Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3331: A trip to another space (third more)

"Bang, bang!" The sound of the impact of the ghost king beads immediately rippled and spread rapidly, shaking more than ten strange screams: ": ——"

"Boom! Slap!" Two monsters who had just entered the realm of purple gas couldn't withstand the pressure and their bodies exploded. When they died, two strands of souls popped up, but the other monsters were in a hurry Run away and retracted into the original cave.

"This Worm Soul should be useful, catch them." Hearing Guan Heng's order, the big goblins and giant bees flew over each other and immediately captured the soul.

"Hurry up." Guan Heng grabbed Qing Huang's hand and said, "Most of these insects are collective actions. In case we are surrounded, it will be a lot of trouble."

"Well, it makes sense." Qing Huang rushed along with him, and the two quickly swept away more than a thousand feet. Then they stopped and took a breath, Qing Huang said by the way: "Yes, what are these bugs from, they did n’t catch them. Is the soul? Have a look in the soul book. "

"Wait." Guan Heng took out the soul record book, and then clamped in the worm soul that the big miser handed over.

"Hmm." After the book flashed, a few lines of handwriting appeared immediately when it was opened again.

"The sandals of the original realm ... strange creatures derived from unknown spaces, because of the long-term absorption of mutant auras, resulting in extremely tough bodies, long lifespan, and assessment of soul power as sixth-order."

"The original sand dude ?!" Qing Huang muttered: "It's a weird bug ..."

"Huh ?!" Guan Heng frowned suddenly when her words fell. "There was a noise coming from the ground beneath her feet. It's bad. Hurry up, and the worm swarms again."

As the two twisted and ran, Guan Hengyang yelled, "Hey guys, hit the ground with the giant ghost fist! Quick!" , Instantly turned into a huge fist, and slammed into the place: "Boom-bang bang bang!"

In the deafening sound, the ground cracked and subsided, earth and rocks splashed and flew, and numerous small black shadows were shaken out of the land, which was a large number of sand dunes traced by the tunnel.

Although this batch of insects has reached the state of purple air, and their bodies are extremely tough, they can still be stunned and killed by the stunned giant fist wrapped in the power of the five elements. On the ground.

At this moment, Guan Heng and Qing Huang had ran out half a mile away and felt relieved when they felt that there was no danger.

"What the hell? Did the righteous father really send us in the wrong place?" Qing Huang also complained at this time: "There is no drop of water at all here and here. How could the water source of the Wanling River be here?"

But Guan Heng suddenly said, "No, I think it seems weird."

Qing Huang looked puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Did you find out? The purple giant rat and Yuanjie Sandiao we met just now have a faint azure atmosphere around them." Guan Heng analyzed: "It is clearly water aura ..."

Thinking back a moment, Qing Huang said immediately, "Yes, but here is desert. Where does the water aura come from?"

"It's very simple, these guys are all drilled from the ground." Guan Heng stretched his fingers to the ground under his feet and smiled. "The things we are looking for may be hidden underground. You said, is this possible? ? "

"Yeah." Qing Huangmei's eyes turned and she was about to speak, but the vigilantes around them suddenly murmured, Guan Heng looked at her, and immediately realized that something had moved.

"Ugh." The two quickly jumped to the hidden figure behind the quaint weird stone. After a few breaths, seven or eight galloping shadows had ran over.

"Well? I heard the voice clearly, why didn't I see any 'underground beasts' appear?" Guan Heng and Qing Huang could understand each other when they heard each other's words, and they couldn't help showing a little surprise. When they looked at the group, They found that each other's appearance was somewhat similar to that of the spiritual people.

The middle-aged man with animal skin was talking. He continued: "Forget it, it's important for us to return to the village quickly. Hurry up."

"Hoo--" The middle-aged man's voice didn't fall, and a stinky wind suddenly blew nearby, and then, the sound of a broken air sounded, and more than a dozen beasts appeared, completely surrounding them.

"Well, it's a bald-tailed wolf. Everyone withdraw ..."

"Woohoo!" The middle-aged man just called here, and a snarling wolf bowed swiftly and slumped beside him, opened his mouth and bit his throat toward the middle-aged man.

At the very moment of death, the middle-aged man could only raise his left arm to block the cavities, "click!" This forearm was ripped off by the wolf's mouth.

"Uh-huh-hhhh-" Under the severe pain, the middle-aged man tumbled and tumbled to the ground. At this moment, the remaining evil wolves also launched an attack on this group of people.

"Ah Heng, save them."

"Yeah, Liu Qi Ghost, shoot!" After listening to Qing Huang's words, Guan Heng originally had this intention, and immediately ordered the group of ghosts to shoot.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at speaking slowly since then, the big goblin and bee rushed out like lightning, rushing towards the wolves in front.

"Yeah!" A juvenile in the crowd fell to the ground in a flash.

When the bee saw the danger of the juvenile, he landed on the top of the sand wolf, and the tail was stabbed with a few spikes. The beast suddenly wailed softly, the ghosts were swift and violent. In addition, it contained a little raw fire power. This wolf died in despair. "Uh?!"

The teenager saw that he was fortunate to be saved, and his eyes were unbelievable, but at this moment, the six ghosts spit out together and spit out the ghost bead and hit the bald-tailed wolf fiercely. Lament, the situation is extremely chaotic.

"Hey, these beasts will be sent by us. You should move the wounded aside." Hearing Guan Heng's shout, the man who had just sacrifice just reacted and immediately picked up the middle-aged man who was bitten by his forearm. Man, fleeing beyond the countless feet.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooah, when the wolves were beaten by the six gangsters, a loud and loud roar came suddenly, and then a tall figure appeared on the hillside not far away.

"Look, it's the King of the Wolf!" The young man rescued by the giant bee yelled at the giant wolf, "the guy who took many lives in the village has appeared again."

"Huh, it seems that this guy is the head of the wolf pack." Guan Heng slowly pulled out the Ling Ling sword at this time and said, "As long as it is beheaded, the wolf pack will definitely fail."

Qing Huang smiled brightly and said, "To save time, let's go together."

"Agree!" As soon as the two words were released, their figures disappeared in situ, and the eyes of the sand wolf king on the opposite high **** suddenly became fierce, and they roared towards the slope. : "Woohoo whine--"

"Bang, bang!"

The giant wolf's two-claw offensive is unusually fierce. Time flies with Guan Heng's double swords and Qinghuang's lotus strange blades for more than ten times. This guy is a purple beast. The power of the explosion at this time is even more terrifying. Guan Heng It took away 90% of the attacks and tried to protect Qinghuang from any harm.

"Oh!" But the Coyote suddenly twisted his claws, passing Kan across his shoulders, and suddenly brought a glimmer of blood.

"Ah!" Qing Huang moved anxiously to the fierce wolf's flank, and forced the lotus blade's blade sharply into it. "Yeah!" A narrow slit was immediately opened on this little belly.

"嗤嗤嗤 ——" The big **** blood mist soared in the sky, Rao is the fierce matchmaker of the wolf king, and his eyes were painful. Guan Heng took the opportunity to shake his sword in the palm of his hand, and quickly swept across his neck and throat. , "唰-噗嗤!" The head of the Coyote suddenly burst into the air.

"Huh, it's flat." Guan Henggang was relieved. Qing Huang immediately took out her handkerchief and wrapped his shoulder wound for her. She complained: "You really know that you are in front of me and you are injured. ? "

"Hey, a little flesh wound is no different from being bitten by a mosquito." Guan Henggang said here, and the middle-aged man who had been bandaged by his companion rushed over and said, "Thank you both The benefactor saves our lives. Thanks to your killing the wolf king, we can be saved. "

At this point, the middle-aged person beckoned his companions: "Come and come, and give your head a benevolence."

"Thump, thump ..." This pedestrian, old and young, fell down with gratitude towards Guan Heng and Qing Huang, and bowed their heads.

"Dear people, please hurry up." Guan Heng said, "I see how similar you and the spirit people look, do you also say that you are also spiritual people?"

"Spirit ?!" After hearing these two words, the group of people suddenly appeared surprised and happy, and the middle-aged man kept asking: "Benefactor, are you from the spirit world?"

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't see that you are similar to the spirit tribe." Guan Heng pointed at Qing Huang, who was next to him, "This is still the goddess of the spirit king-Princess Qing Huang."

"Eh ?! The benefactor turned out to be a princess?" The middle-aged man only felt a sore nose, and suddenly burst into tears, "Woohoo ..."

Seeing this, Qing Huang was startled, and she hurriedly asked, "Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

"Well, the princess doesn't know. We, the exiles, look forward to countless years, and finally wait for the spirit to come."

There was a trembling nearby, and the old man with a wooden staff whispered, "We were originally people who came here from the spirit world."

"You ... are you really spiritual?"

Hearing Guan Heng's questions, the old and young people present nodded in a hurry. The old man raised the crying middle-aged man and immediately said to them: "This is only a few steps away from our village. Feelings, please follow me to drive there, let's talk more about it. "

Along the way, the elderly and middle-aged people of the Ling ethnic group did not sit idle and talked with Guan Heng and Qing Huang about a lot of things in this small space.

It turned out that with the help of the Five Elements God, the King of Spirits moved the water of the River of All Spirits to this small space and sealed it for storage. However, at that time, there were many ships traveling on the river. The people who took the boat were naturally the spirit people. Entered into a different space.

At first, everyone did n’t understand what was going on, but fortunately, these spirits were not accidentally cursed by the blood beads of the inverse spirit. In this space, they can contact the water source. Everyone has men and women. While waiting for the opportunity to return to the spiritual realm, they thrive and struggle to survive.

However, the soil in this space is unusual. Most of the water source of the Wanling River has fallen into the ground. Deserts and hills have gradually formed on the surface, and it has become difficult to survive. Many spirit beasts that originally inhabited the water have been affected. The influence here has mutated.

Not only that, these strange beasts have become much smarter here. In a century, they have eliminated most of their fur and scale armor, become "half-orcs", and have mastered the language of the spirit people.

At first, the spirits did not pay much attention to the abnormal changes of the beasts, and everyone was fine. But later, the number of "mutated half-orcs" increased rapidly, and soon exceeded the total number of spirits.

As the number of descendants and ethnic groups increases, it is destined that the two sides will inevitably diverge in their living space and resources. Soon, these half-orcs derived from spirit beasts set off their ambitions, and they even began to slaughter the spirit races and occupy the other's living areas.

The war between the two sides lasted for hundreds of years. The reproduction and combat effectiveness of the spirit race were not as good as those of the half-orcs. In addition, the other side preemptively occupied the groundwater source, that is, most areas of the Wanling River. Forced the spiritual people to despair.

"That's it. All of our Ling people now have only two small villages inhabited by dozens of people."

At this moment, the elders of the Ling clan have come to their village with Guan Heng, and are continuing to tell the story in the humble residence: "Now, in addition to the threat of the orcs, we also have to face the besieging and hunting of those beasts, saying In truth, it will not be supported for a few years. "

"It turned out to be like this. I didn't expect that when the Father and the Five Elements moved the waters of the River of All Spirits here, you suffered a lot."

There was a bit of intolerance on Qing Huang's face, and she went on to say: "Let ’s do this, after we go back, we will immediately find a way to bring everyone back to the spirit world."

"Is this true? Great." After hearing this, all the spiritual people around us were overjoyed, and many people were crying with joy. They said, "It's better to go home and listen to the ancestors long ago. It was said that the spirit world is the best place for us to live. "

"However, we have to take back the water of the River of All Spirits first." Guan Heng said at this time: "Who do you know where the half-orcs live? Is it right next to the groundwater source?"

"Yes, it is exactly the same as the benefactor guessed." The middle-aged man with a broken wrist next to him was Lian.

At this point, Lian went on to say: "I was caught by the group of half-orcs before. Not only were they beaten hard, but I was forced to do hard work in the half-orcs'" Underground Water City ", and finally escaped. Alas, at the time Threw a right leg there. "

Lian said here, and patted the prosthetic leg with a bitter smile: "It's better now, and I have one less hand, but I have a good tone and can keep my own life every time."

"Uh ..." Guan Heng and Qing Huang looked at each other's faces, and they all thought: "This uncle is so amazing, he doesn't hesitate to survive with a broken limb. Are you a lizard or a gecko?"

"You guys, we're going to see what‘ underground ring city 'of the half-orc. "Guan Heng stood up at this time and asked," Is anyone willing to be a guide? "

—— [The third update of 2017.6.8, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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