Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1898: Wooden demon tree species (fifth more outbreak)

Such wooden demon spirits are inherently close to all the trees. They have the unique ability to strip away some of their demon spirits. The gift of giving trees a special ability to grow spiritually and quickly grows is really strange.

But the wooden demon spirit is too rare. A primitive dense forest with a history of thousands of years, the chance of deriving the wooden demon spirit is less than one in 100,000.

The ancestors of the Wa people accidentally captured a weak wooden demon spirit hundreds of years ago and regarded it as a treasure. At that time, the people of the time thought of the way to make the wooden demon spirit to give birth to the spirit tree, and they always guarded the weak. The wooden demon spirit stripped off its power, worked as a cow for the Dais, and planted a spiritual tree, but this method was no different from killing chickens and obtaining eggs.

The poor wooden demon spirit was too weak. After being enslaved for more than a hundred years, it finally exploded. Until then, the talents of the Dai people realized how foolish they had done before, but the wooden demon spirit had disappeared. It's hard to catch the water, and regret it late.

Fortunately, before the demon spirit was annihilated, the five spirit tree species were being spawned. When it exploded, the remaining sperm of the wooden spirit demon spirit was instantly incorporated into the tree species. In this way, the five spirit trees had the wooden demon spirit. The bequest's feedback has become the only evidence that this thing remains in time.

The Dai people are quite savvy. They soon discovered the mystery of the seed, so they made another determination.

In the final analysis, the wooden demon spirit was also overly enslaved by the Dai people, which led to the destruction of the annihilation, but the people of the Dai people were not cold-blooded, they just didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

So the An's people of the Wa tribe immediately made a decision and immediately gave up planting all the spiritual trees in the tribe, silently protecting the tree species left by the five wood demon spirits, waiting for these tree species to absorb the heaven and earth aura, and condensing the wood demon spirit again. Body.

This time, the people of the Dai people will never use the wood demon spirit to do anything, but directly return it to the mountains and forests, as a return of the wood demon spirit to the Qiang people for hundreds of years.

The five tree species containing the wood monster spirit element are called "pseudo wood monster spirit tree species" and have been kept in the forbidden area of ​​the Dai people. This matter was originally extremely secretive, but the planting of the spirit tree Suddenly the well-known Dai people suddenly died down, ignoring world affairs and dealing with other people, which immediately caused countless people to guess.

In the end, the fire was not covered in the paper, and the seeds of the pseudo-wood demon spirit were still learned by Yu Shu, the co-owner of the Reze tribe, Yu Shu. After Yu Shu knew this news, he immediately sent his master. The Qiang people who tried to capture the precious pseudo-wood demon spirits who had heard of it earlier had already heard the wind and fled, and migrated to the unknown deep mountain old forest in one breath, and continued to protect those precious tree species.

But to this day, the killer sent by Yu Guguo from the capital city of Puban finally chased the place where the Qiang people lived in seclusion. The An's clan was slaughtered, leaving only three fathers and daughters of Anjisu.

Hearing An Jisu here, Guan Heng also sighed endlessly, and he whispered, "Hey, he has heavy treasures, and he will inevitably attract people to covet. There are only treasures in the eyes of these wicked people. Where would he fear to kill a few more innocent lives? It's extremely cold-blooded. "

At this time Anjisu was full of sorrow. At this time, he went to the corner of the bark house, pried a large piece of bluestone with his hands, and then took out a small copper bottle from there.

The next moment, An Jisu turned down the mouth of the copper bottle, and poured out a few small trees rolling on the table. Guan Heng saw the kind of child shining bright green, extremely soft and dazzling, he could not help but sigh: "Dozens of lives, just to protect them, Chief An, do you think it's worth it?"

"Of course, I'm sure it's worth it." At this moment, Anjisu said with a firm expression: "Even if I want to send these five pseudo-wood demon tree species, I also have to give them to someone who deserves them. I wo n’t give them to those who have killed my people! "

As soon as this sentence came out, the five tree species on the table suddenly changed strangely, and rolled straight in the direction of Guan Heng.

"Well, what's going on?" Seeing that the tree species would automatically fall to the ground, Guan Heng hurriedly stopped it with the palm of his hand, but at this moment, Guan Heng's mang sword buzzed and trembled in an instant, Seems to want to unsheath.

Seeing this situation, Guan Heng hurriedly held down the tree species with one hand and pulled out the sheathed swordsman sword with one hand, he said with a bitter smile: "I say swordsman, what mess do you want to add at this time? ? "

Hearing the words "Jumang Sword", An Jisu, who was sitting next to him, suddenly stood up horribly. His action suddenly made Guan Heng one of them. Guan Heng asked, "What's wrong with you, Chief An? ? "

"Brother Guan, Guan, what's the name of this sword you said?" With an expression on his face, Anjisu stuttered stupidly: "I just seemed to hear you call it ... a sword, right? "

"That's right, this is a fake sword." Guan Heng saw that the tree species was no longer rolling, so he let go of his hand and put his scabbard on the table. Concealed, and told me how he got a sword in the underground city of Tianwu Kingdom.

After that, Guan Heng also smiled and said, "This‘ Sword of the Ancient Spirit Tree ’is now broken and its power is not ten. I ’m trying to repair the sword edge of the Jumang sword.”

Upon hearing this, Angie Su threw a thigh at once: "Hey, that's right, I know why this 'pseudo-wood demon tree species' reacted to this sword."

Guan Hengwen heard this statement, feeling a little puzzled, his face could not help but appear doubtful.

When An Jisu saw Guan Heng and wanted to ask, he hurriedly said, "Brother Guan, maybe we met today. What kind of **** is really arranged, do you know? The material of this sword making sword is heaven and earth. The strongest tree spirits of the twelve ancient **** trees can also be said that the wood demon spirits derived from all the trees in this world are the children and grandchildren of the tree spirits of the twelve ancient **** trees. "

"Oh, this is the case." After listening to An Jisu's explanation, Guan Heng suddenly realized.

An Jisu continued: "Our Qiang people tried everything to help the wooden demon spirit regroup and resurrect it, but all ended in failure, but my father once made an inference that it was to find the ancient times. Where the sacred tree grows, five pseudo-wood demon spirit trees are buried there, and with the spiritual temperature of the 'ancestor of the tree spirit', the tree species are cultivated and they are regained a little vitality. "

Speaking of which, An Jisu pointed at the sword. He said, "According to ancient legends, the sword is a forged core of the strongest of the 12 ancient **** trees. There is a little divine power in God Jumang. This sword must have the ability to feed the seeds of the false wood demon spirit. Brother Guan, I beg you, I must help you! "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.10.13, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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