Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1847: Accidental attack

Guan Hengyan looked and saw that there was a small hole with a few square feet above the cricket stone that the original jade monster climbed, and it was alone on the corner of a rock wall.

"There must be something weird in that little stone cave, but I don't know what the jade demon is going to do?" Guan Heng originally thought to follow up to see what happened, but after thinking about it, it is better to watch it change from below.

At this time, the earth spirit jade demon had climbed to the stone cave, and reached out with a small hand to dig it out. But in the light and fire stone, Guan Heng suddenly heard a strange scream from the stone cave. Howling wind and shadow rushed out of the stone hole, and opened her mouth to bite the jade demon baby who was frightened for a while, and flew into the distance only in an instant.

"Be careful, Liushen, go and save it—"

As Guan Heng shouted, the six black wind ghosts gathered in mid-air into a gray cloud, and in a blink of an eye, they rushed to the monster who caught the jade demon baby. The thing howled and suddenly fluttered. It exudes a strong reddish breath, and immediately shakes the gray cloud where the ghosts gather.

"唰-嗤!" But at this instant, Guan Heng had taken off the snowy bow and shook his hand and released an arrow. The demon bird caught off guard, the left wing suddenly hit the arrow, and the opponent's body shook in the air, causing it to loose With a scream in his mouth, the little baby Yuyu fell on the gray cloud of the ghost, and then suddenly fell to the ground, safe and sound.

Guan Heng hit with a snowy bow and arrow is a demon eagle with agile identity and lingering reddish breath. Although this guy is small in size, he can still convolutely hover under the wings, so that he will not fall to the ground. weak.

"Well, the arrow just rushed out, but just passed the other side's wings, so ..." Guan Hengzheng thought about putting another arrow to shoot down the demon carving, but at this moment, the sudden change suddenly occurred!

I saw something creeping out of the corner of the weird rock wall, but it was only three feet tall, a demon covered with gray scales, with pointed heads, pointed mouths, pointed claws and pointed tail The beast, Guan Hengning looked at it and almost thought it was a pangolin, but this guy is much fiercer than a pangolin.

"Snoring! Hey--" The sharp-nosed monster instantly showed its sharp claws and rushed to Guanheng, snoring and snoring. The animal blinked out dozens of claws in a blink of an eye, and the speed was so fast that almost the surrounding air was ripped Cracks.

"Yeah!" Yi Huan fluttered, constantly avoiding the other side's fierce scratch. Guan Heng fired an arrow at this time to attack the fiercely screaming demon eagle in midair. The demon boy took me into the distance, and the rest gave me all I could to bring down the injured demon eagle. "

"Oh!" "Oh!" At the same time as Guan Heng issued a command, the claws of the grayscale sharp-mouthed beast had fallen in a cross wind, leaving two scars on his shoulders at once.

"Abominable!" Guan Heng always did not make a loss, and he was suddenly hurt like a snow bow in his palm while he was injured. "Oh!"

"Bang, bang!" The monster attacked Guan Heng three times, but his body was slightly swaying and he didn't hurt. It turned out that this guy also had a light red demon-like body. Guan Heng couldn't hurt it in the rush. !!

"Pale red enchantment ?! Huh, it doesn't pose any threat to me now, if the crimson enchantment is a little trickier."

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng grasped the snowy bow with one hand, grabbed the sword sword with one hand, and moved to the side of the grayscale sharp-mouthed monster with a call, and for a while, the sword sword rose sharply and chopped Fall on the scales of the opponent's neck.

In the sound of "Dora", the scale armor flew around. Although it did not hurt the bones and flesh, it also hurt the monster. The guy suddenly waved a claw in the loud roar, but he was not taken care of. Like snow bow strings are not biased and unbiased.


Guan Heng's wrist twisted and twisted, and the bowstring drew into the flesh grabbed by the monster, and the sharp-mouthed monster suddenly felt a terrible pain, but at this moment, the monster heard a cry in midair. It turned out that under the encirclement and attack of the Liushen ghosts, the demon eagle had already seriously injured his life, and even the corpses were instantly eaten up by the Liushen ghosts!

"Woohoo ?!" In this abandoned jade mine, the demon eagle and the sharp-mouthed monster have always occupied half of the territory. The two have a fight with each other, but both ends with a draw. But at this moment, the demon eagle's desperate despair Scream, has become the lifeline of the grayscale sharp-mouthed monster.

At this time, the sharp-mouthed beast no longer loves fighting in the face of Guan Heng, so he twists his claws and then runs away. This beast is good at digging underground holes. As long as it gives it instantaneous time, the sharp-mouthed beast can drill to the monster. Hole in the corner to escape.

But Guan Heng allowed this guy to run away, and he saw that the six ghosts had solved the demon eagle, and suddenly exclaimed, "Go, stop that guy!"

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, suddenly the six-eyed ghost was wrapped up in front of the sharp-mouthed beast. This guy saw the escape route blocked, and he screamed with anger. Collision with the siege of six ghosts.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The six evil spirits smashed into each other's demons and flew upside down, because they only had the realm of qi, and they were all inferior.

But at this moment, Guan Heng had rushed forward suddenly, lifted his foot and slammed heavily on the waist of the grayscale sharp-nosed monster. "Bone is sturdy--" This guy rolled out suddenly under the severe pain. .

"This sword, take your life!" Guan Heng's words fell off, and the green and bright Jumang sword in his palm was about to fall.

However, just between the electric light and flint, the jade demon baby who was timidly hiding in the corner and watched the battle suddenly didn't know what was going crazy. He actually called "dumb" and ran over, and stood up in front of the sharp-mouthed monster. Let Guan cross hands.

"Little guy, what are you doing? Hurry up and avoid it." Guan Heng waved impatiently and said, "This guy just wanted to sneak in on me. According to my rules, the first one is cheap and killed without complaint. You have to send it a few transparent holes. "

"Mute ... Mute ..." Yu Yaoxiaowa couldn't speak, but kept waving to Guan Heng, but Guan Heng felt inexplicable, but didn't know what it meant.

"Forget it, since you don't want me to kill this monster, then it's best to let it be honest and don't mess with me, otherwise, if you offend me again, you won't have a second chance to survive."

When Guan Heng saw the Yu Yao Xiaowa a little nervous, he waved unwillingly: "Big ghost, look at what is in that small stone cave on the rock wall, and immediately get it down."

The big ghost walked by his orders, and in a short time he wrapped in the black wind and flew to the cave near the rock wall in the middle of the sky, and slipped into it.

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly saw that the expression of the injured sharp-mouthed monster was a bit unnatural. He thought to himself: "Well, there really is something weird, just look at what it is."

—— [Fourth more in 2016.10.3, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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