Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2732: You're out of luck

"Abominable, use force without asking indiscriminately? You're looking for death." Guan Heng saw the other party's shot, and immediately slammed his feet and exerted the crimson palm knife like a cape.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh being a few moments of disease, it turned into a haunting ghost circle, hitting a huge monster in a swift and fierce run.


"Bang bang bang!" Zhang Dao Ying Ying slammed his head for more than ten hits. The middle-aged man in the false black realm became more and more frightened: "Who is this little ghost? Crimson master can stand still with me ?!"

Competition distraction is a taboo for life and death. At the moment when the middle-aged person was distracted, Guan Heng flipped and slumped with both hands, "Hoo-bang!"

"Eh ?!" Enemy shook his feet, Guan Heng chuckled and laughed: "False realm, but that's it, get out!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Instantly changed from a fist to a palm, Guan Heng's boxing shadow fell on the opponent's whole body. He repeatedly used the black air tyrants and fake black powerhouses. Naturally, he knew that the other party was sharp and abnormal, but the fake black air was not. After closing the body, that is where the gap is, Guan Heng hands up specifically to find the other party's weakness.

"噗 ——" failed to let the black gas gather and defend, the other side punched in the middle of the cheek, was blown by the nose and mouth, and the other body flew up and down, hitting the monster elephant who was still deadlocked with the evil spirit wind circle. On his leg: "Oh!"


The demon elephant was shocked and stunned, and the Liuxian ghost rushed forward with all his strength, slamming into the head of the opponent, adding a huge blood hole to the head of the demon elephant.

Coincidentally, the demon elephant suffered severe pain and quickly moved "Teng, Teng, Teng" to retreat, just lifting one foot to the middle-aged person below.

No matter how much skill you have, being crushed by such a huge elephant foot is estimated to become meat mud. The guy just feels that the eyes are black and the giant cloud-like feet have touched the edge of the forehead.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I was not willing to be trampled to death, I concentrated on the palms of my hands, the roaring middle-aged man violently supported his elephant's feet with his hands, and for a while he was full of black gas in the sound of" whooting " As it spread, the guy's bones were also squealed.

"Alas, alas—"

"唰 唰 唰 ——" The sorrowful giant elephant reappears the light of colorful remnants of the soul, and Guan Heng waved at this moment: "Ruo Tao, be prepared, wait until this big guy recovers 30% of his injury, and then recover the remnants of the soul."

Ruo Tao lifted the lid of the bamboo basket behind him and asked casually, "Son, why don't you start immediately?"

"Hey, haven't you seen the idiot who shot at me still holding an elephant leg?" Guan Heng laughed at this time: "I just let this mess get a good taste of being crushed and let the demon elephant recover a little physical strength Let's fight him slowly. "

"Damn, you stinky boy ..." He heard Guan Heng's words. The middle-aged curly-haired man was so annoyed that he wanted to yell, but the elephant-like leg was as heavy as his own weight. After being injured by the opponent, he lost a lot of strength. In case of speaking, his arms would not be able to support it.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy," your ghost, use your blade to add something to your opponent. "


In the blink of an eye, the big gangster swept the dark wind around him, and ejected countless small wind blades from the inside, all of which passed over the middle-aged person in the sound of 嗤嗤嗤, and the other side tried his best to withstand The elephant's legs were oppressed, and there was no defense at all, and it was cut to the point that it was full of long and narrow blood.

Just then, even worse things happened!

"嗷 ——" The giant elephant who regained some strength with the residual soul suddenly felt the top of his head tightened. The residual soul instantly rushed to the bamboo basket in the hands of Ruo Tao, who was divided into two, first in red, then black. Qing Qing flesh.

Although this giant elephant lost its residual soul, the injury recovered slightly, and he immediately gathered all the power on his leg without hesitation.

The middle-aged man had a lot of fun. He just heard a few "bangs-clicks", and his arms immediately burst into a red mist.

This gigantic pillar is like a leg, and the wind blows away in time. Looking at the middle-aged man who has lost his arms, he will step on a meatloaf, but it is a coincidence that the other leg of the Stonehide Elephant suddenly stands still. Steady and out of balance, stepping on the feet of the middle-aged person suddenly.

"Yeah!" The giant foot slammed and sounded like a mountain shaking. The huge vibrations suddenly spread to all around. "Yo——" Middle-aged man was seriously injured and lost his arms. Fly away, I do not know where the grasshopper fell.

"Flop!" The exhausted Stonehide Demon Elephant crashed to the ground, but it also recovered a bit of his injuries, and climbed up again a little after struggling, without looking at them. And fled.

"Hum, dare to do it to me, it's not bad to kill you directly." Guan Heng glanced at the moment where the middle-aged man who did not know life and death fell, and then waved to Ruo Tao: "Let ’s go, Agou, Tian Lyn is still waiting for us. "


Shortly after their departure, three black shadow puppets rushed from a distance, and the headed one shouted, "Four younger brother, Hao You, where are you?"

"Uh ..." Hearing this call, two bare, broken arms suddenly lifted slowly, and an extremely weak voice answered: "Brother, brother, I'm here ..."

"Ah ?!" The man also had a curly beard, and when he saw his brother was injured like this, he suddenly yelled, "Who did this ?!"

The middle-aged man who lost his arms, that is, "Hao Yan" trembled in the arm of the other side and said, "I, I don't know them, that's a kid who makes a ghost, and a woman with a gold foil mask. I ... ... "

Suddenly, the middle-aged man shouted with all his strength: "Brother, Brother Hao Biao, take revenge for me! Hey--"

Full of blood and blood spewed out, the middle-aged man Hao Yan stared with horrible death and his elder brother Hao Biao suddenly hugged the corpse and screamed: "Uh ah ah-brother, I must kill the enemy and take revenge for you!"

Crying for a long time holding Hao Yue's remains, Hao Biao slowly raised his head. He stared at the red eyes and said to the two brothers around him: "Hao Wolf and Hao Bao, you immediately returned to your 'Balongzhai' with your brother's body. Dian Qi Renma immediately rushed over. Even if I turned hundreds of miles into the sky, I would find the murderer who killed his uncle, and let him pay for his blood!

"Brother, let's go, what are you going to do?" After hearing Hao Wolf's inquiries, Hao Biao yelled with anger and biting steel teeth at once: "I will go after the murderer in person, you follow me along the way. Just leave the mark all the way. "

"Observe." Hao Biao was not only his elder brother, but also the master of the first village of Balongzhai. Hao Wolf and Hao Bao didn't dare to commit any violations. The two promised, and immediately rushed away with the dead body.

Hao Biao clucked his fist at this moment, and a black breath of time lingered on his wrist: "No matter who you are, you must pay a bitter price for killing my brother!"

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