Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1966: Getting Drunk (Third)

He made up his mind, and Tong Jianghai forcibly suppressed his monstrous killing. At this moment, Pi Xiuchi said without a smile: "Okay, as long as you think about a good life, everyone, I think about it all these years, and finally thought of A good way to get rich for everyone is to leave the barren and barren border areas and lead you to the center of the three ancient countries! "

"Migration ?! Well, we all listen to the arrangement of the Patriarch of Tong." After hearing the words, the patriarchs who were coerced by Tong Jianghai immediately applauded and applauded. They agreed with the sighted people.

At this time, Tong Jianghai also pointed at Guan Heng ’s seat with his finger and said, “It ’s just that the brothers Guan Heng who is the iron guard of the Yugu Kings are also here. I will tell you now that we can lead the people to the capital of the ancient Yugu Kingdom. ——Near Pohan, there is very rich land, and by then, everyone will have a good life. "

Hearing that Tong Jianghai was taking the opportunity to take advantage of his false identity to promote the benefits of migration, Guan Heng only reported to the crowd at the moment with a smile, drinking and eating vegetables, his face was all right, he thought to himself: "It's up to you Tong Jianghai's shameless and despicable human nature. It would be strange if no one jumped out to oppose it. I'll wait here to see how your two tear apart. "

Sure enough, Guan Heng expected that, at the next moment, the patriarch of the Xionglingling tribe, Liao Wei, patted his case with a look of anger.

The patriarch of Xiongxiuling said sharply to Tong Jianghai: "Tong Jianghai, how old are you? You also want to take us to the three ancient countries. Needless to say, if more than a dozen large and small tribes migrate together, they must Choose a leading tribe. You Duronggu have always wanted to be the boss, right? This is your trick, really a good idea for daydreaming! "

Before waiting for Tong Jianghai to answer the other party ’s question, the patriarch of a small tribe jumped up, he cried with his finger to the patriarch of the Xiongdailing tribe: “How can this be the case, how dare to talk to the patriarch of Tong like this, even if The patriarch Tong can bear it, and I will teach you too!

This boy is a loyal running dog of Tong Jianghai. Today I saw that Liao Wei repeatedly ridiculed his master. He was so angry that the dog was smoky. He immediately took out the short blade tied to his calf and blew to Liao Wei in front of him!

"Are the pale red spirit realm dare to scatter in front of me? Seek death!" The people of the Xiongling Ridge clan have always been brave and good at fighting. Most of their martial arts mimic the heroic posture of the rooster, so they are merciless and fierce.

Liao Wei was the top crimson aura master of the tribal force. He suddenly stretched his hands into a chicken claw shape, slammed into a short blade, and plucked into the opponent's heart.

"Uh ah ah-it hurts me!" The little patriarch was raised above his head by Liao Wei, the other person's claws were already a few inches into the flesh. As long as the hand is forced, even his own heart will be pinched.

"Hahaha, you are so messy, dare to offend Lao Tzu, I will tear you now."

At this time, Liao Wei's eyes were red as blood, and he was about to kill the chief. At this time, the color of his aura outside his body had changed from crimson to a slightly blackish halo. In the realm of half-step black air tyrant, among the crowd, besides Tong Jianghai and him, he can be called invincible.

Seeing that his loyal dog was about to die, Tong Jianghai shouted at this time: "Lead Clan, I have something to say, this is also a noble guest of the Tribe of the Dragon Dragon Valley. If you have any grievances, please resolve it after leaving the valley. There is also a valuable guest Guan Heng, a brother of the ancient Yu country. You ca n’t kill people here, which is too rude. "

"Huh?" The reason why Liao Wei started speaking just now and arbitrarily shot was because he had already drank a lot of alcohol and became awake. He glanced at him at this moment, and then sneered: "What The **** is the Yugu King Tiewei, and I do n’t know if the identity is true or false, so I wo n’t take you seriously! ”

"What are you talking about ?!" As soon as he said this, Guan Heng suddenly raised his head, his eyes suddenly burst into two cold rays.

This look was full of endless killing intentions. Guan Heng did not know how many crimson beasts and strong men had been beaten along the way. What a piece of Liao Wei was worth it. At this moment, Liao Wei's provocatively turned off the anger, he Suddenly grabbing the wine bowl on the table and shouting to the door of Liao Wei: "Dear you, drink—"

Although Liao Wei was a little drunk, he also saw that only the level of Qingqi was so provocative. Now Guan Heng's wine bowl flew in, and it was only wrapped with Qingqi. Liao Wei immediately sneered: "Qingqi Strong ?! How can I remember that the Iron King of Yuyu must have at least a level of red gas to be selected? "

Speaking late, at that time, Liao Wei used the body of his clan chief as a shield, and slammed the wine bowl thrown off by Guan Heng, but Guan Heng had already pulled himself out of his seat and rushed away from his seat. Out, then, his savage palm knife has been smashed by the wind, and severely chopped on Liao Wei: "唰-嘭!"


Liao Wei was holding the patriarch in his hand, avoiding obstacles flawlessly, and immediately took a trick, but Guan Heng's offensive has always been shot like electricity endlessly, dozens of palms fell on the opponent in a hurry. Liao Wei didn't think of using red gas to protect his body until now, but the chief in his hand was sent by Guan Heng "intentionally or unintentionally" to give away most of the attacks, and he was extremely miserable and died!

"Hello!" Guan Heng waved the last blow of the blue-handed knife, and he split the patriarch into two bluntly. The red mist soared in the sky, and everyone hurried to cover his face to avoid the blood from the splash, but Guan Heng turned his palm into a fist and banged Liao Wei's face in an instant.

Liao Wei was still shocked by Guan Heng's decisive way of killing. He was just trying to borrow alcohol to make trouble, and wanted to leave early. He never thought of killing him. Guan Heng did not hesitate.

"Ah ?!" Liao Wei saw the opponent's straight fist slamming, subconsciously blocking his hand with one hand, Guan Heng turned his wrist in an instant, and stuffed something into his palm.

Guan Heng suddenly retreated several times between the electric light and the flint. He immediately banged his fists at Tong Jianghai: "Sorry, the patriarch Tong, the reckless impulse at the next time, unexpectedly" injured "his life, it is really embarrassing."

Although Guan Heng said sorry words in his mouth, the expression on his face was indifferent, and he bit the word "accidental injury" extremely heavily, which was to remind Tong Jianghai that he was only accidentally injured, so you do n’t have anything Extra thoughts.

Seeing that the other party had killed his dog without hesitation while conflicting with Liao Wei, Tong Jianghai was bitter at this moment, secretly resentful, but Tong Ze whispered beside him, "Father, you But do n’t turn your back on the brothers Guan Heheng, Yu Guguo ... ”

—— [2016.10.27 Third, everyone is good at noon, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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