Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2118: See also Mu Ling (fifth more outbreak)

"This is very interesting. Presumably, this silver-backed ink monkey has planted an aura sapling here, in order to allow this green halo to accumulate strength and grow. Now the ink monkey is poisoned, and this green light has begun to repay it. . "

Guan Heng just thought of it, and suddenly felt that the turquoise halo in front of him was somewhat familiar, and I didn't know where I had seen it.

Suddenly, Guan Heng reached out and held down the handle of the Jumang sword, and he cried out secretly, "Yes, it's the smell of the pseudo-wood demon spirit tree, which is exactly the same."

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng had just put Jumang Jianqing in his hand, and the sword body suddenly burst into the green light. Guan Heng was wondering, even more surprised, so he drew his sword out loudly.

Just between this flash of light and fire, the pseudo-wood demon tree species above the sword blade suddenly flashed. When dealing with the evil spirits in the evil circle of **** before, Guan Heng accidentally used the sword sword outbreak The power of the demon tree species has caused the light of one of the five tree species to dim, indicating that the other party's power has been exhausted, and it is necessary to properly support the awn sword to support it.

But at this moment, the five pseudo-wood demon spirit trees are shining at the same time.

Just listening to the sound of "唰 唰 唰", the light of the Jumang sword and the pseudo-wood demon spirit tree sprang out instantly, and fell on the touch of green light.

"Wuhuhu—" This green halo was instantly supplemented by a powerful force, and the whole body of the silver-backed ink ape was swept away in an instant, so that the poisonous wounds on it would fade away. In a blink of an eye, the ink ape slowly opened Open your eyes and wake up.

At this point, the ink ape was a little dreadful, sitting with his head in place, a little at a loss, but the turquoise halo floated to Guan Heng in an instant, and it wandered around the sentence sword, trembling slightly. With this, it seemed very excited and excited.

"Why, do you recognize this sword?"

Guan Heng at this time saw that the green light was extraordinary, and it must be the new "Wood Demon Spirit" that was about to take shape. This thing helped the planting of various spiritual trees in the mountain forest with the help of the ink ape, and it was able to absorb the aura of nutrients. It has become a climate, but unfortunately, it needs more and more pure wooden spirits. This small piece of forest is simply a slapstick.

However, seeing the ancient sword made by the ancient **** wood in Guan Heng's hand, and five trees full of rich wood spirit, this green light, which is the unformed weak wood demon spirit, finally seemed to find a loved one. It couldn't wait to attach itself to the Jumang sword and draw on the other person's Shenmu aura to strengthen itself.

"It's okay if you want to follow me, but what about the silver-backed ink monkey?" Guan Heng asked in a low voice at this time: "Can you say you want to leave it?"

Hearing what Guan Heng said, the silver-backed ink ape suddenly climbed up, and it screamed and walked in front of the green light, with a reluctant expression on his face, and almost no tears were left.

It turned out that this ink monkey was originally abandoned by his parents and was thrown into a ravine. When he was about to starve to death, he encountered an unformed wooden demon spirit. The other party gave his little spiritual power to the small ape and let it To survive, just like this, a pair of strange "forest partners" appeared.

If the unformed wooden demon spirit wants to grow, it must absorb a large amount of spirit wood breath, so the ink monkey has worked hard to dig saplings with spiritual roots and plant it under the cliff, and the wooden demon spirit transports some pure aura from time to time to help the ink Ape improves its strength.

In this way, in a short period of more than ten years, the original cowardly little ape became the now magnificent silver-backed ink ape, and soared to the realm of deep red demon qi.

This pair of partners, like friends and brothers, has some mental demon spirits who are actually reluctant to leave Mo Ape, but it is even more eager to stay around the Sword Sword with the breath of ancient Shenmu to make themselves stronger.

After a period of stagnation that seemed like contemplation, the green light was inspired by the five tree species of Jumangjian. Alas, this green light flew to an ancient tree, and wrapped an instant with its own light. The fruits are about to ripen.

The fruit instantly had a different light from the rest of the same kind, full of strong wood spirit, and the aroma spread more and more.

Guan Heng now understood the meaning of the unshaped wooden spirit demon. He pointed at the fruit and said to the ink monkey: "Did you see that fruit? That is the 'clone' where the green light stays here, as long as you continue Plant a sapling of a spiritual tree nearby to make it a sea of ​​trees, and sooner or later, the fruits will turn into another green light as you wish, and always be with you. "

"Woohoo ?!" The silver-backed ink ape nodded with sadness at this moment, and then the green light hovered around its head, and suddenly the sword of the sword Within me, at the next moment, the dimly-lit fifth pseudo-wood demon spirit tree began to emit a radiance, which is even better than before.

"Well, since this is your own decision, I won't object, let's go on the road together."

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh ..." At this moment, the silver-backed ink monkey suddenly ran to the bottom of an ancient tree and stretched out his claws to dig a pit. He only dug out a few clicks and he dug out He took a long, brown, dead tree root, walked over, and handed it to Guan Heng, begging him to close it.

"Give it to me? I'll take it." He took the dead tree roots in one hand, and Guan Heng returned the sword sword to the sheath at this time, then said goodbye to the reluctant silver-backed ink ape and turned down the mountain. And go.


It didn't take long for Guan Heng to return to the small village on Mount Mengli and enter the old home of the village chief Lin. Everyone was there. Zhu Ying and Qiao Qi also thanked Guan Heng.

At this moment, Lin Lao suddenly stared wide-eyed and pointed at the dry tree roots in Guan Heng's hand. "This, isn't this my 'beast-hearted wooden pillar'? How could it be in your hands?"

Hearing this, Guan Heng was also a little stupid. He whispered in his mouth, "Ah ?! What kind of animal heart is this stuff?"

"Well, just a few years ago, when I was out of the office, I met a naughty black-haired little ape on the road. I found the little guy bouncing and was very interesting, so I gave it two pieces of noodles to eat. The black-haired little ape even followed the village. "

The oldest son of Lin Lao said with cries and laughs at this time: "But the little guy is so naughty, he often roams in the villagers' homes, and steals food. I was forced to help him, only to drive it away with a stick. Who knows that The black-haired little ape returned to my house again in the middle of the night, and quietly rummaged in the box and took away the beast of the heart. He also pulled a bubble of urine on the cymbal ... "

"Hmm—hahaha—" Everyone here couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

After laughing for a long time, Guan Heng will return the beast heart wooden pillar to the old village chief, but Lin Laolian waved his hand and said, "No, no, my family dare not keep this thing. This time the village was almost destroyed because of it. Caused trouble. "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.11.26, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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