Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3003: Nanle tribe (fifth more outbreak)

"Ma'am, why are you running? I said I won't hurt you."

While Tian Lin was dressing the wound for the other side, she said in a whisper, but the injured woman didn't care about the pain, and she had long stared at Tian Lin's bag around her, which was saying Noodles and dried meat delivered by my brothers at the time of separation.

"Well? Are you hungry?" Tian Lin took out a cake and handed it to the woman: "Please eat."

"Pop." With a quick speed, he grabbed the dough in his hand and opened his mouth to bite. The woman's gobbling food and chewing sounded, making a few people around him inexplicable pity. They all thought: "What the **** How many days have you been hungry? "

"Hmm ... hmm ..." Because she ate too fast, the woman almost rolled her eyes, but at this time, there were seven or eight more ragged people around, all of them old and young. The dishes came forward.

"Do you all want to eat?" Tian Lin quickly took out the food in her bag when everyone saw it. Everyone was little or no. They all got a little. This bag was quickly emptied.

"Shanyu, let's go and see if there are any beasts that can catch them for roasting." After saying this, Agou turned and took Shanyu away. The unsmiling man would not say anything warm. , But can use practical actions to help the poor.

At this moment, those who are holding bread and dried meat are squatting or sitting in place, only the sound of chewing one after another, it seems that long-term hunger has made their thinking rigid.

If Tao saw that the woman she met first ate something, which was relatively normal at this time, she couldn't help but ask, "Ma'am, I want to inquire with you. There is a merchant with a surname of 10,000. How old is fat and very kind, do you know where his family is? "

After hearing this, the woman who just wanted to thank Tian Lin for giving her food thank her suddenly changed her face. "Eh ?! No, no, I don't know anything, don't kill me, don't kill me!" "

When the words fell away, the woman turned her head and wanted to leave, but at this moment, a child with a yellow face and thin skin, about four or five years old, ran into the woman's arms and cried, "Mother, I'm hungry ... ... "

"Xiaoqing, I ..." The woman looked stunned, wondering what was right, Guan Heng and Agou came from the other side, carrying a few hares and fat rats in his hand, he said loudly: " Come here, if you want to eat barbecue, hurry up and find some firewood to light the fire.

The hungry people around heard this, and immediately ran towards the collapsed stump and ran back a pile of scorched wood. In their view, the wreckage of the burned home was no doubt with firewood.

The bonfire was set up, and the scent of roasted meat quickly spread all around, and the remaining villagers of Lone Wind Village immediately surrounded them.

"Hey." Guan Heng tore off a browned and roasted rabbit leg at this time, and said, "It's easy to eat meat, just answer the questions I asked."

One lame old man said, "Little brother, what do you want to ask?"

"So, we are entrusted by five businessmen headed by Wan Lao to send something back from the northern border." Guan Heng said, "I just want to know where Wan Lao's family is at this time? Does anyone know?"

"Did you really come back to deliver things?" The old man sighed at this moment: "Oh, unfortunately, two days late, the family members and relatives of Wan Lao and the remaining four people were all" Nanle Tribe "people Take it. "

"What? The Nanle Tribe ..." Upon hearing this name, Tian Lin's face changed suddenly, Guan Heng said next: "Tian Lin, I remember you said, it seems that they have accepted the commission of this tribe, looking for Fifteen nine-leaf weeds, right? "

"Yeah, I didn't expect these people to be so unreasonable, and they took Uncle Wan's family away." Tian Lin sweated on her forehead at this time, and she turned around in a hurry in the same place, and couldn't help saying, "Well, What can I do? "" More than that. "

The first woman who appeared at this time was holding his son Xiaoqing's head, sobbing in his mouth: "The guys of the Nanle tribe are just beasts. They not only embarrass the families of the few traders, we are all in Gufeng Village. The villagers also followed. "

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng's eyes flickered. He first signaled Ruo Tao to distribute the cooked food to everyone, and then Shen Sheng asked: "What the **** is going on?"

I heard him inquire, while those talents were eating, they talked about it.

The Nanle tribe is a strong tribe north of the capital city of Chongguo. I heard that their population is more than thousands and that they are strong and strong. This time, they offered a lot of good things to the lord of the tribute. There are only a few of them, including the jellyfish which is sent by the traveler Wanlao.

The nine-leaf yarrow has a full length of three feet, and the square stems, yellow flowers, and hanging red fruits, whether it is rhizomes, branches, flowers or fruits, are precious tonic herbs that can prolong life and treat internal and external injuries. The gentry, wealthy, and nobles loved these things, so they became targets of the Nanle tribe.

They always trade between the capital and the northern part of Chongguo. They are recruited by the leader of this tribe to pay for the nine-leaf yarrow, but the other party forcibly detains the merchants in order to prevent them from gaining overtime. Loved ones.

Guan Heng heard about these things from Tian Lin, but the guys from the Nanle tribe originally claimed that it would not be too difficult to send someone to monitor the relatives of the merchants of the Gufeng Village, but now they are treating people They also took it away and harmed other villagers, but did not know why.

At that moment, the old man said, "Guests, I am the head of this village. The surname is Gao. You can call me Gao Lao."

"Mayor Gao, know the people of the Nanle tribe, why should you embarrass you?"

"Well, this group of beasts rely on strong and weak, and there is no reason at all."

When Gao Lao was trembling with anger, he said, "Three days ago, there were a dozen horses from the Nanle tribe. The knights said that they had entrusted the elders to purchase the Jiuye rush. Now that no figures or things are seen, all relatives of the five families must be taken away. "

"Not only that." A woman next to him whispered, "And these guys want the villagers of the village to gather a thousand gold shells as compensation. If everyone can't get the gold shells, only A dead end. "

"What? It's a group of overbearing beasts." Guan Heng and Agou listened to these words and clucked their fists, all angry.

Tian Lin and Ruo Tao looked at each other and hurriedly asked, "What happened then?"

—— [Fifth more in 2017.4.3, hi everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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