Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1893: Longshan News (fifth more outbreak)

At this moment, the two thought that the dog was like a fierce thunder and thunderous shot, they were all afraid, and the fear in their brains could not be dispelled for a long time. In such a time, a personal image suddenly flashed after a towering ancient tree in front, but Guan Heng wearing a red mullet mask.

"Hey, where do you want to go?" Guan Heng didn't speak very loudly, but scared the two who fled the deserted land, because the guy who saved the seriously injured Dragon Dragon Emissary had scrapped his arm and added himself The brothers were dying, and were really powerless to deal with others.

Seeing the other person's suspicion, Guan Heng suddenly chuckled and said, "Don't panic, I'm not an enemy, you see what this is ..."

When the voice didn't end, Guan Heng turned his palm to reveal a bamboo card engraved with the appearance of a serpent vomiting a letter. The poison dragon valley ambassador whispered: "This is the bamboo card of our tribe's identity, are you?"

Guan Heng was snatched from an elder Su who had traveled for many years in Dulonggu, so he deliberately said: "I am a close relative of Elder Su, who happened to pass by and saw two of them familiar. , Are you also from the Dragon Valley? "

"I'm Lingtong, the elder of the Dragon Dragon Valley. This is my brother, Ling Xiao, the Angel of the Dragon Dragon Valley." At this moment, Lingtong saw the Dragon Dragon token, and saw that Guan Heng only had the dark blue aura, and his heart was slightly relaxed. He said, "Little brother, where is Elder Su?"

"Well ... Elder Su received the news that he would return to Yanzhong to participate in the 'Longshan League', and he was rushing back to Dulong Valley soon." Guan Heng suddenly appeared at this time just to get some inside information about the "Longshan League". For news, he talked while moving closer to the two.

At this moment, Ling Tong's eyes turned, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, and he cried out: "Wait, you said that you are a close friend of Elder Su ?! No, Elder Su was alone when he left Dulonggu. , Where did you come from? "

"Oh, I seem to say a leak ..." At this moment, Guan Heng sneered suddenly: "Well, it's the same to grab you two and interrogate again, everybody starts--"

Speaking late, then, quickly, the grasshopper on the left suddenly rushed out of the swallowing body of the ghost tiger, this giant tiger roared suddenly and shocked his ear, Ling Xiao screamed: "Eh yeah!"

"Eh!" Ling Xiao shook his blood with time, and Ling Tong who hugged him suddenly shouted, "Brother ?!"

But at this time, the six magpie ghosts wrapped in the black wind and swept down from the air, the giant bee maggot suddenly twisted the body, and passed the Lingtong another moment with its giant jaw that was better than the sharp blade. Arm.

"Click, click!" The broken arm fell to the ground, and Ling Tong suddenly gave a terrible sorrow: "Goddammit, aren't you the Dragon Dragon Valley ?!"

"I wanted to find out more about the poisonous dragon and valley dragon mountain alliance from you. I didn't expect that your surname Ling was trying to kill myself and pierce my identity." Guan Heng slowly pulled out a mang sword at this time, he smiled lightly. "All right, now I'll use some other means to pry open your mouth."

"Hugh, don't even think about ... know anything from our mouths ..." Ling Tong shouted with his arms broken at this time, "I would rather die than sell the Dragon Dragon Valley!"

"Okay, you're stiff enough, so I won't ask you."

"Bang--slap!" Guan Heng's voice didn't fall. He had already shot Lingtong's eyebrows like a sword with a sword. The guy's eyes turned white, and he suddenly collapsed and collapsed.

"Brother ?!" Ling Xiao next to Lingtong fell and was so scared that he didn't feel as hard as his brother. He thought Lingtong was dead. He suddenly screamed: "Don't kill me, don't Kill me, I say it all! "

"Huh, it's so good early, that it took me so much effort." Guan Heng coldly hummed to Ling Xiao and said with a calm face: "Now I ask a question, you can answer it, dare to have half a word Omissions, I immediately peeled your skin alive! "


After a while, I have asked about the specific date of the "Longshan League", and tied the Ling brothers directly into the mountain stream, leaving them to die for themselves.

On the way, Guan Heng secretly murmured: "It's finally three days before the Longshan League is convened. In these three days, we will be able to rush to the Dragon Dragon Valley, and then take advantage of the crowd."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng took the two new Poison Tokens in his hands, and he said to himself: "Huh, the leader of the Thunder Cone and the Poison Dragon Valley tribe, it seems that I will soon see It's yours. "


After a while, Guan Heng has returned to the patriarch's room of the Fire-Resistant Zhaizi, and met with Ruo Tao, Tian Lin A Gou, and Luo Wei, and other fire-reluctant people. Everyone described the situation after parting. Finally, Lord Rowe said: "Brother Guan, Elder Huang Ting has eaten the peace of mind that you and Ruo Tao sent back, and the condition has been alleviated. You can always ask him about the news of" Mejiadu Poison "."

"Thank you, Chief Luo for telling me." Guan Heng asked again at this time: "This time the fire-threatening tribe has completely turned their face with the Duron Valley tribe. I wonder what you plan to do next?"

"Well, we decided ..." Luo Wei hadn't finished the sentence, and there was a tribe outside to report: "The Danyang tribe of the Mantou tribe led a dozen tribal chiefs who lived nearby to visit. See you outside. "

Upon hearing this, Luo Wei exclaimed with a thigh thumping, "Haha, everyone finally arrived."

Seeing that there was some confusion in Guan Heng's eyes, Luo Wei quickly explained: "Because I felt that only two ethnic groups resisted the Dragon Dragon Valley, it was weak and weak, so before the villagers of Dantou and Danyang broke up, we two Discussing it, it would be nice for him to contact the tribe that is usually dissatisfied with the tribe of the Dragon Dragon Valley tribe, and it seems that Dan Yang has convinced a lot of patriarchs to work with us, which is great. "

Guan Heng nodded slightly, and said at this time: "Then you are here to discuss how to go to Dulonggu within three days. I will go to Elder Huang Ting, but when dealing with Dulonggu, I and my companions Will definitely contribute. "

After saying this, Guan Heng said a goodbye and went straight to the door of Shang Tianlin and Ruo Tao's room, where they were chatting.

Seeing Guan Heng approaching, Ruo Tao immediately said, "My son, I just saw Brother Gou with a sharp-billed mountain salamander and an elephant snake bird going to the edge of the cliff. I heard that there were some weird and funny monsters there. They Just go play. "

"Okay, don't worry about those living treasures." Guan Heng said with a smile at the moment: "Let's go to Elder Huang Ting."

When several people came to the door of Huang Ting's room, they were catching up with Huang Xuan and pouring out dirty water. She said, "Brother Guanheng, are you all here? Come in now, my grandpa is waiting."

—— [Fifth more in 2016.10.12, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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