Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1854: Determine the goal (first)

Dan Yang said at the moment: "The weird celestial phenomenon on the top of Longshan Mountain has been spread a long time ago. The aborigines around here have heard it from a young age. Every time the top of Longshan Mountain reaches the end of summer, there will be a sky thunder. With continued bombardment, the sound was trembling and enduring. "

"That's right, this legend is quite famous. When I passed the Poison Dragon Valley inadvertently in the past few years, I also heard the faint thunder." Luo Wei also said at this time: "I mean, it's time. It seems almost the same as it is now, also in the late summer. "

After listening to the two, Guan Heng knew it, and he nodded slightly with his jaw: "Well, it really seems to be there."

At this moment, the voice of Shang Tianlin came from outside the door: "Two patriarchs, Brother Guan, are you all there? Ruotao and I are here."

After hearing this voice, Dan Yang hurriedly opened the door and welcomed them in. At this time, Ruo Tao said to Guan Heng first: "Son, I asked the old hunter of the **** family in Zhaizi. It seems that no one has heard of the whereabouts of a monster like 'Mejiaduxu', which is difficult to do now. "

Hearing this, Guan Heng slightly frowned: "Is that so? We can only think of another way."

He heard Ruo Tao mention the name of "Mortar Poisonous Devil", and Luo Wei was so embarrassed, he suddenly asked, "Why, do you guys want to inquire about this kind of monster?"

Guan Heng glanced at Luo Wei and asked, "Matriarch Luo, have you heard the name of this monster?"

"Uh, this ... let me think about it for a while." Luo Wei said a little embarrassed at this time: "This person is easy to forget when he is old, but I'm sure I have heard of this name before."

In the eyes of Guan Heng's anticipation, Luo Wei pondered for a long time, and finally patted his thigh, "Haha, I remember, I heard the oldest elder Huang Ting said more than 20 years ago. No wonder, the name of this monster is too long. I didn't remember it for a while. "

After listening to this sentence, Guan Heng's eyes flickered and asked, "Elder Luo, may this Elder Huang Ting be alive at this time?"

"Well, Elder Huang is now more than 120 years old, but his body is still healthy." Luo smiled and said, "At least he hasn't become old and confused. Brother Guan, you have to inquire about the news of Mojia drug poisoning. You have to ask Elder Huang on the hill near the Huei Zhaizi. "

"Okay, then do that." Guan Heng nodded slightly at this moment, he said, "Should the Zhezi of the Huohuo tribe not be too far from here? Then we set off now."

Lowe said: "Then I will show the way for you, it will probably take half an hour, and we will be there."

After hearing this, Guan Heng, Shang Tianlin, and Ruo Tao looked at each other and planned to go back to the room to pack and prepare for departure. , Live in your village first, but ... "

Lowe said that he paused for a moment. He reached up to Dan Yang's ear and said, "Warn your stink boy not to mess around during your son-in-law's injury, but they are not married yet."

"Look what you said, my son is an honest child, why can't he understand the rules?" The old patriarch of Danyang sneered at this time: "Besides, my son is my family sooner or later, hehehe."

After saying this, the two old patriarchs who had been entangled in their lives suddenly looked at each other and smiled. Regardless of the past grievances of the **** and the fire-retired tribe, they were finally compensated by the kinship of their children.

Guan Heng and the other three exited Danyang's room, but they met Ago and the sharp-billed mandrill on the way. At that moment, the mandrel held Ago's legs and said nothing, and Ago could not laugh or cry. , Had to pretend to threaten it sharply, "No more let go, I'll cook you."

Seeing this, Guan Heng and Tian Lin Ruo Tao both felt a little funny, so he asked, "Dog, what's going on?"

A dog sighed at this time and said, "Hey, you don't know, this little monster is annoying me."

When hearing the words of A Gou, Guan Heng walked over and slapped the mountain slap. He smiled and said, "Release, or I will leave you alone, and you will pray over the mountain yourself." "

Guan Heng ’s trick is really good. The Jianzui Shanyu is simply a road lover. If he wants to return to his hometown to pray and cross the mountain, he can only rely on Guanheng to lead the way. So the Jianzui Shanyu reluctantly released it. A dog's legs fluttered and sat on the ground next to him.

At this moment, Agou said, "I just woke up in the guest room and found out that the little guy was also taking a nap. I watched it was fun, so I threw a piece of leftover meat and gave it to me. This guy is entangled with me after eating, desperately holding my leg without spreading, annoying and annoying. "

"Hehehe, Brother Gou, I think this mandrill seems to like you." Shang Tianlin smiled while covering her mouth at this time: "Let ’s do this, let us follow you before we reach the mountain. How are you? "

"Oh!" Jianzui Shanyu was a monster that had been raised by a miner before. Of course, he could understand what Tian Lin said, and it screamed with a little joy, making everyone laugh with a smile.

At first, Agou was a little unwilling to let this little thing follow him, but Guan Heng, Ruo Tao, and Tian Lin kept persuading, and then he reluctantly agreed.

Next, everyone packed up and packed the "golden shellfish" that was cast before. At this moment, Luo Wei was already waiting near the Zhaimen.

At this time, the Swallow Ghost Tiger and a few gimmicks' guides returned to the village. It brought back many nests of "bee stings", which were all made of wild bee honey and royal jelly. Good ingredients, except for some of the people in the village, were put into Shang Tianlin's backpack.

Seeing that it was too early, Guan Heng and others immediately bid farewell to the Danyang tribe and other gimmicks, and started to go to the Huohuo village with Luowei.

The fire-retired village is slightly different from the **** family in the dense forest of deep mountains. Their residence village is built on a cliff adjacent to the river, and it is only a few dozen miles away from the **** family.

Within a short while of the crowd's trip, they had already walked from the mountain forest to the avenue. At this moment, the false snake-like bird that had been lying on the head of the swallowing tiger suddenly raised its head, and then screamed twice.

Although the voice was not loud, Guan Heng's idea was raised. He immediately turned his head and asked, "What is it like a snake bird?"

In a hurry, the snake-like bird fluttered up into the air, flapping its wings, followed by a flash of wind, swept out nearly a kilometer, and finally stopped on a huge roadside rock in the northwest. And started combing his feathers.

—— [2016.10.5 First change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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