Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1814: Thousands of heavy water (first)

In the face of these golden warriors, Guan Heng had an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart, but the situation was urgent and could not tolerate any hesitation.

"Hey!" I saw a pair of warriors holding swords and spears swiping Guan Heng's whole body with the blade of a weapon in an instant, Guan Heng left and right to keep blocking the parry, he almost vacated in front of the stormy offensive Without fighting to fight back, my heart was anxious: "If you go on like this, you must die out of exhaustion, you must quickly find a way to get out!"

"Huh-huh!" Thinking of this, the Guanmang sword in Guan Hengzhang made three moves between the electric light and flint. The first sword stabbed the spear and the soldier's blade in an instant, letting the spear gun "dunk". Flying, the second sword suddenly sent Jianmang to suddenly hit the sword's forerunner, and immediately stopped the opponent from coming forward, calling it "Teng Teng Teng" to take three consecutive steps.

As for the third sword, it is crucial to plan for a long time. Guan Heng twisted his body in an instant, slammed down, and slammed down with the eagle's slamming momentum. He used this broken sword to directly fight against the golden knight warrior. hit.

"Bang!" It seemed to be undercharged, and was knocked out by the opponent's golden tremor. Guan Heng rolled in the air for several volleys and suddenly fell downward.

It turned out that Guan Heng had just discovered that there was a ditch of unknown depth near the place where the Golden Warrior surrounded himself. He was avoiding the drops of water and could sneak around in the ditch without sinking to the bottom. .

"Tongtong" fell into the ditch, and the effect of avoiding drops of water immediately came into effect. He immediately stepped on the water without sinking, plus Guan Heng's previously recorded trick to assist martial arts- The method of use has been well-known. Although it is impossible to fully use it without stepping into the realm of red gas, it is still possible to accelerate slightly with your own dark blue aura.

"噌 噌 噌 ——" Guan Heng, relying on the power of avoiding water drops and soaring steps, ran hundreds of steps across the water in the ditch, completely throwing away the golden warriors who were still wandering at the palace door. Behind my head.

After a while, Guan Heng saw that he had gotten rid of the siege, and suddenly lifted his breath and jumped to the edge of the ditch, and turned over.

"Huh, finally getting rid of those tricky things."

At this moment, Guan Heng was relieved, and his heart secretly said, "I didn't have time to think about it just now when I fought, but I faintly felt the strange appearance of the golden warriors, and they all had the monster spirit in the canyon. The atmosphere of 'must be that the owner of this palace forcibly sealed the demon spirit on the golden man in order to allow them to move freely against foreign enemies. "

"Since they have thought that they are demon-body control activities, it will not be difficult to deal with them." Guan Heng wiped the sweat on his forehead with his sleeve at this time, he thought: "I still go to the bell tower to sculpt the eagle Take it back. "

But at this moment, Guan Heng suddenly felt something wrong. When he just jumped out of his ditch, he didn't feel uncomfortable, but at this time he felt heavy and his body seemed to be filled with lead.

"What the **** is going on?" Guan Heng's heart was beating. Suddenly, he noticed that all the water stains on the trousers in his pants and on his arm had turned into glittering gold.

"The things in this gully are definitely not ordinary stagnant water." After a little pause, Guan Heng moved his hands and feet, feeling that he had adapted to the load of the "strange liquid", as long as he got used to it, it was much better.

Guan Heng thought secretly: "I don't know what the **** is in this ditch. If I didn't have water beads nearby, I'm afraid that the moment it jumps into the water, it will sink to the bottom because of the" weight "it brings ... Ok?!"

At this moment, Guan Guan glanced at the railing beside the horizontal ditch, and saw a large strange pattern inscribed on the stone pillar of the railing. It was some ancient writings. Guan Heng rubbed his eyes and distinguished for a long time, but still recognized Not all the meaning above, just barely read a few words: "Thousands, gold, heavy, water, bamboo, dish, Sheng, Zhi ..."

"Well, the ancient text on this railing probably said that those weird liquids were called 'thousands of heavy water'." Guan Heng murmured to himself at the moment: "Which bamboo dish is it, bamboo dish is it ..."

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in Guan Heng's mind, which read the words: "Bamboo dishes are in it, isn't it just to find a bamboo utensil to put them up?"

Guan Heng has always been interested in this novelty, so he took out a bamboo tube filled with drinking water on his body, and unplugged the liquid in the groove of the bamboo tube. After this heavy gold water was put into the bamboo tube, it really became Fluttering, no different from ordinary water.

Fortunately, Guan Heng often carried a piece of "silk quilt" and a bit of animal blood, just to facilitate the extension of things that he wanted to keep. Those ancient texts that recorded the origin of "thousands of gold and heavy water" were used by Guan Heng. The blood of the beast and the silk urn were spread down, and they were properly stored.

Immediately after doing these things, Guan Heng wanted to go to get the Jumang sword that was placed on the side of the stone platform. Who knew that it was between the electric light and flint. The side of the stone platform suddenly extended a black hairy paw. Grasp the sentence Mangjian, and ran away for a long time.

"Eh ?!" Guan Heng didn't notice at the beginning. At this moment, he realized that he had been stolen by a thief. Guan Heng was so angry that he got angry: "Where's the **** thing, I'll return Laozi's sentence Sword!

When the words fell, Guan Heng stood up like an electric power, and "噌 噌 噌" chased away, but the black thing with a long tail in front of him ran fast. Guan Heng couldn't chase for a while and a half. On it.

"Little thief, don't run—" Guan Heng chased after him, only to find that the long black tail thing was running faster and faster, and the other side was familiar with the corners of the entire palace. His Majesty jumped, Guan Heng was really anxious and angry, and secretly hated that he should not be negligent.

At this moment, the long-tailed little thing suddenly jumped and jumped to the northwest corner of the palace. There was an inconspicuous side hall. The long-tailed little enchanter rushed in and disappeared.

"Damn little thief, I see where you can go!" Guan Heng rushed into the side hall in anger at this moment. He looked around and found that there was nothing empty here, only a few. A large, tall stone pillar stands alone in the temple, supporting the building from falling down.

"Huh ?!" Guan Heng suddenly saw his sentence Mangjian was thrown under a stone pillar. He hurriedly walked over and reached out to copy it. After careful inspection, he was relieved: "Fortunately, there is no damage, Maybe it was the little thing that I was chased by, so I left the sword and ran ... "

"叽叽 叽 ——" Guan Heng just heard this, and heard an unusually harsh scream from his head. When he looked up, the dark long-tailed demon was lying on top of the stone pillar and laughing at himself, Guan Heng's face suddenly sank.

—— [2016.9.27 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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