Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2093: Cruel men and women (fifth more outbreak)

The woman in her thirties had a good-looking face and a slender figure, but her eyes and eyebrows were full of evil spirits, not like a good person. She said to the man in front of her, "Good, since the old thing of the patriarch was killed by us, that The two dead remnants seem to be suspicious of me. In my opinion, it is better to start with the exception of those two small pieces, lest night long dreams would break our good things! "

"Hey, sweetheart, what are you anxious about? Anyway, the old guy is dead. Everything up and down this 'Tianhunzhai' belongs to us sooner or later. As for the two little dolls, it's better not to move for the time being, so as not to cause The doubts of the elders in the village. "

The man was facing away from Guan Heng and Ruo Tao who were peeking through the woods. The two couldn't see his appearance, but only felt that the man's voice was soft and shady. Suddenly frowned.

At this moment, the man went on to say: "No matter what, I have already boarded the youngest elder position in Tianhunzhai. Next, when everyone is elected as the patriarch, I can get everyone's support. It ’s the best thing, we ca n’t be discovered by a third party. Just like today, you see ... ”

Having said that, the man pointed to a sack next to his feet, and continued a little while saying, "When I came out to meet with you, I was encountering this **** little tadpole's head and peeping through the head of the patriarch's house, which knocked him out. In a sack. "

"Xiao ?! Ah ..." The woman couldn't help but whispered, "Is that the kid" Sun Ji ", it's bad, I know this guy is not a good thing. What happened when we came out to meet? Did he find out? "

"I don't think he found any clues. When I came near the woods, I saw this kid chasing a hare, and then he seemed to see me dimly, so he asked who it was."

The man shook his head, he lowered his voice and said, "I was afraid he would break our affairs, so I threw people down here, rest assured, I'll throw Sun Ji into the river after a while, He was a fatherless orphan, and even if he was inexplicable, no one would ask. "

"Oh, I'm scared to death, you have to kill this kid quickly, otherwise, people's hearts would be so frightened."

The woman said that the killing was totally improper, and leaned back into the man's arms with a grin, and she said gruffly: "Good man, we haven't been in a long time ..."

"Forget it, I'm not in the mood today." Pushing away the soft and tender body, the man said impatiently: "I called you out today just to tell you that people should meet as little as possible these days, waiting for me to be On the patriarch, everyone has time to be affectionate, but now ... huh ?! What is this sound ?! "

It turned out that during the time when they talked, a large number of ghost spirits that followed Guan Heng and Ruo Tao had been chased. After a while, the man became alert, his whole body suddenly burst into a deep red breath, and the woman also had a hunch. Not good, a low whisper, releasing the ambience of the dark blue peak.

"There is something wrong here, you should go back to Tian Hunzhai quickly, lest you be suspicious of the two little miscellaneous bi family, go-"

As soon as the man waved, the woman did not dare to neglect. She said something like "Hurry to destroy Sun Ji", turned her head away, and disappeared in the blink of an eye at the end of the wood, while the man quickly lifted up and pretended to be small. He sacked, slammed in three steps and ran to the river in two steps, and threw his hand into the river.

"Tongtong!" Looking at the sack falling into the water, the man sneered several times: "Boy, you're out of luck, it's a good thing to break the uncle, I have to let you disappear."

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Qi Qi ghost howling sounded, just between the electric light and flint, there were hundreds of swaying ghosts in the ten feet around the man. After a cold war, he didn't dare to stop any more, turned around and ran away.

"Wow-lah-wow-" It's too late, then, just as the man just disappeared, Ruo Tao's figure rushed out from behind the rock, and immediately threw out his chain grabber.

"Pop!" Grabbingly grabbed the sack that had almost sunk. Ruo Tao pulled the two sacks with enough strength to finally pull the sack to the shore.

"Ruo Tao, you quickly rescue the people in the sack, I and the six ghosts first resist these ghosts for a while!" Between the electric light and flint, Guan Heng Guan Heng waved and shouted: "Let's go together-"

"Woohoo!" The six ghosts were fierce and abnormal at this time. They first formed the ghost ghost circle in a short time, and rushed a large number of soul shadows into pieces, and then divided into six parts, each with those monsters and ghosts. Fight fiercely.

For a while, the midair on the river was disrupted, and a few whimpering monsters suddenly rushed to Guan Heng, all smashed by his green palm knife in an instant. At this moment, Ruo Tao Exclaimed: "My son, the child in this sack is evenly breathed, and it seems to be fine."

"Okay, let's get rid of these evil spirits with me now." Guan Heng sang loudly at this moment: "Six ghosts, immediately gather these evil spirits and evil spirits together, we are about to get started!"

After hearing Heng Heng's order, the six ghosts slammed in an instant, and forced all the ghosts together with only a few breaths. At this time, Ruotao took a big step and walked in front of those ghosts. She A low voice: "Look at me!"

Speaking late, then fast, I saw Ruo Tao Zhou suddenly released a powerful suction.

Under the simultaneous action of the corpse's body and the corpse beads, the ghost spirit in the sky was instantly sucked away by one third of Ruotao. At this time, she said loudly, "Oh, my son, my body seems to have arrived It's the limit, if you **** again, you will be burst. "

"Okay, leave the rest to me, go and slowly adjust the digestive spirit of these ghosts."

Between Guan Heng's waving hand, Ruo Tao had "snapped" into the woods behind him. At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly opened his palm to reveal the golden ghost head, and in the short time, the sky remained. Two-thirds of the ghost spirits were pulled into Guan Heng's body.

"Uh uh ah-almost!" Guan Heng's face also scrambled in the body at this time, and the ghost turned blue and purple. He hit his fists in an instant, and suddenly started the heavy water that fuses the breath of the earth and the gods. Runes.

The two breaths of the five elements of gold and earth God purify the demon ghosts in Guan Heng's body in a short time. The fierce gas of those ghosts disappears instantly. Guan Heng said to himself at this time: "These corpses in my body There's still a little too much anger, six gangsters, come here— "

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng waved six pure breaths, and suddenly rushed into the oncoming shadow of the ghost of Liuli. I saw that at a moment's notice, Liuliu had changed significantly!

—— [Fifth more on 2016.11.21, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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