Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2027: Weird trace

"唰-唰 啷!" General Lingtu's stone sword slashed suddenly on a carrion giant bear, leaving a scar on the other side.

"Oh!" The roaring giant bear was fierce, although he was not injured, but in a moment he waved a pair of giant wind palms and banged on the top of the spirit general, hitting it "Teng, Teng, Teng "Take three steps back.

"Big bear, you are one of the strongest men in the green first black snake. I didn't expect it to look like this ..." At this time, the aura of light in General Lingtu's eyes flashed away, and he reached out and held the big sword flat. Said: "Well, I will let you rest in this side hall today!"

"唰-噌 噌 噌-" said slowly, and then, the three sturdy black shadows drifted behind General Lingtu's time, wielding his claws and attacking the general's back.

"Jack, get out of here--"

"Bang, bang!" The elbow slammed, the knee slammed, and the hilt knocked back. The general Suddenly the attacker snarled and flew. Guan Heng, who came after him, saw clearly that there were three black hairs. The black-tailed gibbon ape, although it was severely hit by the spirit general at this time, they just didn't hurt and it was strange.

"All the rotten houses in this side hall are rotten corpses, but these three weird tadpoles are living creatures, and there must be strangers in them." Guan Heng thought of this, and the thought of catching these three guys suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Tian Lin, you and the devouring tiger blocked the door. Don't let the other party slip away. Ruotao comes up with me and catches them." "I rushed to the black hairy ape a few times and attacked with lightning.

Seeing the powerful enemy attacking, the black hairy ape immediately fangs and grin suddenly appeared, they opened their teeth and clawed their claws, but unfortunately, in front of Guan Heng and Ruo Tao, the strength of these three guys was not worth a moment, I saw The beast-bone odd blade split on the shoulder of a strange ape instantly, making this howl. Ruotao waved the chain claws between the electric light and flint on the body for several turns, and immediately tied a strong.

"Hoo--bang!" Guan Heng jumped into the air in an instant, and the other two strange apes in the chain's two feet struck their heads, faces, and hearts. They immediately fell to the ground.

At this moment, the black-haired monster ape captured by Ruo Taosheng screamed and screamed. Ruotao was one of them: "Well, what do you want to do?"

Speaking late, at that time, the body of the black hairy ape slammed into pieces of flesh, and then, the flesh and blood spread all over the ground, and the crickets were all fused with the soil.

Seeing this scene, Guan Heng and Ruo Tao both felt there was something wrong, but at this moment, Shang Tianlin not far away shouted, "Hey, look behind you, what's that?" Suddenly, Guan Heng suddenly felt that the bad wind in his head was not good, and apparently something secretly attacked himself.

"Hey!" Guan Heng reversed his body and moved a few feet in time. The opponent punched the ground with a punch and splashed the earth and stones. He only saw that he was attacking himself with a carrion and earth beast, but the guy was so impressive. It looks like a long-armed black ape just bursting out, just exuding the smell of corpse rottenness, his eyes are red and bleeding.

"This guy just self-destructed ... just wanted to make himself look like a carrion?"

Although Guan Heng was somewhat inexplicable at this time, the rotten corpse black ape made a punch and forced to retreat from Guan Heng. He immediately copied his hands and caught two alive companions, and saw that this guy suddenly opened his mouth in the blood basin. "After chewing, I swallowed the flesh and blood of the other two black apes so stiffly.

"Huh-hhhh-hhhhh-hyun", the body of the rotten corpse black ape soared once more, Guan Heng stared at the other side at this time, but said to Ruotao in his mouth: "It seems This is how all the carrion and earthen beasts are formed, and there is already something nearby that can change them so much. "

"The son is right, the black ape in front of you is not difficult to deal with, you and the general of the earth to quickly find the cause of the integration of the old monster and the carrion." Ruotao shook the beast bone at this time, and the cross was raised. Cried out, "The enemies here, let me and Tian Lin, swallow the ghost tiger to deal with it."

"it is good--"

"Yeah!" Guan Heng's words fell away, and his body had been rushed to the giant bear who had been working with the spirit general in an instant. Qingqi Zhangdao split his opponent's oblique shoulders into an instant. Second, the giant bear burst into a tragic burst, and then a dangling bead popped out of his body, rolling straight towards the small door in the corner of the hall.

"General, there must be something weird over there!" Guan Heng, who looked like a torch, suddenly noticed that there was something abnormal there, and he waved suddenly, "Go, let's follow it."

"Okay." General Lingtu promised, followed closely behind Guan Wang, and both hurried to the corner of the hall. At this moment, the rushing forward suddenly felt the cold light flashing in front of him and the ice The cold wind was blowing in time.

"No, there is something sneak attack!" Guan Heng's figure suddenly showed a bow and suddenly burst out, the two cold lights missed their heads, and "slam" two nails into the ground brick In the cracks, I only heard the sound of "Do la la", and the ground was dissolved by two black caves floating in smoke.

Speaking late, then, quickly, Guan Heng took off a snowy bow in an instant, "Pop--wow!" The two sizzling winds swiftly blasted the two beasts that were spitting stingers above the diagonally. The nail fell to the ground.

"Kill—" General Lingtu was invincible, and swiftly swept away, wielding a big sword to chop the two rotten corpse beasts into several pieces!

At this moment, Guan Heng and General Lingtu ran to the small door in the corner of the hall, and saw a blizzard of shadows suddenly picking up the giant bear corpse on the ground, turned to flee, Guan Heng immediately violent Roared: "Where to go ?! Six sorceress, take it down for me!"

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh", the six scorpion ghosts who have been dormant waiting for the opportunity suddenly screamed and rushed out, and in the blink of an eye, he surrounded the monster holding the corpse bead near the small door and closed his eyes. Look: "This thing ... is like a puppy ?!"

"Zhushu Demon Dog ?! It turned out to be you running wild animal!" General Lingtu exclaimed angrily at this moment: "How come I didn't expect it, you dare to return to Houtu Xuan Temple!" "

At this moment, when he saw that the other party was under the control of Liuxu Ghost, Guan Heng asked loudly, "General, who is it?"

"This is the Shushu Demon Dog, an evil monster that was captured by the Houtu God in the palace away from the earth."

General Lingtu explained at this time: "It was not easy for the Lord God to remember that it would survive for hundreds of years, so he left it by his side, and wanted to slowly influence the demon dog to be good. He did not expect that after the disappearance of God Hou, This guy was hunting and killing the carrion of living creatures and gluttonous monsters everywhere. At that time, I hadn't turned my face with the green first black snake, so I teamed up to drive this guy out of Houtu Xuan Palace. "

—— [Fourth more in 2016.11.8, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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