Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3340: First arrived in Binh Duong

"Hehehe, his body reacts most honestly." Guan Heng chuckled at the moment: "Are you hungry too?"

"And me, and me," said Xiao Heiyang, "brother, I'm hungry."

"Okay, hurry up, find a place where people smoke, and fill your stomach." Guan Heng said, turned over and leaped on the mount, and said in his mouth, "Without eating and sleeping, how can we have the strength to fight a tough battle?"


After a while, Guan Hengzhong was already in a deserted border village in the ancient Tao Tang Dynasty. "Dangdang!" Guan Heng shoved, half of the rotten wooden door fell down, and there were countless floating dust.

"Cough ... Cough ..." Xiao He next faced his mouth bitterly and covered his mouth. "It's really strangling. It seems that no one has lived here for a long time."

"Well, it's been ten days and a half months to say less."

Qing Huang and Ruo Tao came out of another broken house. Ruo Tao raised his hand and said, "My son, half a living person can't be found here, but we can find some food in the house. I can sleep here at night. "

"Yeah, there is a tile covering his head, which is much better than sleeping in the countryside." Guan Heng slightly jaw head, just at this moment, like a snake bird spread its wings and swept away from the distance, there were two on his claws. The plump hare, Qing Huang's sharp eyes, immediately smiled and said, "Hey, I eat meat at night."

After a while, the rice was cooked and the meat was roasted. When everyone was about to start, the big wandering wandering around the village mouth suddenly made a howling noise.

Upon hearing this, Guan Heng frowned suddenly: "What's the matter? I have trouble before I have a bite?"

"Don't hesitate, check it out quickly." Qing Huang said, Huo Di stood up, pulled Guan Heng and ran to the village entrance. Guan Henglin did not forget to tear off half of the roast rabbit, and then called to Xiao Hei. "Remember, don't eat them all, leave us some."


At the same time, a rapid hoof sound was heard near the village entrance, and a few horses ran in an instant.

"Hurry up, hurry into the village to find a place to hide, the guys are really fierce, we can't beat them at all."

As soon as the sound of the first ride was over, I heard a roar of fierce howls from behind: "嗷嗷 —— 嗷嗷 woo——"

"Boom boom boom-da da da-" The sound of the beasts running fast from far to near, and the blink of an eye came behind these people.

"Well, brethren, hurry up into the village, and let me‘ late the sea ’to resist for a while.”

"Brother Chi, I'm here to help you." "Alas, alas!" The two men pulled out the spear and halberds as soon as the shouts sounded, and rushed towards the beasts without fear of death, yelling in their mouths. "Animals, I have fight with you!"

"唰-噗嗤!" It was late, then fast, and Chi Hai waving the halberd cut a yellow scale demon rhino in front of him.

"Flop." The demon rhino corpse fell first in front of the horse, and Chi Hai smelled the blood around him.

However, his companion was not so lucky and brave. After only parrying three or five times, the mount's forefoot was torn and broken by the monster, and he fell to the ground himself. Several beavers with drooling corners howled suddenly. Go up.

"Brother ?!" Seeing that the other party was in danger, Chi Hai originally wanted to rescue him, but he was surrounded by dozens of fierce beasts and could not escape.


A monster beast fluttered suddenly, his mouth was biting on the shoulder of the other person, and when he was about to tear hard, "Hoo-ooh!" An oblique sprint flew from the oblique stab, and the demon rushed through it On the ground, while the arrows trembled and trembled, Huhu flew out a group of ghosts to kill the surrounding beasts.

"Hoo—— 唰 唰 唰 —— 噗噗 噗 ——" Yaru then flew, and nailed a dozen of the most vicious black gas monsters in a flash, not only that, but the arrows penetrated through the bite, Out of the remaining six ghosts, he suddenly caught the other side by surprise.

"Woohoo—" The strongest half-step purple monster is a bear with blue mane and white forehead. This guy is so fierce that when he sees his companion injured, he not only does not retreat, but shouts and shakes his palms towards the arrow. Ya Fei rushed in the direction.

Seeing this, Guan Heng threw a snowy bow to Qing Huang, he laughed a long time: "Haha, I'll deal with you."

"Huh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-hhhh, the two figures came into contact with each other instantly, then they twisted on the ground and stormed towards the opponent.

"You're half-purple, too. Let me see how much I can do."

Guan Heng can see at this time, although the opponent is infected with a little bit of evil, but the fierce awns that appear in his eyes are relatively clear. Obviously, he can suppress the evil and attack the brain with his own strength, and even drive it away, so it attacks Others are completely out of their own consciousness.

"It's really a brutal and cruel guy. The evil spirit just burned your fierce flames in a gap." Guan Heng suddenly punched out his fists, "Bang!" He hit Xiong's shoulders when he slapped him. With thick skin and fluff, he didn't care if he shook his body and then attacked.

"Hoo--bang, bang, slap!" A pair of giant bears danced like a blast of wind, one after another swiftly shot, Guan Heng left and dodged right, leaving a lot of potholes on the ground when he slapped.

"Ah Heng, the rest of the monsters have been dispelled by the ghosts, and this big guy is left." Qing Huang laughed, holding a snowy bow beside him: "Hey, are you weak, can you beat this guy? Don't we help you? "

"No need." Guan Heng's chest rose soaringly, he shouted, "Just watch it beside me, I can make this silly bear empty-handed."

"Uh ?! This little brother is really good at it ..."

Including the strong man named Chi Hai just now, five people were standing near Qing Huang, watching intently Guan Guan and the beast fighting, Chi Hai said out of concern: "Girl, otherwise we go up to help this Brother? "

"No, my family has rarely let others help. Thank you for your kindness." Qing Huang shook her head with a smile: "Besides, he has the upper hand, you see."


Speaking late, fast then, Guan Heng used a long unused palm knife to attack fast. This powerful move wrapped in a half-purple breath fell like a storm and fell instantly on the blue-maned giant bear, making it scream. The head, face, chest, and abdomen were constantly cracking and turning red, and "Teng Teng Teng" kept stepping back.

"Pop!" Both palms snapped together for a moment, and Guan Heng laughed, "This trick lets you know how powerful it is."

"Huh-huh!" When the two-handed sword fell into Xiong's throat and throat, he drew half a foot deeper than homeopath, and this guy wailed to the ground and died instantly.

"It's amazing." Chi Hai and his four companions were stunned. Whether it was the ambassadors to repel the monsters or to kill the monsters themselves, Guan Heng shocked them too much.


After a while, Chi Hai and his companions, as well as Guan Heng, and others sat around the bonfire, and everyone chatted while eating.

"I just saw Brother Guan's bow and arrow skills just now. It was really admirable." A young companion next to Chi Hai said, "I think, even if we Tao Tao Guguo is about to take the bow of that new communist master, That's just the situation. "

"Ascend the throne? New co-owner?" Upon hearing this, Guan Heng and others were shocked. He hurriedly asked, "Isn't the co-owner here in the ancient Tang and Tang dynasty Tang Yao?"

Although in a hurry, Guan Heng shouted to Tang Yao's name, making Chi Hai and other people in the ancient Tang and Tang dynasty feel a bit harsh, but after all, Guan Heng was his own life-saving benefactor, so they did not say anything.

Chi Hai quickly explained: "Brother Guan Guan has no idea. His former communicator, Lord Tang Yao, was overworked, and issued an order two days ago, stating that he was about to pass the new communicator and he was about to abdicate. "

"Master Tang Yao is about to abdicate? Isn't this person who inherited his title as a great master?" Guan Heng asked casually at the moment: "What kind of person is this new founder?"

"Brother Guan, didn't I just say that? The bow and arrow skills of that new founder are amazing."

The young man next to Chi Hai said: "I heard people from Pingyang, the capital of the country, said that not long ago, a large number of fierce monsters besieged the capital. This is the adult who is about to become the co-owner with a **** in his palm. Bow, killed a few monster heads of the Black Gas Peak, and this surprised the herd. "

"God bow?" Guan Heng, Qing Huang, and Ruo Tao looked at each other, and they were a little bit confused. In the midst of it, everyone thought wildly and seemed to guess something, but they were not sure.

So Guan Heng laughed: "Brother Chi Hai, are you going to return to Pingyang, right?" "Yeah." Chi Hai nodded, and he continued to say, "The new Communist Party is about to come on board, we Tao All the small tribes in the ancient Tang Dynasty are going to pay homages, and I have prepared gifts to go there. "

"That's right. A few of us are going to Pingyang. How about everyone on the road together?"

After listening to Guan Heng's words, Chi Hai nodded in a hurry: "No problem, no problem, to be honest, the road is not too peaceful recently, there are mad monsters everywhere, and we can go with Brother Guan you, we can't wait for it."

In this way, the people rested in this small deserted village for one night, and went straight to Pingyang, the capital of Tao and Tang, the next morning.


Two days and one night on the way, Heng Heng and Chi Hai tossing and rolling finally reached Pingyang. The other party went to the city to find an acquaintance, and parted ways with Guan Heng immediately.

At this moment, Qing Huang, Xiao Hei, and Ruo Tao looked at the scene in Pingyang City and found that it was not much better than Chongguo. There were displaced people everywhere, leaning on the corners and looking sad.

"Ah Heng, we're all here, what's your plan for the next step?" After listening to Qing Huang, Guan Heng whispered, "I think it's better for us to go to the palace where the Communist Party of Tao Tang lives, instead of thinking wildly. , There may be many mysteries solved. "

"That makes sense, let's go quickly."

If Tao held hands with Xiaohei, he had to go forward, but the road ahead suddenly sounded a rushing horseshoe, and someone screamed, "No, the monsters are coming to attack the city again. All the people listened and immediately retreated to the inner city and walked quickly. "

"Driving-driving-" This man yelled and spurred his horse. When his horse ran past Guan Heng and others, everyone evaded, but Ruotao saw the man's face , But a little surprised.

"Strange, although his face is blood-stained, I always think I've seen this person ..."

If Tao just whispered here, the people nearby seemed to be boiling and boiling water, and started shouting and moving towards the inner city. Guan Heng immediately shouted, "There are too many people here. Hurry up and move to my side. So as not to be separated from everyone. "

After a few moments, the people in Pingyang's outer city walked to the left, and here was full of silence, while Qing Huang, Ruo Tao, Guan Heng, and Xiao Hei walked on the street in an unhurried manner because they were not afraid .

"Oh, I remember it!" The next moment, Ruo Tao suddenly stopped and said, "I'm finally reminded of the place where I saw him."

Then, Ruo Tao said to Guan Heng, "My son, the one who captured Agou that day was a Purple King. It was good, but there were a few helpers of Black Air bully around him. The guy on horseback was just one of them. I remember his companion also calling his name ... "

If Tao tilted her head and thought for a long while, then she said, "I think of it, it seems to be‘ goodness ’, yes, that ’s the name.”

"Okay, since the people here have a relationship with Agou, that proves that we have found the right place."

Guan Henggang said here, and a horseshoe sounded not far away. It turned out that the black gas tyrant named Shan Xuan led a team of Tao Tang soldiers towards this side.

He saw Guan Heng and others facing him far away, and shouted loudly, "Hey, don't you die? The monsters are about to rush into the outer city, and don't find a place to hide!"

"Huh, those things are not important, but ..." Guan Hengshen turned into a shadow and immediately came to the good horse. The guy's face changed dramatically: "What are you going to do?"

"Catch you, of course."

"Hoo--slap!" Speaking slowly, then quickly, Guan Heng suddenly shot his arm around the other's ankle, and suddenly pulled Shan Shan off the horse.

"Eh ?!" Shan Ye is also a black gas bully. When he dropped the horse, he felt a strong surge, his body was out of control, and he immediately gathered the black gas punch all over Guan Heng's head: "Give me! "

"Huh." Guan Heng had no time to play with the other side at this time, daring to punch with a punch, half a step of Ziqiquan smashed and shattered, and suddenly a shock of good blood burst out.

"My dear friend ?!"

"Bold, you **** assassin--"

"Yeah ah--"

"Woohoo-huh!" The wind around them suddenly rose, and the team of Tao Tang soldiers in the crimson realm immediately waved their swords to Guan Heng, trying to kill him in place.

"Six ghosts, get rid of this group of things that don't know what to do!"

"嗖 嗖 嗖 ——" Guan Heng's words came to an end, and a group of ghost ghosts emerged, and suddenly snarled at the group of people: "嗷 ————"



"Thump, thump ..." How could the soldiers in the realm of red gas carry the whistling of ghosts, one by one, with a headache and a horror, and it was still ruthless under the mouth of the six dead ghosts, otherwise they would explode directly It is not difficult to die from the skull.

"Slap." Guan Heng was full of anger at this moment, and reached out to grab Shan Shan's jacket, roaring, "said, where is A Gou?"

"Ah, a dog ?!" When Shan Ming heard the name, his head buzzed suddenly, and he started to sweat coldly.

—— [2017.6.10 Second more, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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