Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2099: Unexpected enemy (first)

"Erlangs—give me out!" With Geng Tao's screaming madly, even when Guanyin's words fell away, they even stunned, saying that time was late, and then there was a group. The horse team dressed in black came galloping and rushed away to crowd the crowd on the stage and completely surrounded the high platform.

Geng Tao smiled sharply at this moment: "Hahaha, did you see that? This is our team in the Golden Wolf Mountain Cottage!"

"What? Golden Wolf Mountain, isn't that where thieves and bandits gather?" Wu Yan and Zheng Zheng were startled, because the thieves on the Golden Wolf Mountain have been robbing the rich people of Tianhunzhai Village in recent years, and they have repeatedly looted. Both the elder patriarch Bi Yi led the people to fight back the other. The two elders never expected that Geng Tao and the other party colluded.

"Hey hey, let me tell you the truth, three years ago, Lao Tzu came to Tian Hunzhai from Golden Wolf Mountain, just to gain the trust of the old immortal Bi Yi, intending to find an opportunity to kill him, and then take control of Tian Hun Zhai Get it. "

Geng Tao growled, "I never expected that Laozi, the Golden Wolf Mountain II, had planned for a full three years, and it seemed to be a success, but was suddenly killed by a few of you to stir up the good things. Well, do n’t you want to live today. , I want to wash the blood of Tianhunzhai !!! "

"Second brother, don't go with this group of miscellaneous people." At this moment, the head of Golden Wolf Mountain, who was running across the edge of the horse, shouted, "Children, kill me, and give all the wealthy women in Tianhunzhai. I grab the mountain back— "

"Oh oh ---" The hundreds of thieves were screaming in unison immediately, and were preparing to kill the fleeing people, but Guan Heng on the stage sneered, "It turned out to be some rural thieves, Really looking for death! Swallow ghosts, elephant snakes, mandrills, six ghosts, and do it together! "

"Hmm--wow !!!!"

"Elephants, elephants, elephants-elephant snakes!" Between the electric light and flint, the devastating tigers and snakes that swallowed ghost tigers and snakes and birds attacked, and in a short time, turned into a powerful sound, sweeping across all the mountains on horseback. Thieves, the roar of both of them, when they step into the realm of red gas, they have already doubled. At this moment, can the mountain thieves with only the power of green and orange gas be able to resist?

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhh-oohhh, more than 20 robbers were shaken by the liver, gallbladder and eardrums, and they sprang down their mounts and smashed all over, Immediately trampled by those frightened horses turned into mud.

"Ah? Brothers !!!"

The master of the Golden Wolf Mountain has the ability to do so in the crimson realm. He tried his best to barely resist the song of the tiger howling bird, but was also buzzed by his head, but the master saw that his man was killed and injured by one fifth in a short time. Furious and mad, but in the next moment, the raids of the six magpies and the sharp-billed mountain magpies have joined forces to attack!

"噗噗 噗 —— 嗤嗤嗤 ——"

The sharp-billed mountain crickets have two claws, and the wind is fluttering wildly, relying on their short stature to specialize in horse legs. Those mounts screamed and broke their legs in an instant, and threw down numerous horse thieves. It is a ghost wind that turns into a gallop. Under the leadership of the big goblin and the giant bee goblin, it enters the enemy's front, and its life is arbitrarily harvested like a weed.

"Yeah, all the rest of the people approached me." The master of the pirates cursed in his heart at this moment: "Damn Geng Tao, why are there so many monsters in Tianhunzhai, you didn't notify me, and it hurt Lao Tzu Countless damage!

In fact, the big master was wronged by Geng Tao. Geng Tao did not know that Guan Heng and others would be disrupted today when the patriarch was elected, and that boy is even more difficult to protect himself now.

In the flash of light, Shang Tianlin had already stepped up on the high stage and served Jiang Ying with her own detoxifying substance, temporarily suppressing his poisonous wounds. Agou, Guan Heng, Ruo Tao, and two from Tianhunzhai Elders completely and completely surrounded Geng Tao.

Glancing at the other side, Guan Heng sneered sneered at this moment: "See? The hundred thief you rely on is in my eyes a cockroach dog, not even a fart, Geng Tao, Geng Tao You ca n’t live by yourself. There is only one end to beasts like you and other beasts. It is to pay for those who strangled innocently! "

"Is there any reason for this, who are you, and have been doing bad things to me repeatedly!"

In the corner of Geng Tao's eyes, Yu Guang saw that the robbers on the stage could not stop falling down, leaving only a few masters and other people desperately resisting. He was full of bitterness. This guy was barking like a crazy dog: " Damn, just one step away, Lao Tzu is the patriarch of Tian Hunzhai. You are all miscellaneous, bad for me and good, I'm going to frustrate you!

"Huh! You don't deserve it!" A dog standing next to him, suddenly squinting his eyelids, exhaling the blazing breath of his whole body suddenly, and Geng Tao, who was oppressed suddenly, carried his breath away. The boy was suddenly perplexed with cold sweat, his heart was dark忖: "Only by the might ... can I have a crimson realm to almost spit blood ?! This guy is so difficult to be a black bully?"

Thinking of this, Geng Tao was completely desperate, he yelled abruptly: "Brother, this place shouldn't stay long, run away!" Of course, this sentence was called to the big master, saying that it was late, fast then, panicked Geng Taozhen went to the stage with a cry.

The boy Geng Tao just kept stepping back to the edge of the board just now, just to take advantage of the opportunity, Geng Tao jumped on the back of an unowned green horse on the stage, hoping to escape.

But at this moment, a dog punched in the air, a carved arrow released by Guan Heng, and Ruo Tao's chain claw fell on the evil thief almost at the same time!

"Boom!" The punch was not too heavy, he was hitting Geng Tao's spine, and the crack of the zygomatic bone sounded. The kid's spine was broken, and the scull of the arrow dart into Geng Tao's rib, hurting him Black eyes yelled, "Uh-huh-"

However, the most ruthless thing is that if Tao's chain hooks were thrown out, Dora made a loud noise, and she did not lean on Geng Tao, who was volleying in the air. When it was torn, when Geng Tao landed tragically, his "back door" was sitting on a sharp stone, "Oh!"

"My mother!" Geng Tao, who was struck by the pain, didn't die for a moment and a half, and the boy crawled forward with both hands desperately and begged for help: "Master, save me ..."

However, at this moment, Guan Heng deliberately made trouble, and he sneered and shouted: "Geng Tao, thank you for your help, so that we can wipe out all these bandits, thank you!"

"Is there such a thing, you jerk, so many brothers are involved!" After listening to Guan Heng's words, the big master with only three or four companions next to him suddenly became red-eyed, and he suddenly shouted: "Death ! "

"Oh!" Kaishan giant blade split in a momentary wind, just splitting the culprit Geng Tao into two. In a moment, countless intestines and dirty rolls were wrapped in a thick red mist, and Geng Tao's body Suddenly left and right two points!

—— [2016.11.23 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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