Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2015: Samurai

"嚓 ——" The beast bone strange blade swept by the wind, slashed down, and cut the last monster in front of it into two pieces. Ruotao found himself carrying the golden demon and jade demon in the bamboo basket. Stunned, they instantly turned into two shining mists, drifting straight into the stone gate.

"My son, look at them ..." Ruo Tao pointed at the light group of the demon spirit baby, and Guan Heng said immediately after seeing it: "They must have reacted to something in Shimen, maybe it is the residual soul, let's follow it Check it out. "

The three people were chasing after a pair of light groups, and hurriedly ran across Shimen in the blink of an eye. It turned out that there was a long bluestone paved corridor behind them. Looking away, it seemed that the white light in front of them was the end of the corridor.

When Guan Heng was running, he found that there were a lot of scattered soil blocks on the wide promenade. It is not difficult to find out that the shape and structure of these soil blocks are very similar to the "Episode Monster" that the three of them just fell down. .

"Many of the smashed soil blocks are in the shape of human armors, some of them look like guards ..." Guan Heng muttered in his heart, but before he could think about it, he was already with Shang Tianlin and Ruo Tao. Ran to the exit.

"噌 噌 噌 ——" Swallowing Ghost Tiger and Huang Biao's body ran out first, and at this time, two swift shadows ushered in, and Kankan blocked its way.

They were a pair of yellow earth scale beasts shaking their heads. One of them sensed the atmosphere of the golden demon and the jade demon, and jumped up and stunned, and opened his mouth to bite the demonized light group of the golden demon.

"嗖 ——" The light demon of Jin Yaoxiaowa flew back and forth suddenly in the air, suddenly let the other bite out, said late, fast then, and the giant claws of swallowing tigers were also snapping in the wind. , Boom smashed the head of the loess scale beast, a spirit of demon spirits floated out in no time, and was immediately absorbed by the cheap jade demon little baby light group.

"Wh-wow-lah-" Just between the flashes of light, Ruotao's chain claws trembled and stunned, grabbed on the front leg of another loess scale beast, she just dragged with brute force, One of his front legs shattered.

It's a pity that the broken leg is not critical to the monster of the soil structure. After the loess scale beast was injured, he immediately wailed and turned around in a hurry to escape.

At this moment, the mist of the golden demon fell suddenly on Guan Heng's shoulder, turned into a small baby, and sat there, but the jade demon seemed unwilling to let go of the loess scale beast, and its own light group followed the other directly. Chasing after him.

"It's a pity, let the **** earth monster run away." "噌 ——poppap——" Ruo Taohua took the chain hook and wrapped it around his arm, Guan Heng said to her and Shang Tianlin immediately: "Follow me The jade demon's light group. "

At this time, the three of them had ran out of the exit of the promenade. They were in a gorge full of thorns and messy wormwood. The direction in which the loess scale beasts and the jade demon left was always to the west of the canyon, so Guan Heng They immediately rose up.

Along the way, there are constantly some dirt structures, freely moving monsters and birds coming to stop the assault, but before Guan Heng, Tian Lin and Ruo Tao take the shots, those little miscellaneous fish have already been eaten by the ghosts and devourers. The tigers were all extinguished. In this way, they ran to the west of the small canyon following the jade demon.

At this moment, we all have a weird ochre brick wall palace.

"This palace is quite similar to the" Golden God's Palace "I entered before." Guan Heng said at this time: "This place may be the place of residence of a deity who knows Jin Shenzhang."

"Brother Guan made a lot of sense ..." Shang Tianlin said in surprise at this time: "Well? How did the Yuyue's light group and the trace of the loess scale beast disappear?"

"Dumb ... dumb ..."

Jin Yao Xiaowa and Yu Yao share their hearts. At this time, sitting on Guan Heng's shoulder, he pointed his finger to the gate of the palace in front of him. Guan Heng knew immediately. He said to the second daughter and the swallowing tiger: "The Jin Yao must have After entering the palace, we also followed, and to be honest, it felt dangerous here, and I was not assured that it would leave our sight alone. "

After listening to Guan Heng's words, the two women were slightly jaw-headed, and they hurriedly rushed into the gate of the palace in front of them immediately behind Guan Heng and the swallowing tiger.

Speaking late, then, as soon as everyone entered the palace, they heard a fierce fighting sound of "ping pong and cymbals" not far from them, and the ears of Guan Heng moved slightly, and they heard the dumb of Yuyu Xiaowa Scream.

The three men and the devouring tigers stood up like electricity, and "噌 噌 噌" rushed out dozens of feet, and they were seeing four armored warriors with clay structures waving stone spears and a group of evil-looking yellow scale beasts. Fighting in one place.

"Mute!" At this moment, Yu Yao Xiaowa was lying on the shoulders of a samurai made of earthen armor. It was screaming, as if trying to cheer up the samurai.

However, the number of loess scale beasts is really too much. Although these armored warriors are tall and fast, they are also brave, but it is inevitable that they are outnumbered. It is late, and then, a loess scale beast leans The stab rushed out, biting his arm with a spear in the armour of a armored warrior, biting it and crushing it.

At the same time, all the loess scale beasts surrounded them and threw the samurai with one arm out to the ground for a bite, a snoring sound, and a weak demon spirit group suddenly poured into the jade demon baby. Body.

"Mute ..." After absorbing the samurai's demon spirit, the Yuyao baby seemed to be very sad, and its screaming voice was full of anger and helplessness.

At this time, the remaining three earth-made armor warriors were thrown down one after another. The last warrior suddenly opened his arms and held it in his arms in order to protect the jade demon baby. The loess scale beasts scratched and scratched on themselves, but they did not let go.

"Papa ... Kalie ..." The earthen structure of this armor warrior is stronger than the rest of his companions, but a large crack appeared in the body in an instant, and he couldn't support it at first sight.

"Yeah! Get off!" Speaking late, fast then, the roaring Guan Heng and Ruo Tao and Tian Lin were killed at the same time. The fine copper double-edged sword cuts the body of the loess scale beast at a time, and smashes this group of monsters all at once.

But at this time, the last earth armor warrior could not support the body that was about to collapse, and collapsed to the ground with a clapping. At this moment, the Yuyao baby screamed in a crying voice, but the other person only raised his arm and pointed at the merchant. Tian Lin immediately lowered her arms weakly.

Immediately afterwards, a spirit of demon spirit shining with a pale yellow light emerged from the body of the earth-made armor warrior, and slowly penetrated into the jade demon baby.

—— [2016.11.6 Second change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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