Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1958: Wounded escape (fifth more outbreak)


The bee sting ghost body was damaged, and his pain suddenly hissed, but in such a time, the other five sting ghosts have been wrapped in black wind from all sides in an instant, and the big sting ghost's claws suddenly fell suddenly. Scratching each other's eyes, the four gangsters attacked the snake's neck and belly with merciless claws, which annoyed the monster snake.

All of a sudden, the annoying giant monster snake hissed and roared, and then the whole body of the red demon vigor shook the surrounding five goblins, and then a third of his body suddenly stood upright, facing the panic bee goblin in front of him. Open your mouth and bite. The giant bee sting ghost seemed a little scared, until the moment when the opponent attacked, he remembered to evade upwards and flew away.

The giant demon snake was already mad at this time. It stretched its neck and body like lightning to chase the giant bee stinger in the air, but at this time, the soft and scaleless snake belly was completely exposed.

Speaking late, then, quickly, Guan Heng, who was ready to go a dozen feet away, suddenly burst out. His snow-like bow had already mounted three eagle arrows, and he instantly "snapped" "Three arrows" are sent together, breaking through the sky, and the wind is soaring. Only three sounds of "噗, 噗, 噗" are heard. The arrowhead Fengya has smashed into the belly of the demon snake, and there is no arrowhead!

"Hissing—" The giant monster snake pioneered by the arrow suddenly twisted his body madly, and it hurt his body with flying sand and stones around it, and it flew in a rush, but at this time, the six ghosts attacked again and Come!

"Oh, oh!" The sharp talons of the four ghouls and the four ghouls are tearing at the wounded abdomen of the demon snake, even if this giant snake has red body protection, under the pain of frenzy I can't use it to protect myself. After a while, the flesh bursts, the redness soars, and the huge demon snake hurts to death.

Just between the electric light and flint, Guan Heng could not stop taking a bow and lead the string, and in the endless stream of "pops", he kept firing his arrows and bursting out nine arrows in one breath.

Suddenly, the three pairs of Fengfeng Jinya were reluctantly avoided two by the giant demon snake, and the rest of the photos were all received. At this moment, in order to survive, the demon snake suddenly sprayed a scarlet poisonous mist. Swept away towards the six ghosts.

Guanheng Station is relatively far away and has not been involved, but the giant bee sting ghost is afraid that the rest of his companions will be implicated by the poisonous mist, so he immediately stops at the front to **** the poisonous mist.

But at this time, Guan Heng suddenly found that under the cover of the thick mist of snake venom, the huge demon snake disappeared, and there were only a few carved arrows and black blood on the beach, and ... a huge Underground cave entrance! !!

"This demon snake is so cunning, even under serious injuries, it can still escape in the tunnel!" Guan Heng shook his head slightly at this moment: "I can't let you go on this, after all, you guys may have my family's soul Here's the clue. "

"Six ghosts, chase—" Guan Heng was careful now, so he ordered the six ghosts to rush down the tunnel to investigate. After a while, the six ghostly ghosts rushed away.

"唰 唰 唰, 噌 噌 噌 ——" The moment the Liuxian ghost rushed down the tunnel, I saw the red light in the tunnel suddenly, and suddenly discovered a skull of a giant snake from the oblique thorn, right The ghosts coming from the quasi-six blasts spewed a poisonous mist again: "Oh!"

"Sure enough, there was an ambush!" Just when Guan Heng secretly hated the other party's slyness, the giant bee stinger rushed up against the mist of snake venom, and just when it was about to absorb the poisonous mist again, Guan Heng shouted suddenly. :"Be careful!"

It turned out that there was a hidden mystery in the mist of scarlet snake venom, and he wrapped another thing fiercely and hit the giant bee ogre. If this trick is carried out, the giant bee will be beaten to death.

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng sent out a vulture arrow in an instant, and the energy suddenly broke through the air and swept across the side of the giant bee and ghost, and shot directly at the hidden object.

"Bang-click!" Destroyed by the strength of the carved arrow, the thing suddenly flew away, and shouted into the mouth of the giant demon snake.

"It turned out to be the monster's bead, but unfortunately, it was broken by an arrow!" At this moment, Guan Hengyang roared: "Let's go together, we must not let this guy run far!"

Hearing the sound of Guan Heng's shout, the six ghosts suddenly separated and besieged the past. This time they also learned to be clever. As long as they are not together, they will not be hit by the other party at the same time.

In a short time, the big ogre had reached the head of the huge demon snake, and waved his claws and fell down. The demon snake shrank his head, and his sharp claws flew into the air, but its huge head hit the authentic rock. On the wall, I heard only the sound of a series of rumbling sounds of "banging and clicking", and the surrounding earth and rocks suddenly collapsed almost halfway.

Guan Heng shook himself while dodging and hitting the surrounding earth and rocks, and said loudly, "Don't worry, keep rushing forward, as long as you chase this guy, don't keep your hands."

As soon as this sentence came out, Guan Heng was already at his feet like a wind, and he rushed past with a few ups and downs. His first priority now was to find the remnant soul of Qing Huang, even if the path behind was Blocking didn't care.

The six ghosts are almost connected with Guan Heng, so one by one, they are fighting hard to catch up with the severely injured giant monster snake.

At this time, Guan Heng discovered a strange thing. Although everyone was chasing after the monster snake and being seven or eight feet away from the other party, the guy turned his head toward Guan Heng and the big ghost. Bian, walking backwards in the tunnel, Guan Heng felt a little puzzled, and did not know what the demon snake meant.

At this moment, the closest one is the big goblin and the giant bee goblin. At this time, the two are like a game. They suddenly speed up suddenly. The "hawk" has come to the head of the giant snake several times. When they wanted to attack, unexpected things happened suddenly ahead!

The six ghosts chased the giant demon snake, and suddenly flew out from the other end of the tunnel. This turned out to be a huge natural cave. The giant devil snake rang a series of harsh noises, Immediately from the upper body, a "sweeping wind swept away" instantly swept away the six ghosts in front of him.

But at this moment, the monster snake suddenly squirted a large amount of blood mist, and this cricket body was crumbling, and the blood flow across the wound was like injection. Guanheng's carved arrows and six claws's claws struck it deadly. Hazard, the huge monster snake will be dead on the spot!

However, as a demon snake with deep red enchantment and a age of 100 years, you cannot easily fall in front of the enemy, even if it is dead, the giant devil snake must desperately fight hard.


At this moment, when they saw the seriously injured and dying Six Ghosts hissing, they could not help but relax their vigilance. They wanted to surround them instantly and completely kill each other. However, the ghosts were wrapped in black wind ghosts. And when it was up, it was released by the screaming demon snake that swarmed all over the body!

—— [Fifth more in 2016.10.25, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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