Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3053: Stone House Confinement (fifth more outbreak)

This little niece originally saw that the master was thirsty and sick, and went to get water. She took three steps and took two steps with a bamboo tube in her hand, and was running, but she suddenly stumbled under the bamboo tube. Suddenly flew into the air.

"Well." The water well is not near here. The little girl took a lot of effort to get the water, but now ...

"Pop." A big hand suddenly held her waist slightly, and the other hand was about to fall to the ground, and a voice said, "Why is it still so reckless? Wouldn't you be careful?"

"you are?!"

The little niece was startled at this moment, but found that her voice was familiar, but the person had let go of her, walked to the corner to check the condition of the seriously ill woman, reached out and touched the other person's forehead, and said, "His fever is very high. Traces of flogging, alas, you suffer ... "

"I remember, you are, you are ... oh oh ... you are Brother Guan." At this moment, the youngest daughter pointed her finger at Guan Heng, and her voice couldn't stop trembling: "Brother Guan, you are here to save Miss ?"

"Tinger, don't cry anymore. If you want her to get better soon, come here to help."

Guan Heng didn't talk much, but the identity of the two principals had been made clear. This seriously ill woman was the Yunqin girl he had met in Huiyang Town before, and the youngest daughter was Tinger, who was her sister.

At the time, Yunqin's monster bird Biyu Jinyu was caught by the bad guys for auction, Guan Heng rescued the bird out of good intentions, and several people became associated with it.

"I never thought that Yun Qin's so-called far marriage actually came to Yangcheng to be Xia Yu's partial concubine, alas, to create people."

Giving away his thoughts, Guan Heng took out the two-life cream at this time and handed it to Tinger: "Hey, first apply her ointment to the wound, then take some of it internally. Yunqin's illness was mainly caused by flogging and the wound did not heal again. High fever caused by suppuration, just a little treatment will be fine. "

Guan Heng turned his back at this time and asked Tinger to apply medicine to Yunqin's overcoat. He asked casually, "Yes, what about Biyu Jinyu?"

"Oh, when the lady had an accident, the group of wicked men broke into the room and broke the bird cage with a copper rod. Jin Er was frightened and flew away. Fortunately, she didn't hurt much. Recently, she was looking for food outside during the day, and only in the evening. Will fly back quietly to see me and Miss. "

While applying Yunqin, Tinger replied: "Because those hateful villains refuse to let go of Jiner, and use the slingshot to drive it out during the day."

"That's really why." Guan Heng frowned at this moment, he asked, "What the **** have happened to you here? Will this happen?"

"Uh ..." At this time, the medicine effect came into play, Yun Qin slowly woke up, she asked weakly: "Tinger, who is it? Who is talking?"

"Miss, don't move first, the medicine is almost ready ... Okay, Brother Guan, you can go back." Say, Tinger smeared the last few wounds with two ointments, which helped Yunqin wrap it up. clothes.

Guan Heng turned his head and walked down in front of Yunqin, squatting down. He spread his hands, and in his palm was a crystal clear jade: "Girl Yunqin, it's me, do you remember this thing?"

At that time, the master and servant of Yunqin were about to leave in Huiyang Town. After repeated hesitation, she finally untied a jade from the ribbon around her waist, and then said to Guan Heng, "My son is a man who travels everywhere. There must be a lot of things. Yunqin wants you to take this jade with you. It ’s just that I ’ve been to different places. If I remember this occasionally in my lifetime, I would be comforted. ”

A trembling finger rubbed at the jade, Yunqin said with tears: "Guan Gongzi, it was you."

"That's right, it's me." Guan Heng whispered, "Because I want to enter here to do something important, I happened to see Tinger being beaten, and followed her all the way here, Yunqin, you suffered. "

"Well, everything is bad for me." Yunqin watched the man who had been dreaming about him and had been longing for him, with an unexplainable pain in his heart, all kinds of grievances after coming to this palace, with tears Gushing out of the eyes together.

At the beginning of entering the palace, Yunqin had already guessed a few points about his fate. As the patriarch and niece of a remote tribe, this year's tribute is to accompany him as the concubine.

Initially, Wan Wanxian's Yunqin had good luck. Although she was not summoned and favored by the Communist Party, she lived carefree.

But things always come. That night, Xia Yu ... finally came to Yunqin's room. The other party was a little drunk and wanted to be with her. But Yunqin was unsmiling and expressionless. She was like It is a stone, and it looks like an iceberg that will not change forever, but let Xia Yu put one hand on his shoulder.

As the founder of the ancient country, Xia Yu has a woman. The supreme one who worships the country thinks that women who are spoiled by themselves should be flattered.

And Yun Qin's cold attitude seemed to make him insulted. Xia Yu suddenly slaps Yun Qin in anger and then left.

That night, although he was not touched by the other side, Yunqin's position in the palace was plummeting, no, it can be said that it was plummeting, countless speculative people began to fall into the ground, grabbed Yunqin's mistakes and kept her To die.

These things, Yun Qin is difficult to tell in front of Guan Heng, she dare not admit it, the root cause is because of the shadow of this man in the heart, so that she fell into the abyss.

"I didn't expect that I was saved by Guan Gongzi again." Yun Qin smiled sadly at the moment: "Even if I was alive, I was just a sinner in this stone house. It would be better to die. "

"Woohoo ... Miss, don't scare me, don't scare me." Tinger threw herself in the other's arms at this time, she choked and said, "I'm so scared, I don't want you to die."

"Yunqin, Tinger was right." Guan Heng said, "If you want to die, it's easy, but what will happen to the people around you, have you thought about it? Look at the injuries on Tinger, all of whom were injured today. Some fierce servant women hit, and if no one protects her, her end may not be better than you. "

"What ?!" After hearing this, Yunqin was so frightened that she hurriedly supported her shoulders: "Tinger, where are you hurting? Let me see."

"It's okay, miss, it's just a skin trauma, and Brother Guan has already given me some medicine. It doesn't hurt long ago ... oh, right."

At this time, Tinger carefully took out the wrapped chicken legs from her arms, and she handed it to Yunqin's mouth: "Miss, you haven't eaten for a few days, but unfortunately, the food I brought for you was The gangsters are upset and dirty, so you eat this chicken leg. "

"Woohoo ... you silly sister, was beaten like this for a little bit of food ..." Yunqin didn't even look at the chicken leg, but held him in his arms: "I am the only loved one beside you What if you do something? "

—— [2017.4.13 Fifth more, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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