Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3107: Xiling Shulan Village

"Well, okay." The elder said lightly, suddenly he was intrigued, and pulled out the short blade around his waist and walked in front of the coward. He planned to do it himself.

"Animals stop!"

"Woo ---" At the next moment, the roar and the tiger howl sounded in unison, and the figure, the tiger's body and the ghost wind suddenly struck. Guan Heng saw the miserable condition of the coward, and suddenly burst into anger: "Swallow the ghost tiger, the baby Kill me, no ghost! "

"Bang!" The swallowing ghost stared at the blood-red eyes and claws, and in one hit it broke the brain of the murderer who took the short blade and cut off the widower's tongue. The baby white ghost also repeatedly punched, punching several Zhulu around. The tribe were full of holes, and they all fell down.

"You are ?! The elder prince ..." The elder elder who was still proud just now, when he saw the hit nemesis, he was so frightened that he flew away, and then looked at all the people around him who were fake black powers. This guy's heart is cold.

"Old beasts, killing human lives, sin is unforgivable." Guan Heng saw that in addition to the widower with his tongue cut off, there were two other farmers dressed as ordinary farmers tied up, and knew that they were almost killed, so Yang Yang He yelled, "Big cat and baby white ghost are back. I will kill him by myself."

"Smelly boy, you have repeatedly oppressed the old man, I fight with you !!" It was said that it was too late, and then the elder picked up a spear and hurled away towards Guan Heng.

"Hoo-ooh!" The rainbow cloud sword in Guan Hengzhang's palm turned instantly, and the spear was cut into several pieces. The elder had no time to shrink his hands, and suddenly felt that his wrists were cold, and the two thieves' hands suddenly fell into red.

"Wow ah-" This guy's roar screamed and screamed, and the birds in the forest fluttered in shock.

"Hey." At this moment, Guan Heng wielded his sword and cut the rope that tied the two peasants. He said, "I have given the coward the medicine. Although his tongue is short, his life is worry-free. Hurry up with him and run away. "

"Thank you for your help." The two men hugged the widower in tears and hurried away.

Guan Heng's gaze was cold. First, he glanced at the screaming elders on the spot. Then he went to a horse riding by the Zhulu tribe and took off the rope. He tied the old thing and tied the other end of the rope. On the horse's waist, Guan Heng said, "I've seen many robbers torture others' tricks, and I just use them today."

"唰 唰-噗噗!" The elder's ankle and Achilles tendon were instantly cut off, Guan Heng poked on the horse with a backhand sword, and the other party screamed violently. Elder, four hoofs flew towards the other end of the avenue.

"Hum, he deserves it." Guan Heng turned his back at this time: "Go, go to Mu Muhei's **** thing, and I'll make him pay for everything he does."


At the same time, Xiling Shulan Village.

It has been covered with thick rancid blood, and there are headless corpses that are beheaded everywhere, and the flies are buzzing and flying, which is horrible.

"Wow-" At this moment, a sudden scream screamed loudly, breaking the tranquility of the silent village. It turned out that a sharp claw pierced through the escaping Tatar people, pulling one of his heart out of his body, "plopping." The dead body was paralyzed in place.

The guy who took out the heart picked up the object and chewed. The sound of "creak, creak" will definitely make people hear it creepy.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this?"

At this moment, Mu Muhei, who was hiding behind the half-collapsed house with the only remaining tribe, was so scared that he could see the cold sweat. This sudden evil spirit unexpectedly attacked several semi-black and fake blacks around him. The clan of the realm, taking easy shots, is a ferocity that shows the overbearing spirit.

Mu Muhei claimed that he was not his opponent, and immediately ran away to avoid it. The remaining lives of the other Tatars were all lost in the other's hands.

"Mu, Brother Mu ..." The tribe next to him was horrified, his teeth had to fight, he shouted, "When can we run?"

"Pop." Mu Mu snarled and yelled at the opponent's collar in a desperate anger. "Be quiet, are you afraid that the other person won't hear us here?"

"But you speak louder than me ..." The tribe just muttered for a while, his eyes suddenly fell behind Mu Muhei, and he reached out and whispered, "That ..."

"Hoo--" The claw shadow of the black wind that slammed into Mu Muhei's back brain suddenly, this guy was so frightened that he hurried to put the body of the people in front behind him.

"Eh! Heh--" The people of this group didn't hum, and were suddenly torn into two halves by ghost claws. Mu Mu's heart was shocked indirectly, and a blood arrow was emitted in response: "势 ——"

With a bang, his body fell to the front, splashed with wet mud all over his face, Mu Muhei screamed with his hands and feet and crawled forward, trying to escape to the mount not far away, so he could get on his way and escape, but it was down For a moment, someone stepped on Mu Muhei's back with his foot: "Slap."

"Uh huh ?!" Just as the guy looked up, there was a dark shadow rushing next to him, and he immediately hit with the evil "Ping Pong Pong".

"Swallow the ghost, you get rid of that guy first, and I'll clean it up later." After saying this, Guan Heng stepped on Mu Muhei coldly and said: "Hey, do you still know me?"

"Eh ?! It's you!" Before Mu Muhei led someone to hunt down the elder Longyou of the Wu tribe, Guan Heng hit the cliff. Fortunately, he just broke his arm and leg. Although he was disabled for life, he picked it up. I have a small life.

However, Mu Muhei must report, and he hated Guan Heng naturally. He even colluded with the Zhulu tribe's elders in an attempt to avenge Guan Heng. He also came near Yangcheng, but he never expected that he would be caught by an evil spirit first. It was so embarrassing.

Looking at the headless corpses everywhere in Shulan Village, Xiling, Guan Heng smiled angrily at the moment: "Okay, it's very good. You beast can lead people to commit such evil deeds. I would make it easy for you to die. , I am sorry for the terrible death of this village! "

"Swallow the ghost tiger, you come back." As Guan Heng shouted, the giant tiger waved his claws and retreated from the powerful enemy in front of him, and took a few ups and downs and swept behind him.

Guan Hengwei took a look at the black evil spirits on the opposite side: "He is tall enough with Zhang Yu, his forehead has double horns, and is covered with dark scales. I remember seeing the" Hundred Ghost Pictures "in the Wushan tribe of Cabinet Hill, and you Such a physical description, you guy is ... 'black scale mad ghost'? "

Generally speaking, black scale lunatic ghosts only inhabit deep mountains and old forests, and do not actively attack living people, but as long as they feel resentment that a large number of souls die, they will appear in time and become bloodthirsty and crazy.

"It seems that the people who died tragically in this village have attracted Wulin mad ghosts, let alone this little arrogance, it can be regarded as revenge for the villagers." Thinking of this, Guan Heng kicked Mu Muhei: "Give I get up. "

—— [2017.4.24 Fourth more, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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