Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3333: Underground Water City (fifth more outbreak)

He thought to himself, "There are too many wounds on Lie Ling. If I use it to save it, it would be a waste. It is for me and Qing Huang. As for Lie Ling, use the spirit of the earth to suppress the injury. That's it, and naturally it will heal slowly in the future. "

"Hoo." After a while, Guan Heng stopped and sighed with relief. "Okay, Lie's injury is 70-80% better, Qing Huang, are you satisfied this time?"

"Hehehe, don't say it as if I forced you." Qing Huang muttered, and then walked in front of the huge martyr: "Hey, we kindly saved you, now is your time to return, everyone is going Find the city around the ground and deal with those orcs. You have to help. "

"Wow ?!" The giant Lie Ye is also a purple beast. Naturally, she can understand her words. As soon as the other party indicates that he is going to deal with his enemy, the half-orc, Lie Ye immediately stands up and shakes. Before Phoenix.

"Hey, stop." Guan Heng was unwilling at this moment: "You give me a little distance, what if she hurts her?"

"Well, I'm not so coquettish," Qing Huang said, and patted the huge enthusiastic head with a smile. "It just seemed to be overhyped when it heard that it was going to get revenge."


After a while, the crowd came to a low hole near the cave.

"Uncle Lian, this is what you said, can you go to the channel around the water city?" Guan Heng looked at the size of the hole, and then said: "This is too narrow, Qing Huang barely managed to drill in. I can pay for it. A little bit more. "

"Hey, I'm sorry." Lian Nian was embarrassed, he said a little awkwardly: "I passed through it here more than ten years ago, and I have never been there since. Who would have thought that the hole ... narrowed."

"It's okay, don't we have it around us?" Qing Huang patted Lieyi's head at the moment and said, "Please, expand this channel a little."

"Woohoo." Lie yelled in his throat, then shook his claws and dug in front.

"唰 唰 唰 —— 嚓嚓 嚓 ——"

The wind was blasting, the earth and rocks were flying, let alone say, this big guy is really a good hand at digging holes. When he digs, he will follow them while he is digging. After a while, everyone has heard a "wow" The sound of flowing water.

"Oh, we're almost there." Lian raised his ears and listened carefully, then said to Guan Heng and Qing Huang: "Yes, I remember the location of the sound of water, as long as we go forward a few hundred feet, You can see a corner of the water city. "

"That's good." Guan Heng was happy, and he whispered, "Hey, Lie, dig harder, we can go to the place immediately."

"Oh!" His words fell off, and the huge stubborn claws had fallen **** the soil wall in front of him. "Oh—wow!" The earth and stones suddenly collapsed, and everyone saw that there was a rapid surge inside. Big river.

"Well, this is the water of the Wanling River ?!" Guan Heng watched the continuous turbulent water flowing out of his feet, and said subconsciously, "It's so surprising that it's so wide ..."

"You listen." Qing Huang suddenly made a gesture to Guan Heng, signaled that there were noisy footsteps in front, at this moment, a huge anger appeared on the face of the giant lie.

"Hahaha, isn't this the **** fierce ran away?" A rough voice yelled, "Dare to appear, okay, I'll cut your belly apart this time."


Seven or eight figures were rushed across from the other side. Guan Heng and Qing Huang took a closer look. Wow, this group of guys was really ugly. The nostrils are turned upside down, the tusks are exuded, and there are some features of the beast that have not been degraded. At first glance, it is the "variant half-orc" described by Lian.

"Are there any other spirits?" Shouted a tall and orc-headed orc, headed by a cry, "It happened that the man caught him back to be a slave, and the woman was happy with us ..."

"Animals, you're looking for death!" Guan Heng heard that the other man was spraying dung, insulted Qing Huang, and immediately pulled Hongyun sword away.

"Yeah!" The sword flashed, flashing, and the half-orc who was clamoring for the slaying of the lynx was split into two and turned into two corpse corpses.

"Abominable, dare to kill our boss, come on!" The other half-orcs were even more ignorant, Guan Heng was too lazy to do anything with them, and threw his sword in the palm of his hand to shake off the blood stains: "Six ghosts, kill, just leave a living mouth. Just fine. "

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at the time when the screaming group of ghosts shot like electricity, just after the sound of" 唰 唰 唰, 嗤嗤嗤 " Debris, only one guy screamed and fell to the ground in screaming, trembling, and couldn't get up.

"Hum." His eyes fluttered fiercely, biting each other's arm with a sharp tooth, and then tearing it hard: "Hum!"

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh"-this kind of dead left with painful eyes protruding, horrible, Guan Heng immediately stepped on his body and shouted, "How many orcs there are in the city, who is the boss now? ? "

"I said, I said."

This guy lost an arm. At this moment, he was hoping to survive, and only offered confession. He talked repeatedly: "Our orcs under the water city are not many. In fact, there was a plague here a while ago. Thousands of relatives died and approached. More than 800, now only a few are barely alive. "

"What? So many orcs have died?"

Lian was surprised when he heard this, but the other side said, "Yes, so our ethnic group now has few female orcs, and reproduction is a problem. Recently, the master of the city around the city, '螑 戾' , Is thinking about catching some Lingzu women and get back to match everyone ... "

"Animals, you're really heartbroken." Lian Qi sneered on the half-orc, Guan Heng sneered at this moment: "I heard that your half-orc can't do without the water of this underground river, is there such a thing?"

"That's right, we orcs don't drink water for a while and feel uncomfortable, so this river is the lifeblood for us."

After listening to this guy's words, Guan Heng looked at Qing Huang and Lian beside him, and said, "It will be easy. I think of a way to punish the orcs severely, hey, you."

He flew up and kicked the guy in front of him, and then said, "Hurry up and call me here all the orcs who surround the city below the water, especially the lord of the city, and say that the messenger from the spirit world will be in Cut off your lifeline here, get out! "

As soon as his voice fell, the orc with a broken arm seemed crazy, and ran forward. Qing Huang smiled slightly and said to Guan Heng, "I know what you want to do, hehe, this trick is cruel enough."

Lian next to him didn't understand, he asked, "What are you talking about?"

"When the orcs arrive, you'll be all clear." Guan Heng hugged his shoulders and smiled with amusement: "I want to let the guys despair immediately."


"Da Da Da-Da Da Da-"

After a few moments, the sound of chaotic footsteps slammed, and a large group of half-orcs with swords in their hands rushed forward. One of the guys shouted, "How can this be, who killed my people? Lao Tzu will not take you Split into eight segments, it's not alas! "

"Master, just the three spirits and the fierce urn." At this moment, the one-armed half-orc who ran away and reported back screamed, "You must avenge everyone!" "

"Huh." Guan Heng saw more than two hundred people coming from the other side, knowing that the city around the water was empty, and he waved, "Infant Baigui, immediately go to the city above the water and burn me!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the infant white ghost immediately sprang out of the copper golem and flew straight to the distant city. Before the group of half-orcs had reacted, the firepower of countless raw fires turned into a blast of flames, smashing like rain. In the city: "Boom Boom--"

The guy named 螑 戾 is the owner of the city. At this moment, when he saw the old nest was burned, he was so anxious that he burst into tears: "Ah ?! My city around the water!"

The other half-orcs were so frightened that they screamed, "Come on, go back to the fire."

"Want to run now? Late."

"Pop." Guan Heng slammed his fingers, and the six ghosts of ghost time emerged around him, one by one, the fierce powers of these half-orcs did not dare to move.

"Ignite." Upon hearing Guan Heng's order, the ghosts sacrificed their own firepower and slammed on the periphery of the half-orc body. The six flames instantly turned into a huge circle of fire, which would surround the other side. In it.

"Uh ah ah-it's hot!" More than 200 half-orcs suddenly felt the temperature soaring around, making their hair curly and smoky, and Venus turned around.

A few guys were too close to the circle of fire and couldn't stand it, and saw that the underground river was close at hand, so they leaped outwards and wanted to fall into the water.

"Huh, how can you make it happen? Get up." Guan Heng's hand was raised slightly, and the height of the large circle of fire suddenly moved up and down, immediately burning the guys.

"Wow!" A few groups of "Fireball People" screamed and sprinted forward a few steps. As soon as they reached the river, they had become flying dust.

"Uh ?!" At this moment, the orc-city lord of the city around the water saw his soldiers die tragically, and his face changed dramatically. He was very cruel and selfish, not because he was distressed by a few lives, but by his own safety.

Guan Heng glanced at the other side at this time and asked scornfully, "How? Scared?"

"You, who are you, what do you want?" Hearing his inquiries, Guan Heng laughed: "Did the idiot who had just returned to the news just tell you? I am a messenger of the spirit world, and I am here to pack you up especially These half-beasts were smashed. "

"Ah Heng, what are you talking about with them?" Qing Huang stared at the other person coldly, and said, "They have been oppressing the Lings here for a long time. Let's get started."

"Yes, do you want to burn them all to fly ash? Then I'll pick up some firewood." Lian said that he would start, Guan Heng laughed: "No need to bother, killing the orcs now is too cheap. They are. "

Then, Guan Heng stretched out his hand and took out the "water-supplying gold bowl", he said, "Isn't the half-orc inseparable from the water of this underground river? Well, I'll let them not touch even a drop of water before they die, close— — "

"Woohoo--wow--" Instantly, a water-supplying gold bowl was created, allowing the water in the underground river to continuously pour into the bowl, but only in a blink of an eye, the water level of this river had dropped several feet.

Seeing this, the orcs in the circle of fire screamed, "What are you going to do?"

"I said, so that you will never see a drop of water." Guan Heng's words fell away, and the water-filled golden bowl had absorbed the river water.

At this point, Guan Heng turned his head and said to the group of sweaty half-orcs: "This ring of fire will not go out for three days and nights. It will squeeze out all the water in your body. Hey, if anyone wants to escape, just now Those burnt guys are his end. I said, let you suffer from water shortage before you die. "

"Yes, this is the end of your oppression of the local spiritual people." Qing Huang said to Guan Heng, "A Heng, let's go."

In this way, three people and a huge martyr fled away, leaving only more than 200 half-orcs in the circle of fire. They kept mourning and screaming. They treated the spiritual people and local beasts very cruelly. Therefore, retribution will only come soon.


After a while, Guan Heng and Qing Huang returned to his village with Lian. He said to Lian at the entrance of the village: "Then we will go back to the spiritual realm first. If you remember to order all the local spiritual people, say these two. God, the spirit king will come to pick you up. "

"Thank you very much." Lian left with gratitude.

At this time, Qing Huang looked at the water-supplying gold bowl in Guan Heng's hand and suddenly said, "Well? Why are the water sucked into the bowl gone?"

"Oh, my father-in-law taught me before and let me use the water and aura to turn the water of the Wanling River into nine 'water spirit beads'." Guan Heng explained: "This is convenient to carry, just go back and let him deal with it."

"Then let's go." The two held each other's hands and touched the "transfer mark" left by the Spirit King, and a white light suddenly appeared in place. When they opened their eyes the next moment, they were back. The back garden of the main hall.

"Oh? Princess? Guan Gongzi?" Several maids just passed by here, and when they saw the two suddenly appeared, they felt a little strange. After greeting Huang Qing and the other party, he said to Guan Heng, "Yiyi seems to be still on his own. Room, let's hurry to find him. "


After counting the breath, the spirit king's room.

"Oh, is this the bead that the waters of the River of All Spirits have turned into?"

It turned out that the spirit king just happened to go out and do some trivial things. There was only Xiao Hei and the swallowing ghost meowing in the house, so Guan Heng casually told her a few words before passing by. Get up and play.

"Oh, little ancestor, you have to pay attention." Guan Hengfu sighed bitterly: "These beads contain the water source of the largest river in the spirit world. If you just break one, the whole hall will be flooded of."

"What ?!" Xiao He was playing with the beads very well. When he heard Guan Heng's words, he suddenly didn't hold them and let the object fall to the ground.

"Slap." Thanks to Qing Huang's quick-eyed eyes and holding the water spirit beads in his palm, the three of them took a long sigh of relief: "It's really dangerous to make a hit."

—— [Fifth more in 2017.6.8, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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