Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3319: Surrender to the Sun Beast (first)

"Bang!" Under the heavy blow, the Flame Great Ape's nose, nose, and ears blew through the bleeding column at the same time, and this guy fell kneeling with a sigh of pain. Guan Heng saw the indomitable flicker in the eyes of the beast, and he called Says: "Okay, then I will convince you completely!"

"Woohoo-ooh!" The heavy fist covered his face and fell on the giant ape like a storm, and the three women looked shocked beside him. He gently dragged the sleeve of Qinghuang and whispered: "Sister Is it necessary for Brother Guan to fight so hard? I look scared. "

"This is done just to tame the tyrannical giant ape. As long as this guy is obedient, the rest of the Sun Beasts will be honest." Qing Huang replied: "Be assured, Ah Heng knows everything and will never kill him. "




But at this moment, the big bear, the wolf beast, the python, and the king of white teeth are gazing at it, and yelling beside him, Xiao Hei also waved his hand and called, "My brother-in-law is playing well."

"Hey!" Speaking late, then quickly, Guan Heng raised his fist and blasted towards the door of the giant ape. The guy saw, suddenly raised his arm to protect his face, and Guan Heng smiled at this moment: "Finally Scared."

As he said, he slowly lowered his fist. The giant ape was covered with injuries at this time, and finally fell to the ground, and then fell to Guan Heng. He struck again and again, and Qing Huang laughed, "Look, it surrendered."

"Giant ape, from now on, I will be your boss."

Guan Hengxuan leaned at the other side and said, "Rest assured, I won't stay here for too long. In the future, you will dominate the battlefield in the ancient battlefield, but now you have to listen to me, and for those who obey me, Master Ben It will never be treated badly. "

"Hoo--" Speaking of this, Guan Hengzhang suddenly blasted a force of fire, and then jumped into the giant ape's head: "Take it, no matter what, it can alleviate your pain, by the way Enhance your strength. "

"Oh ?!" After feeling the power of the fire entering the body, the wound pain on his body was reduced by 90%, and his spirit was greatly boosted. The giant ape shouted with joy: "Oh oh oh--"

"Woohoo ..." The surrounding beasts are all beasts who love to absorb the energy of the fire. It is envious to see that although the boss has had a little bit of trouble, he has changed back to the power of the original fire. Already.

Guan Heng laughed and laughed: "Six ghosts, you gather a little firepower to reward these guys, let them taste some sweetness."

"Ooo, ooo -" Ghosts moment in the air, spin disease into a circle, the circle of the core power of the original fire quickly a group.

I heard that the crickets in the mid-air continued to sound, countless tiny Mars fell like a torrential rain, and they all penetrated into the body and forehead of the Sun Beast. These guys felt comfortable all the time.


After a while, the giant apes had followed Guan Heng and set off for more than ten miles. At this time, he said with a smile: "Brother Guan's strategy is really good, with so little help, he has got so many helpers. "

She refers to the group of fierce sun beasts that are walking around everyone, who knows the food and tastes of the other party. They decide to follow Guan Heng and wait for the mission. The Sun Beast is not a fool. They are thinking that if they can get a little more benefit, then they will make a profit.

"Hey, these fierce beasts are all good helpers falling from the sky. Originally, the fire in their bodies could dissipate some of the evil spirits, and now they have the power of my fire, which is the nemesis of those guys of the Yeling tribe."

Guan Heng touched his chin and said, "This is a group of unexpected ambush forces. I need to make good use of it."

"嗷嗷 嗷 ——" At this moment, the wolf beast, the big bear, the python, and the fierce king screamed at the same time. It turned out that everyone had come to the center of the ancient battlefield.

What attracted the attention of the crowd and the beasts was the team of the Yeling clan in front of them. These guys exuded fierce momentum and could be stunned, like walking dead. At the front of the team, there are three people, the long-headed evil spirit and the other two weird guys.

"Hey—Guan Heng, you have arrived as promised."

Hearing the other party ’s words, Guan Heng snorted, "Let's talk nonsense, and quickly hand over the fragments of the stele. I can also make you Yeh tribe humble and die happily. The fate of the extinct people is already doomed. . "

"Is there such a thing, you ..." There were a few menacing Yelings behind the long-haired evil spirits. Hearing these words, they wished they would come and fight with him in a **** battle, but Guan Heng suddenly yelled: "Ignorance scum, shut up! ! "

"嗷嗷 嗷 ——" Guan Heng's roar sounded at the same time, the six uncle ghosts suddenly appeared in the air, and the ghost whistling from Qi brushed out, shocking those incompetent guys spitting blood and falling to the ground.

"Abominable, useless waste." The long-headed evil spirit looked at the rolling men, so annoyed that they would be killed on the spot, but afraid of affecting morale, so he decided to focus on the big picture.

"I don't talk nonsense with you either, it's important for everyone to do serious business."

Forced by the anger, the long-haired evil spirit said to Guan Heng: "To tell you the truth, both the Ling and Dai people have said that this stele is related to the sealed three evil spirits. This statement is half true and false. In fact, this stele is a ' Keys' can open the secret of the ancient battlefield where the three evil spirits are collected. "

"Oh? That's it? We heard it for the first time." Guan Heng was looking at Qinghuang and Wu at his side at this time. Actually, they had known about it from the Spirit King, but at this time deliberately pretended to be 懵I don't know.

"It turns out that these guys don't know the truth, so I still have a chance." But the long-haired evil spirits thought they were really unclear, so they felt overjoyed.

He also said: "I have already thought very clearly. Although everyone is an enemy with deep hatred, but the goal of finding the three evil spirits is the same. Instead of killing each other, it is better to cooperate temporarily. Plan again. "

"Brother-in-law, don't listen to him." Xiao Hei shook his head at this moment and said, "You might as well throw them all down and grab the pieces of these guys. This is easier."

Upon hearing this, Qing Huang and Wu Waner smiled, thinking in their hearts: "The girl is not just a joke, this time it is the key point."

"Hahaha, my little aunt said well." Guan Heng laughed loudly: "Instead of working with you, the vicious wolf wolves, always beware of being conspired, I might as well kill you and get the pieces."

"Hateful!" The evil spirits were horrified, but they had to argue arguably: "Tell you now, the Yelings don't want to use force to fight, if you don't want to cooperate, I would rather destroy the fragments. Sans! "

"This ..." Guan Heng and the three women looked at each other with strange feelings in their hearts, and they all thought, "This guy insisted on working with us to open the secret of the stele. What is the ghost idea?"

They collided with each other's eyes, and the three women made a decision, and everything was completely arranged.

So Guan Heng sneered: "Well, you said that we can consider the matter of cooperation, but with so many people on both sides, it is impossible to enter the secret place, and only a small number of people must follow. This is a necessary condition. If you do not agree, everything Don't talk. "

The reason why such a condition is proposed is that Guan Heng is preparing the other party to use a lot of helpers to rush into the secret place to make troubles. Even then, even if they can clean up this group of guys, they will have to spend a lot of time, which determines that the two sides will bring only a small number of their own.

"Okay, that's exactly what I want. The Yelings are me, and the two behind."

Hearing the bulls without hesitation, He Heng's eyes flickered, and he seemed to notice that there was something unusually dangerous, but he brought up the conditions for bringing a small number of people into the mystery, and now he can't regret it. .

"Well, stay outside with you and the herds."

Guan Heng lowered his voice at this time and said to her, "When Qinghuang and Xiaohei and I entered the secret realm, it would be strange for the Yeling people outside to turn their hands and do something. It will be up to you to pass them by then. Remember, if you do not suppress Live on the other side and immediately use the standby ambushes of the Sun Beast. "

"Brother Guan rest assured, I have a number in my mind, this group of miscellaneous soldiers can cope." Nodded his head and jaw, and then said: "Be careful, too."

"Aheng, I always think that the two guys behind the long-haired evil spirit are not simple. The other party may be more difficult than that guy." After hearing Huang Huang's words, Guan Heng whispered, "It doesn't matter, for this time, I am not already Did you kill you and Xiaohei in advance? "

After saying this, Guan Heng let Qing Huang embrace the devouring cat, and Xiao Hei held the evil beast, and then said to the long-haired evil owl: "Hey, we are also three people here. If you want to cooperate in good faith, just Take the fragments out and put them on the ground. "

"Shaoyou, you can't believe me, I can't believe you." The long-haired evil spirit snorted coldly: "You and I came to the middle of the open space with the pieces and pieced together, and no one should play tricks."

Hearing this, Guan Heng muttered, "Hey, what a cunning old fox."

After the number of breaths, Guan Heng and the evil spirit put all the fragments of his body on the ground. He had four pieces, while the other was three pieces.

"Uh, this is all the fragments of the stele ?!" After seeing the thing, the long evil spirit saw a little greed in his eyes, Guan Heng sneered, "Why, are you still planning to grab?"

"Oh!" His words fell away, and the ghosts of the ghosts gathered around him like lightning. The blazing power of the original fire immediately began to burn the air, and the high temperature of Fang Yuanzhang had distorted the surroundings. Already.

"Uh ?!" Seeing the other group of ghosts roaring out and showing strength, the greedy fire in the hearts of the many evil spirits was immediately smashed by cold water, and he said immediately, "Put away your invisible spirits, I can Don't want to do it. "

"Well, it's better to do this, don't do anything tricky." Guan Heng slammed his fingers, and the ghost disappeared. The two of them quickly completed the oval oblong stone monument at the fastest speed.

"Well, the entrance to the mystery is right in the middle of this ancient battlefield. I'll start ..." Guan Heng saw the multi-headed evil spirit saying this, and then he reached out to grab the stele and punched him with a fist: "Why do you let Come, let me do it. "

"You ..." Before he finished speaking, he was forced to take a heavy fire punch from Guan Heng. "Bang!" Unexpectedly, the long evil gang "Teng Teng Teng" took a few steps back.

He saw Guan Heng sneer at himself while holding the stone tablet, and immediately shouted in dismay: "Do you want to turn your face? OK, hit it."

"Wait, now that I've discussed it before, naturally I can't talk and count." Guan Heng waved to the other side at this time: "Still, I can't believe you, but the conditions to be followed are the same. Breach, take the two people behind you. "

Speaking, Guan Heng said to Qing Huang and Xiao Hei: "It's time to enter the secret realm and be prepared."

Upon hearing this, the two women immediately nodded their heads: "Okay." At the same time, the long-haired evil spirits whispered to the two people behind them, and three sneaky guys immediately gathered near the stone monument.

"Walking." Speaking slowly, then quickly, Guan Hengquan clawed out on a raised position of the stele, and only listened to the sound of "click", the ground under the feet of six people was irregular and extremely distorted. The rift is the precursor to the opening of the mysterious entrance.

"Guan Heng, this stupid boy, just made it clear that the stele was not in the secret, but now he can drive the stele first!" The wicked evil spirit was shocked in his heart: "Damn, it was played by this guy again."

"Woohoo-huh!" Before the six people responded, the strange light flashed, and there were huge cracks like teeth spreading on the ground beneath everyone's feet, causing them all to fall.

"Brother Guan, Qing Huang, Xiao Hei!"

I couldn't help but panic when I saw this scene, but the ground fissures suddenly closed, and at the same time, a group of black Yelings roaring across the road: "The long-haired evil Lord has orders, here all the people who have a relationship with the Lings , All-kill! "

"You gangsters of the Dai ethnic group are really **** guys." Suddenly stunned, he immediately raised his hand and shouted, "The beasts are listening, the general attack begins, and all the Yeling people will be destroyed."

The words of the crickets fell off, and the wolf beast, the big bear, the python, and the king of white teeth fiercely roared out in anger. Their relatives and compatriots were all brutally killed by the Yehuo people. Today is a good opportunity for revenge.

"Woohoo—" A wolf beast madly rushed forward, followed by the big bear, and the two beasts waved their claws and fell wildly, and the Yeling people in front of them were shot together. The other party attacked, but did not expect to be hit by a raging fire with time all over his body.

"Uh ah ah--"

The Yeling people screamed and were burned into a fireball, and instantly turned into ashes. The hundreds of guys next to them were horrified and sneered: "The beasts present are blessed by the power of the fire, all of you. The death of the nemesis of the group of vicious demons, the night owls, and others has come. Let ’s do it. "

"Woo-huh-bang-bang-bang!" The python crawling forward swung the long tail and swept around, suddenly rushing the enemy in front of him into the air and then falling to the ground.

Speaking slowly, at that time, the big bear suddenly arched, and a pair of bear claws fell on the enemy's body one after another. "Papapa!" Immediately shattered it.

"唩 唩 唩 ——" On this battlefield, the craziest thing is the King of White Fist, the roar roaring around, and every where he goes, in his fierce head, fangs Enemies will end their lives.

—— [The first change in 2017.6.6, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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