Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2820: Cat and Remains

"Meow—" The cry of this lion cat in the running was extremely savage, and none of them knew what was going on. I saw that the fat cat jumped to the road between three jumps and two jumps. At the stairs on the second floor, Ruotao hurriedly called, "Don't run, you wait."

"Chasing!" Guan Heng realized that the lion cat might have thought of something important, and immediately followed his companion.

Guan Heng shouted as he scrambled down the stairs: "Brother, you take the mandrill, elephant snake and Tian Lin to the entrance from the first floor. I worry that swallowing the ghosts and waiting for too long will make them irritable. "

"Okay." Agou nodded and agreed, and Guan Heng decided so because Agou had just been attacked by evil spirits and had a weak resistance to the ghosts here, and Tian Lin also needed their protection.

"噌 噌 噌 ——" The sound of yin wai sounded, and several people came to the first floor in an instant. A dog took Tian Lin and rushed to the door. Guan Heng led Ruo Tao to follow the demon cat. Everyone acted separately. .

"Meow!" "Wow, wow ..." At this moment, the lion cat kept mourning in front of the gate to the basement of the stone house, and continued to scratch the gate with two claws.

The claws snapped and broke blood, but the lion cat seemed to be unaware of the pain, and began to hit the door repeatedly with his head. He had to rush in. In this situation, Guan Heng and Ruo Tao coming from behind were shocking.

Seeing the painful expression on the other side, Ruotuo, who was touched, suddenly screamed, "Fat cat, don't--"

"Meow ..." At this moment, the lion cat slammed itself with blood, but the door was indeed motionless. After hearing the shout, the fat cat suddenly swayed and staggered to Guan Heng. Fluttering on the ground, can't help but be a nod.

Guan Heng saw this situation, and slightly jaw first said: "Well, you avoid, I'll open the door."

At the next moment, Guan Heng yelled loudly, Hongyun sword suddenly came out of the sheath, and chopped on the door like lightning. He also rushed forward, "Kacha-boom!" The debris flew everywhere.

"Meow!" Regardless of the blood on his head, the lion cat rushed into the door suddenly, closing Heng, and Ruo Tao immediately followed, at this moment, the door screamed out seven or eight whistling ghosts, sending them Round up.

"Six uncles, you send these guys." Guan Heng said at this time: "Fat cat, what are you looking for, hurry up."

The lion cat heard the words, and a flash of gratitude flashed in his eyes, and flew towards the corner of the room immediately.

When Guan Heng and Ruo Tao looked intently and looked closely, the lion cat lay on a dead corpse in the corner and let out a wailing cry: "Meow ... meow ..." Seeing the other party's appearance, Ruo Tao suddenly realized what.

"Son, do you say this dead body is ..." Hearing here, Guan Heng whispered to Ruo Tao, "Yes, this fat cat is so sad. The dead body should have a lot to do with it. Bacheng is its owner. "

"Eh ?! There are words on the wall, as if nails were carved on it." Guan Heng slammed his fingers and set off the six ghosts who had just raided the enemy's shadow immediately. Heng and Ruo Tao saw the handwriting above clearly.

"I'm Longshan, an elder of the Gushan Dragon Clan, the ghost of the Guishan Dragons. I have driven countless ghosts all my life. I have been trapped in a stone house for some reason.

Around the wall are engraved a lot of things described by the elder of the tribe called "Longxing", and the reason why he was trapped in the stone house can no longer be remembered.

However, in this stone house, Long Xing and an ancient heterogeneous demon cat supported by himself, Xie Xie, fought a long and deadly battle with ghosts from all directions.

Relying on some witch-made special exorcism powder, the land is round. The ghosts cannot break through the defense circle of Longxing in a short time, but human energy is limited, and they ca n’t hold it for days without food and water.

Long Xing felt that he would be starved to death if he continued to do so. He felt sorry for the demon cat himself, and could not bear to let the strange beast that had been with him for many years wait to die with himself, so he rose up and threw the evil spirit out of the door. Let it escape, Longxing himself stayed to attract the attention of the ghosts.

After the demon cat was thrown out, Long Xing opened the door of this room with all his might, and no matter how loyal and beastful the beast cried and prayed, the door never opened again.

Holding the idea of ​​finding someone else to rescue Long Xing, when Xie Xie tried to escape, he was accidentally invaded by the strange ghosts and invaded his brain and was controlled. Thanks to the accidental arrival of Qing Huang's residual soul, he saved his life. Afterwards.

"In order to save the evil spirits, Long Xing was willing to use himself as a bait ..." Guan Heng looked at the fat cat lying on the mourning corpse at this time, and slowly shook his head: "He is a good host. Fortunately, The fat cat wasn't dead, he didn't let his hopes down. "

"It turned out that the name of the lion cat was really evil spirit, son, we should take it back to the Wushan tribe and give it to the family of Longxing."

If Tao said, he wanted to reach out to hug the fat cat, but at this moment, Guan Heng's eyes flashed a hint of alertness, and he shouted in an instant: "Ruo Tao, don't touch them."

Speaking late, at that time, the withered corpse turned silently and leaped up, and the lion and cat in front of it was punched hard: "Hoo-oh!"

"Meow!" The fat cat fell into Ruotao's arms after exposing his evil fist, and the withered eyes of the withered corpse of Longxing flickered green and evil, snarling and waving his arms and rushing forward.

"Huh, this corpse is weird!" As Guan Heng flashed the thought in his head, he waved to Ruo Tao, and the latter immediately flew away holding the lion cat.

"Oh!" The next moment, Guan Heng had already fought with that withered corpse.

"Is it a semi-black realm?" Guan Heng trembled his numbly-wound wrist, and stunned the ground. Longxing's withered corpse made his right fist again. The guy's arms were soft and fluffy, like a long, empty hum. whip.

I just felt that before my eyes flashed, the murderous corpse fist had already reached the tip of the nose, and in the blink of an eye, Guan Heng suddenly clasped his hands together, and the exhalation of anger was violently split and fell.

This scarlet palm knife has not been shot for a long time, and now he is fully exerted by Guan Heng, adding even more powerful fierce power, and he yelled, "Kill!"

"Oh!" The moment the palm knife and the dead fist collided, there was an unparalleled shock that spread to the surroundings, but although Longxing's dead body had semi-black power, it could not use it freely, so it lost the opportunity to attack and Guan Heng The crimson palm knife did not hesitate to slash down.

"Kacha!" The punch of Long Xing's corpse was instantly shaken and trembling, and then volleyed and shattered in the "click" blast.

"Meow ?!" Not far away, the lion cat who was held by Ruo Tao watching the war saw the "owner" injured. He was so anxious that he wanted to fight and stop Guan Heng. Ruo Tao said constantly "Calm down, it's not your master, but the corpse controlled by the monster."

—— [2017.2.26 Second more, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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