Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1976: Expulsion (third)

Who knows, at the last moment, Xiaolong was afraid of the thunder of the thunder, so he failed miserably. He was seriously injured and almost lost his life. Thanks to the rescue of the big dragon, the two brothers fled back to the Dragon King Grotto in dismay.

However, at that time, Xiaolong was very badly injured. The big dragon needed to deliver his aura to him day and night, so that he could barely heal his brother's life, but at that time, he was tired of the same kind of monsters in the orange and blue gas realms. The snake finally set his sight on the two elder brothers who were exhausted and wounded.

This demon snake is extremely shameless, vicious, and greedy. It doesn't remember the kindness of the dragon that Xiaolong spent more than ten years incubating himself, and finally confronted them when the dragon was exhausted. Mouth out.

Suddenly, the vicious giant monster snake took away the flesh and blood of the tired dragon and wounded the dragon, and he ate with pleasure.

The big dragon and the little dragon were awakened by the severe pain that struck the whole body. They couldn't believe their eyes, but the fact is that the giant demon snake who had eaten the first flesh was even more salivating at this time, and he wanted to bring his brother Hunger.

In the end, the big and small dragons were furious, and joined forces to resist the giant snake demon and expelled them from the Dragon King Grotto. The guy did not know where to find the underground tunnel passage, and fled to Tianquan Dong in hiding and since then Did not dare to appear in the Dragon King Cave.

After listening to the story of Dalong Xiaolong, Ruo Tao took a sigh of fierceness: "Hey, it's a vicious and ungrateful thing, son, killing well."

Dalong Xiaolong also said in unison: "It's good, but unfortunately we didn't find that guy in person to settle the bill, but let Guanheng do it for you."

"Ha ha ha, I'm really welcome, I also saw that the demon snake is not a good article." Guan Heng said at this time: "Big dragon, how far are we from the top of the mountain here?"

"Well, let me see ..." Dalong twisted his body at this moment, shaking his head and looking around: "This should be the middle area of ​​the Thunderming Cave. I haven't been here for a long time, and I can hardly distinguish it Second brother, are you right? "

"Brother ... I remember!"

Xiaolong said suddenly, "Do you remember? In this area there is a very powerful thunder beast. It has scars on its face. Although its size is not very large, it is extremely fierce and fierce. When we withdrew from the top of the mountain to Longwang Grottoes, and It used to move and almost died in the opponent's hands. The most obvious feature of that guy is ... there are two monster beads, one attack and one defense, very powerful! "

Upon hearing this, Dalong's body trembled suddenly, and he hurriedly said, "Yes, you're right, let's hurry across this area. It's not a joke to meet that tricky guy. Guan Heng, let's ... "

Dalong just wanted to say Guan Heng and Ruo Tao hurried to leave with him, but they stopped in an instant. Guan Heng said slowly at this moment: "Sorry Dalong, I'm afraid you have to take a step first. I Let the six uncles protect you and catch up soon. "

Upon hearing this, Dalong Xiaolong was one of them, but at this moment, a low beast roar came from behind a rock not far away, and Guan Heng shouted: "Hurry up, don't get in the way here, that guy. You have what we want, you leave first. "

As soon as Guan Heng's words came out, the time of the Six Sisters' ghosts turned into several blasts of ghosts around the side of the dragon and the dragon. There was no way for them to crawl forward, and the dragon also cried: "Remember , At the three forks ahead, turn straight to the left, we will slow down and wait for you. "

When the big and small dragons left, Guan Heng said to Ruotao beside him: "Oh, it's a coincidence. I didn't expect to encounter several traces of remnant souls one after another after I entered the valley of dragons, and I was lucky."

It turned out that at the same moment, Guan Heng and Ruo Tao found that the bamboo basket was flashing again. It can be seen that there are still scattered Qinghuang residual souls nearby, which made Guan Heng particularly excited. At this time, he was right Ruo Tao said: "Hurry up to resolve the battle, I believe that the other guy can't wait."

But in such a time, Ruo Tao suddenly called: "My son, be careful on your head!"

"Eh ?!" Guan Heng was reminded by the other party, only to realize that a rush of dark shadows ran along the top of the rock wall like electricity, "噌 噌 噌" rushed towards his own direction.

"Look for death!" Guan Heng knew that the other party was intending a sneak attack, and he took off a snowy bow in a furious outburst. The crackling was an arrow bursting through the air. "Beep" sounded, and the black shadow of the middle arrow suddenly broke into "two sections."

"What does this mean?" When Guan Hengzheng was a little weird, the broken shadow suddenly turned back halfway in the air, rushing towards himself, and he was shocked: "Oh, it was two guys. They were held together one after the other, not in two. "

Climbing to the top of the rock wall just now are two extremely young agile thunder beasts. They are close together. They look like the same one. When Guan Heng's eagle arrow runs through one of the thunder beasts, Just sneaking in on the gap, this trick tries Bailing.

However, today these two cunning things are facing Guan Heng, so their little tricks are really effortless, saying that time is late, then fast, and Guan Heng ’s Qingqi palm knife “snapped” in a split second, The small thunder beast that hurled at him in the air felt only that his limbs were cold, and the two pairs of sharp claws had fallen to the ground, and then his body slammed into two!

"Bang!" At this moment, Ruo Tao also struck a slamming scarred horror thunder beast, and Ruo Tao only had the corpse ghost with the peak of green air. The enemy's crimson enchantment suddenly retreated for three steps.

But at the same time, the sharp edge of the beast bone sharply cut off the other horn on the forehead of the opponent, and immediately swallowed the scar face with thunder and beasts.

Because the unicorn is a symbol of the status of the thunder beast, once it is broken, it will not grow again. At this time, the scarface thunder beast hates Ruo Tao, and the beast bone in the opponent ’s hand is faintly emitted. With the breath of the "thunder thunder beast king", it even made it jealous of three points.

At this time, Guan Heng resolved the two little beasts and walked to Ruo Tao: "Don't harass with this guy anymore, let's protect the two dragon brothers up the mountain, let's go together."

"Okay!" As soon as the word in Tao's mouth came out, her and Guan Heng's bodies rushed out like electricity, suddenly passing over the scar face and thundering the beast's side, "嚓 啦 —— 噗嗤!" Qing The wind-handed sword stabbed into the ear hole that the other party could not defend in time, straight into half a foot, and it hurt so much that the scared face swallowed the thunder beast. This strain should be turned sideways and hit Bang Guan as soon as possible.

However, Guan Heng suddenly tipped to his feet, twisted in a volley, and turned impartially on the back of Scarface's thunder beast. He sneered: "Give me to death--"

—— [2016.10.29 Third, everyone is good at noon, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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