"However, the current Jumang sword is definitely more powerful than it was before it was unsheathed."

Guan Heng looked at more than two feet five at this time. He said that the sword blade had a wide palm and a sturdy sword. His wrist was turned around and he said, "It looks like a pseudo-wood demon spirit tree. It really can help Jumang Sword repair the broken edge. "

"Ha ha ha, if so, that would be great."

An Jisu laughed at this moment: "Brother Guan, these five pseudo-wood demon spirit tree species, you will have to ask your brother to take good care of them. When the sword blade is repaired, these seeds will be re-derived from the" wood demon. " The days of "Spirits" are not far off, and the wishes of our Dai people for centuries can finally be realized. "

Having said that, An Jisu's eyes were moist, and he even sobbed a little: "My people, even if they are killed unfortunately, they can stare."

"Ancestor An ........." Guan Heng heard An Jisu say this, and he felt a bit heavy in his heart. He whispered, "Relax, An An, your Qiang's desire to regenerate the wooden demon spirit. , It will happen, I will do my best to help, and you will be assured. "

"Thank you very much, Brother Guan, please worship me." After hearing the sincerity in Guan Heng's words, Anji sued and fell to his knees on both knees. Flail three beeps.

"Matriarch, what are you doing? Hurry up!"

Guan Hengzheng wanted to help each other, but An Jisu waved his hand and said, "Brother Guan, my three heads are stunned by the Jumang sword. I hope this sword can treat the pseudo-wood demon tree species well and let them in the ancient times. The ancestors of the tree grew up, and our Dai people are already grateful. "

"It's ... stop, your head is also stubborn, Chief An, presumably your mind, Jumang already knows, get up." Guan Heng reached out and supported at this time, and An Jisu stood up tremblingly at this moment. His heart was still full of excitement, because the long-cherished wish of the Dai people was finally resolved in his generation.

It is a responsibility for the Dai people to allow the false wood monster spirit seeds to return to the wood monster spirit form and return to the free and free life in the mountains and forests. At the same time, it is also a heavy burden, even a curse. If it were not for the protection of these five tree species, the Dai people would not have been slaughtered, they would have died almost to death, and ended in such a miserable end.

Suddenly a thought flashed through Guan Heng's mind, he thought, "Hey, you, you are finally free."

Suddenly, Guan Heng remembered another thing, and he asked, "Matriarch An, what are you and your two daughters planning to do in the future? In case the killers reappear, it will be dangerous."

"Well, the entire Wa people, now we are the only three of our father and daughter." Anjisu whispered at this time: "We decide to go as far as we can, and go to live in a place far away from the three ancient countries, I will If you do n’t believe it, the world is so big that there can be no shelter for our father and daughter. "

"Oh, that's right, you must have been very hard this way ..." Guan Heng said here, and suddenly he reached into his arms and took out a bag and handed it to Anjisu. He said: "There is 50 gold in it. Although it ’s not a lot, I hope it can help your journey. Do n’t quit. "

"Okay, then I'm welcome." Anjisu also refreshed, grabbed the bag and carried it into his arms. At this time, two little girls, An Qing and An Jing, ran into the bark house quickly.

"Dad, Brother Guan, we brought back the sassafras tree bark." An Qing said, and his sister put two bundles of bark in front of Guan Heng.

"Okay, thank you, the two sisters have worked hard."

Guan Heng smiled and picked up the bark. He took a look at the father and daughter and suddenly said, "I have a suggestion. Recently, the hoeman and the fire-retired tribe have to contact the nearby tribe to fight against Dragon Valley. It's very close to the flame-retarded village. It's better to go there for a few days. It's relatively safe in a crowded place, right? "

"Brother Guan said very much, in fact, I have the same intention, after all, the fire-loving patriarch Luo Wei has some friendship with me. If we rely on him, our father and daughter also have a temporary shelter."

When he heard Anjisu agree with his suggestion, Guan Heng said, "It's not too late, let's hurry up on the road."

In this way, Guan Heng called up the swallowing ghost tiger, and took the three of An's father and daughter down the mountain in a hurry.

After getting there, Anjisu met with Dan Yang, Luo Wei, and the chiefs of several small tribes. They talked about the unfortunate death of their tribe. Everyone felt a little heavy. Everyone said a few words of comfort and comfort. Luo Wei He also warmly accepted the old friends father and daughter to live in.

At this moment, Guan Heng found the elder Huang Ting with the bark of the linden tree. It turned out that Agou, sharp-billed mandrill, Shang Tianlin, Ruotao, and Huang Xuan were all there. Agou and mandrill caught on the cliff. Many plump beasts are ready to be eaten at this time.

Upon seeing Guan Heng returning, Agou immediately called out, "Hey, Guan Heng, let's do this barbecue thing, my craft is far worse than yours."

"Well, wait a minute, I took the bark to Elder Huang first, and came over right away." Guan Heng said and turned into the house to see Huang Ting. Elder Huang took the bark of the linden tree with a smile and then said: "OK Well, since this thing is in hand, everything is easy to handle. You also left the red mullet mask, and I will make the gum now. "

At the time of turning off their barbecue, Elder Huang Ting had already boiled the gum without much effort, and evenly applied it on the inside of the mask of the fish, giving the mask more protection against toxic aerosols.

Afterwards, several of them found the Lord of the Fire-Residents, and told them what they would do next. Guan Heng decided to take Ago, Ruotao and Shang Tianlin to Jindoushan to look for the poisonous tadpoles. Then he walked all the way to the northwest of Jindoushan, and within two days was Dulong Valley.

Dan Yang and Luo Wei's "Medium and Small Tribal Alliance Army" will meet with Guan Heng and others at the mountainous village near Dulonggu, and then the two sides will discuss how to attack Dulonggu.

In this way, Guan Heng and his party set out first, and it didn't take long for them to reach the foot of Jindou Mountain, which towered into the clouds.

"Here is Jindoushan. Listen to Elder Huang Ting said that the types of monsters inhabiting this mountain are the largest in the surrounding area and are some dangerous and fierce guys." Guan Heng asked his companions with a smile at this time: "How about, do you feel scared?"

"Ha ha ha ha--" A Dog, Ruo Tao, and Shang Tian Lin were all laughing when they heard the words. Shang Tian Lin, who had just become a strong player, burst into tears, and she gasped. "How can we be scared? The scary beast must be this mountain!"

—— [2016.10.14 The second more, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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