Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2022: Fierce beast

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when the ghost of the tiger swallowed his eyes suddenly, he released two cold mans, and he slammed out in a moment, and Shang Tianlin called out," Hey, Ghost, where are you going? "

But at this moment, the devouring tiger started like a wild beast, and rushed in the direction of the right side of the madness. Shang Tianlin said to Ruo Tao, "It looks like something is wrong, so let's go. Check it out. "

"Well, that's okay." Ruo Tao now secretly ordered the six ghosts to leave them here, and he and Shang Tianlin rushed to chase after the ghost tiger.

Between the light and the fire, the devouring tigers roared and roared fiercely and were fighting fiercely with a group of sacred monsters surrounding them. This group of guys and the earth beasts besieging the main hall were a little different. Each one was dark in color, all around him. Exuding a strong rancid smell.

"Hoo-hhhhhhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." The swallowing ghost tiger jumped up in a split second, and a black dungeon monster slammed between the front claws and stretched out. When the guy smashed on the spot, his whole body fell down. It was clods and countless rotten stinks.

"Uh ?! This is ... ah, it's a guy who is fused with the monster carrion." At this moment, Ruotao hurriedly surprised, she couldn't be more familiar with the smell of carrion because Ruotao It is the body of the ghoul.

"Wow-lah-huh-huh-huh" For a moment, if Tao shakes the chain grapple on her wrist, the "Carrion, the Earth Beast" surrounded by strong wind pressure beats up and down, and all fall out.

"Don't forget that these guys who are fused with the carrion are very dangerous. If they accidentally get touched by their scattered rotten meat, they will be poisoned by the corpse." Ruo Tao shouted to Shang Tianlin behind him at this time. "Come behind me and cover me."

"Okay!" Shang Tianlin promised. At this moment, the double copper blades in the palm of her hand flashed, and "噌 噌 噌" fell to the side of Ruo Tao, just between the cold flashes of "唰 唰 唰". Several carrion-earth beasts that were the first to rush forward were chopped into pieces, and the rotting carcasses and clods scattered for a while.


The devouring tiger seems to be extremely disgusted with these carrion-earth beasts. Its tiger claws flew up and down, and it has killed dozens of beast-earth beasts in a few breaths, but its target does not seem to be here. After the crickets were smashed, Ghost Tiger suddenly noticed that a thick black figure was moving in front of him, and was rushing towards himself.

"Oh!" I instantly felt the opponent's high-pitched fighting intentions, and the devouring tiger suddenly issued a roaring war-like roar, facing the dark shadow, right between the electric light and the flint. As soon as I passed by in the air, I heard only a soft bang, and the swallowing ghost who was the first to land suddenly burst into a blood mist!

The devouring tiger, who has just been promoted to the realm of the red-qi strong, was injured when he smashed with the opponent? !! What about its opponent ...


I saw that the guy who was fighting against the devouring tiger suddenly tilted his head and flung himself to the ground. Then half of his body had been separated from his brain and neck, and the rotten corpses and debris broke off the ground, but there For a moment, this weird guy suddenly shook his body, and a dark breath suddenly enveloped his body, making it return to its original state in an instant.

"Eh ?!" Ghost Tiger saw the opponent who hurt his shoulders. He looked like a swift and sensitive panther, but his eyes were so fierce that he was obviously not a good character to deal with.

All of a sudden, the swallowing ghost tiger was full of red gas, letting the wound on his shoulder heal himself to stop bleeding, but the carrion black panther rushed over again.

"Swallow the ghost, be careful." Ruo Tao shouted loudly while cooperating with Shang Tianlin at this time: "Although the guy only has the corpse spirit of Qingqi Peak, but he can heal the body, there must be corpses in it. The beads exist. "

Ruo Tao's words fell away, and the devouring tiger suddenly became clear. It suddenly fluttered in shape, and "唰 唰 唰" began to walk quickly, waiting for an opportunity to attack the enemy, but in such a time, that rotten corpse The black panther also shook his body to keep up with the speed of swallowing the ghost tiger, but it did not fall in the slightest.

"Oh, bang bang!"

It's just a matter of time. One leopard and one tiger have already experienced collisions. The real strength of the Suto Panther theory is not the opponent of the devouring tiger, but the speed of this guy is not weak. Whenever the swallowing tiger hurts it, the black The leopards rushed back and forth in an instant, avoiding the opponent's sharp edge, and quickly healed the injury with their magical power.

The devouring tiger's heart became more and more anxious, and suddenly, it suddenly flung the tiger's tail, and this tail suddenly emptied the black panther's body like a long whip.


"It's crackling ..." Sutu Black Panther was originally made of clay, and I didn't know the pain and exhaustion, but the tigertail whip was aimed at its two front paws, and it was instantly crushed and destroyed.

"Through, slippery—" The black panther horse that lost its two claws slipped out of the ground like a forefoot. The black panther that couldn't get up for a while wanted to use the black gas in his body to recover the front paw injury, but did not expect the ghost swallow tiger He opened his mouth wide.

"Oh!" A black light burst into the air and struck the brain of the corpse leopard. This guy was seriously injured at this time, and the ghost swooped up and jumped into the tiger's claws. "Bang, bang, bang Pop! "

It was like the onslaught shot down by the torrential rain, which instantly broke the whole body of the Sutu leopard. At this moment, the swallowing ghost and tiger's two claws turned upside down, and finally found a walnut-sized corpse bead, and swallowed it.

Not far away, Ruo Tao and Shang Tianlin saw the ghost swallowing the tiger to win a sigh of relief, but everyone found out that the more the surrounding celestial beasts gathered, the more they had fallen unknowingly. The siege.


At the same time, Guan Heng was caught between the trials by the big hands formed by the strange light behind the door, and then threw himself to the ground.

"Dumb ?!" Before Heng Heng got up, there was a scream of urgency under him. It turned out that he was pressed on the golden demon baby who was thrown in one step earlier.

Seeing Jin Yaoxiao crying strangely, Guan Heng quickly got up and said, "Hey, this can't totally blame me, who makes you do not know how to dodge."

As soon as this sentence came out, Guan Heng couldn't help taking care of the little golden demon boy and began to look around the space: "Huh? The corridor made of earth is full of statues made of earth. Hey, this is very interesting. ... Ah, by the way, what about the Yuyao baby? "

At this time, Guan Heng found that there was no trace of the jade demon baby around him and the golden demon, so he said, "Let's go, let's look forward, maybe we can find any clues."

Hearing this, Jin Yaoxiaowa slightly jaw head, it suddenly turned into a cloud of mist, flew towards the corridor ahead, Guan Heng followed closely, along the way, Guan Heng always felt the mud and clay around him The things are always staring at themselves, this feels like a thorn in the back, very uncomfortable.

—— [Fourth more in 2016.11.7, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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