey The effect of the brain can only help me suppress the toxicity for two days, hey ... "

Guan Heng saw that Lou Bao's face was slightly better, and it was clear that the poisonous gas had subsided. He continued to ask, "Hey, what effect does that" Golden Demon "have? It provokes those who are in the poisonous dragon valley of Brigitte. snatch."

"This, this ..." Lou Feng said at this time: "The golden demon is just a magical monster captured by the patriarch of our clan, Feng Peng, two years ago. The clan researched this object for two years, but he studied it. I don't know very well yet, we, the subordinates, have no way of knowing. "

"Huh." He murmured with dissatisfaction at Guan Xuanmian, Lou Feng quickly said, "However, the golden demon usually can be transformed into a demon-style and a red baby boy. This kind of effect can quickly raise the level of aura of those around you. "

Speaking of which, Lou Feng paused a bit, and then continued to say: "Two years ago, the patriarch was just as good as mine. They were all powerful people who had just entered the realm of red gas, but in the past two years, The patriarch's strength has been surging forward, and he has already reached the peak of the red gas, and he can soon advance to the black power of the overlord. Our tribe and our subordinates speculate that he must have used the golden demon to soar strength. "

"Hmm ... is that so?" Guan Heng was slightly disappointed when he heard it here, and he murmured secretly: "So, the role of the golden demon is not much different from Yun Lingzhu, it is all to help the holder Just speed up the gathering of Reiki. "

But Guan Heng thought carefully and felt that something was not right. At this moment, Lou Feng said, "But there seems to be no impenetrable wall in the world, and there is a magical golden demon thing in the clan's hand, which has passed to Chongguo. At the capital, Lord Xia Yu, the communist host, was very interested in the golden demon, so he sent a messenger to tell the patriarch to use the golden demon as a tributary tribe this year and send it to Yangcheng. "

"Hehe, you tribe people are really weird. Why did Xia Yu let you wait for the tribute, and you have to do it?" Guan Heng said with a sneer at this time: "Don't you naturally refuse?"

"Eh ... It's actually like this. Every year, on the birthday of Lord Xia Yu, all tribes in Chongguo must present tribute gifts. Otherwise, they will be besieged by the army sent by Xia Yu the following year. In that case, it would be a disaster. "

Lou Feng's voice turned low at this time, he continued: "Not only is the rule of Chong State, but the other two countries-You Yu and Tao Tang ancient countries, do the same. This is the rule of the ancient Communists. The means of the various tribes of the royal family. "

Guan Heng heard Lou Feng's tone showing some dissatisfaction with Xia Yu, the founder of Chongguo, but he didn't go to his heart, but the words turned and began to ask other things: "Your Bainan tribe and Poison Dragon Valley tribe are hatred ? Why did those four women come to grab the golden demon? "

"Hate? Hehehe ..."

Lou Feng said with a bitter smile at this time: "Not only does the Poison Dragon Valley tribe have resentment against our Bainan tribe, but also has different grievances with the other four northern big tribes, but everyone is obeying the rules set by the Chong Guo Lord Xia Yu , No war between the big tribes is allowed, otherwise the other tribes will flock together and destroy them. "

Guan Heng listened and shook his head slightly, saying, "But I don't think it seems to be so kind among your six clans."

"Uh, you're right. Especially between our five clan and the Poison Valley tribe, we often fight against each other. Many relatives and people have died without knowing each other."

Lou Feng just barely suppressed the venom at this time, taking a hard breath and taking a breath, he frowned and said, "But the chiefs of the six clan will come to meet once every few years to discuss the trade between the clan. With regard to the exchange of goods, when I accompanied the patriarch Fengpeng to the party in the past two years, I had met the woman named Brigitte, and forgot it for a while, it was really a hate to the four cheap men. "

"Huh, it must be that the other side is holding onto your weakness, that's why you got fooled." Guan Heng secretly slandered, and then asked, "You said you were going to look for the snake venom on Brigitte, did she still Ain't dead? "

"Well, after I and I were poisoned, I just flew out my own copper hammer and hit Brigitte's back heart, but let this cheap sister run away!"

At this point, Lou Feng was so angry that he gritted his teeth, and he whispered: "To this day, I can't find the golden demon, I can't return to the patriarch, and I can't give an explanation to the Lord of the Communist Party. Right in front of it, it was all caused by the Poison Dragon Valley tribe and the **** with Brigitte. It was chased to the ends of the earth, and I will kill her, so I can resolve my hatred! "

—— [Fourth more of 2016.9.24, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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