Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2720: Mountain stream

Those fierce and fierce guys searched fiercely, Madam Nan stepped into the dirt pit in front of her under no choice, who knew that this place happened to have an old underground tunnel, and who did not know what year or month.

The lady hugged the baby doll and climbed down the tunnel in one breath. The footsteps of the murderers had been heard behind her ears. She was anxious and collapsed the mouth of the tunnel behind her with her teeth.

"Guan son, if you didn't arrive in time, I and the children would have died of breath." Mrs. Nan said at this time with a bit of regret: "But with this, you are our benefactor."

"No need to thank me." Guan Heng smiled and patted Shan Shan's head: "If you want to thank, thank this little guy, it is also a monster that has been born and raised in the mountains. This time, thanks to its digging to save you. "

"Yeah?" Mrs. Nan screamed out loud as soon as she saw the other person's appearance. "Isn't this monster beak-mouthed? How could there be alive?"

Guan Heng and Ago looked at each other at this time, all of them were surprised, Guan Heng asked subconsciously: "Alive? Madam, I wonder what do you mean?"

"Well, you don't know. A hundred years ago, there were indeed many such little monsters called" Jiaozuishanyu "who prayed over the mountain." Mrs. Nan rubbed her swollen forehead and explained: " But that is a thing of the past. "

According to Mrs. Nan, the little beaks such as sharp-billed mountain owls have been loved by the Jade people in the past, because they are not only obedient, but also have sharp and sharp claws that can help people to mine jade ore, which is the most important helper. One.

But more than a hundred years ago, there was a very severe plague spreading on the mountain. Most people who contracted this strange disease were weak, vomiting blood, and life span was attenuated.

However, the sharp-billed mandrills will also be infected by the epidemic and spread more severely. The physique of the monsters is completely different from that of humans. The mandibles infected with the plague have all died without exception. In order to prevent the monsters from reinfecting the clan Min, the Yu people set up a fire and burned their bodies.

However, the appearance characteristics of these little monsters and the various benefits to people in the past have been passed down from mouth to ear of the Jade people, so Mrs. Nan could recognize the mountain stream at a glance.

"Oh ?!"

Hearing the other party said that his ethnic group had been extinct more than a hundred years ago. The sharp-billed mountain was suddenly very sad, and his eyes were filled with tears. It has followed Guanheng's painstaking effort along the way, just to return to I prayed to cross the mountain to see my own kind, but I didn't expect it, but now it has become the last "dead remnant".

"叽叽 叽 ——" Suddenly, the mountain streamer groaned to the sky with a long and painful tone, and the ghost swallowing tiger and the snake-like bird next to it were touched, and all whimpered.

"Papa." At this moment, a powerful hand suddenly patted Shan Shan's head. Shan Shan looked up. It turned out to be A Gou. The other party's soft voice said: "Rest assured, beside you ... and I, and everyone else, do we leave you alone. "

"Hmm ..." A low hissing sound, the sharp-billed mountain owl was moved very much. His favorite is Agou. Although the other party did not smile, it seemed cold. However, when the mountain **** was dangerous, Agou was the first one. To save its people.

At this moment, Guan Heng also laughed holding his shoulders: "Hey, mountain stream, don't be sad, we are all your friends. If you don't believe you, ask Ruo Tao and Tian Lin, which one doesn't particularly hurt you, even if you often No one really blame you for stealing, right? "

The two women agreed, "Yes."

"Quack--" "Oh!" The hissing elephant snake suddenly landed on the top of the mandrill, and gently tapped the opponent's forehead with a pointed beak to express comfort.

The devouring tiger strode over and struck Gongshanyu with his head, motioning to the other side on his own back. Shanyu was startled at this time, because Tigerback was a “premier seat” of Guan Heng. If you want to sneak up, you will be slammed down by a devourer, and you will be punished with a few slaps.

At this time, Shan Yan never expected that the Ghost Tiger was willing to be a mount in order to comfort himself.

Shan Xi slowly stopped the sorrow, then was picked up by Guan Heng and placed on the back of the tiger: "Come, let you ride and you ride."

Mrs. Nan just heard everyone telling about the life of the sharp-billed mountain streamer. She said, "In fact, there has been no plague in the mountains since I prayed. If this mountain streamer wants to live in the jade family, I will discuss it with my husband. You can adopt it. "

"Hehehe, it all depends on Shanye's own meaning." Guan Heng smiled, and then said, "Madam, we are going to pray to the mountain soon, so we will **** you along the way."

"Thank you, thank you, there is the son of labor relations and everyone."


Along the way, Guan Heng and Mrs. Nan carefully inquired about the origins of the mysterious killers, but Mrs. Nan could not say why, but this woman did not patronize her life. By chance, she noticed something .

After the perpetrators smashed Mrs. Nan's servants, they pursued his wife, but a few people hurried away in the opposite direction. They yelled with their companions, saying that they wanted to return to the "What Valley" newspaper. He was heard by Mrs. Nan.

"I later thought about it carefully. The largest canyon in this area is hundreds of miles, and I am afraid that it will count the Panshi Valley." Madam Nan carefully analyzed, "And the pirates of Panshi Valley often go down to plunder the Quartet tribe. Notorious for not doing good. "

"Speaking of which, before we left Tushan, the thief of Panshigu attacked the Ai Jing clan and the elders." Guan Heng said at this time, touching his chin, "I was thinking that the Jade and Mu clan had a good relationship, this Perhaps there is something unknown about it. "

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Nan immediately became very nervous, and even the arm around the baby was shaking involuntarily: "Oh, even the chief Ai has been attacked? Isn't my husband very dangerous now?"

"Wow wow ..."

The little baby who just slumbered was immediately awakened. Mrs. Nan was very embarrassed, and she hurriedly shot to comfort the child, while Guan Heng said: "Mrs. and relax, the bad guys are not so easy to succeed. As long as we hurry up and hurry up, we will pray to the Patriarch to inform the Nan patriarch earlier that he will be fine. "

"Well ..." Mrs. Nan sighed subconsciously: "I hope so. Speaking of which, the Jade people have experienced a lot of accidents recently. Unless my husband tried to appease the people, everyone would be afraid because of their own The interests of the armed forces have moved. "

"What ?!" Guan Heng moved, and then asked, "Mrs., what is going on here? Can you tell me?"

"Also, Guan Gongzi has a life-saving gratitude to me. I didn't dare to hide it." Madam Nan said, she took out the things and things she knew.

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