Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 3357: Conquer the wind

"Woohoo--" Upon hearing this, the two ghosts did not hesitate to slam their claws into Guan Heng's back. "Bang!" When this punching force burst out, they hit Guan Heng and Qing Huang directly. To the middle of the wind circle at the bottom of the pit.

"Success ?!" Qing Huang was overjoyed, but suddenly felt a warm drop of water falling on her forehead. Looking up, she immediately screamed, "Aheng."

"Don't be nervous, it's just a slight injury." Anyone who uses his back to fasten the double ghost punches will not be unscathed. Although Guan Heng protected the internal organs with the power of the five elements in time, he couldn't help but spit. Blood, but he shouted, "Don't be distracted, we're going to land!"

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Hengji twisted himself, blocking Qing Huang behind himself, and the two were pushed down by the big miser and the infant white ghost, and rolled down instantly.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh att also before the dark ghost appeared in front of the two of them.

"This is ?!" Guan Heng and Qing Huang looked closely, and saw that the wind wall in front of them volleyed, and many monster birds' bodies were repeatedly crushed there, and then turned into broken powder.

"Uh-gu-gu-" Coincidentally, a screaming monster bird was sucked into the air with great suction, and Qing Huang said, "Oh, that giant bird."

"Hey, it's bad luck. It must be the end of crushing bones after being pulled into the wall."

Guan Heng's words fell away, and something amazing happened. The giant bird's body twirled in the air for a few times, and then threw it severely on the wind wall. This fall was not a light one. At the same time the giant bird screamed, his head and half of his body had fallen into the wind wall.

"唰 唰 唰 —— 嚓嚓 嚓 ——"

The ear-piercing sound was endless, Guan Heng and Qing Huangman thought that the giant birds would be torn by the wind, but the thing was just the opposite. The surrounding wild-spinning monster birds and feathers gathered together, and all of their brains covered the giant birds. On his body, the next moment, the guy's body plopped and fell to the ground.

"Cuckoo— 呱呱 ——" said slowly, and then, fast, there was a black shadow of a roaring and screaming fierce bird on the huge wind wall, and the puppet and chiseling spirit around Qinghuang called: "It is Gale. "

"It's really evil, but today you can't run anymore!" Guan Heng snarled at the other party and said, "Baby white ghost, the original fire attacked."

"Squeak and squeak--" Between the flashes of light, the shrieking baby Bai Gui raised his hands to release countless "Blazing Blood Blades", crackling like rain falling, all hitting the front of the dark shadow of the fowl.

"Cuckoo-Cuckoo-" Feeling the evil around him sharply diminished, the dark shadow of the fierce bird was startled, and it turned into a dark mist, and suddenly fell into the body of the giant bird on the ground.

"Huh, as I expected, this is the temporary flesh you find for yourself."

At the same time as the roar rang, Guan Heng pulled out his two swords and shouted, "Let's go!" It was late, then fast, Guan Heng took the left, Qing Huang attacked the right, and the big miser and the infant white ghost rushed straight from the front. The fierce force exploded on the giant bird at the same time, causing the other party's flesh to burst and the hair to flutter.

"Ga ah —— 巨 ——" The giant bird was severely hit, but was not dead for a while, and the multicolored hairs kept falling, but also constantly regenerated by the power of evil spirits and gale spirits.

"Not good, gale will be completely integrated with this body!" Qing Huang screamed, "Aheng, retreat!"

"噌 噌 噌 ——" The two turned back ten times in a split second, and at the same time, the body of the giant bird suddenly made a violent bang, and numerous broken feathers and flesh flew around, hitting the surrounding wind walls severely. on.

"Oh!" At this moment, the strong hurricane at the bottom of the deep pit slowed down and the wind speed became smaller. Then, it fell into the top of the giant bird's head.

"Woohoo-Dora, Dora-Giggle-"

At this moment, the ugly giant bird has undergone great changes. The bones continue to make harsh frictional sounds. The original size of its wings was extremely small, so this cricket can only run and run on the ground, but it ca n’t fly. The huge mutated wings stretched out staggeringly, becoming wings with wingspans of more than a few feet, making Guan Heng linger.

"Woohoo--" At this moment, the giant bird was whispering, and a crimson red meat crown appeared on its head, two swollen glaring eyes, staring at Guan Heng, showing endless murderous murderous power. .

"Ga ---"

"Hoo--" With the scream of this guy, his wings broke away instantly, and an extremely strong wind rushed towards them.

"Be careful! Second ghost—"

"Woohoo--" Guan Heng shouted sharply, while the infant white ghost and the big ghost suddenly rushed to the front and were hit hard by the strong wind. "Bang!" Left and right, they bumped into the earth wall behind.

Guan Heng saw that the gale used the powerful wingspan and wind pressure to attack, and he did not let himself be close to the second ghost. In this way, he could not eliminate the evil spirit on him. , Uh ah ah ah— "

"Bang, bang, bang!" Speaking late, fast then, Guan Heng's fists banged on the ground, two fiery fires rushed on and on, and he realized that the front could not rush into the wind. With this trick, "Drilling Ground Fire Dragon" slammed towards the other side.

"Hanga ?!" Gale saw the fire coming fiercely, and it was lingering with evil spirits all over it, and he did not dare to connect it. He wanted to flutter his wings and flew out of the pit. A layer of "earth waves" worth rolling over its ankles.

The five elements of fire produced soil. At the moment when the strength of the original fire hit the ground, Guan Heng had already started to mobilize the surrounding earth spirit breath, so that the earth immediately wrapped the claws of the strong wind, causing its action to stop.

But the gale now has a physical body, and its strength is extraordinary. It fanciedly fanned its wings and finally opened the ankle trapped in the dirt and flew into the air.

"It's bad, it's going to run." Qing Huang's voice didn't fall, Guan Heng's two original fire punches flew upwards in an instant, just burning to the tail of the gale, and the fire of the stars caught on the birds. The evil spirit spread quickly and quickly, and the scream of the giant bird screamed more than once: "Cuckoo--"

"Hahaha, deserve it." Ruotao ran to Guan Heng next to Xiao Hei with a few landings, and when they saw the giant bird burned, they laughed immediately.

"Girl Qinghuang, get the little whistle out quickly." Huo Soul shouted exhausted at this moment: "The wind is always listening to Princess Wu's whistle action, you hurry up, maybe you can wake it up."

"Okay." Qing Huang heard the words and quickly picked up the little whistle and blew it up vigorously: "Dudu Duo-woo hoo-''

"Coo-coo ?!" Burned by the flames of the original fire, it was so painful that the giant bird about to fled away and heard the whistle immediately trembled, and then shook his head constantly, as if trying to drive the voice out .

But at the next moment, Guan Hengheng patted his waist drum: "Hunting cricket, it's your turn."

"Ow ooo, ooo -" hunting horn Xie howling toward the air, all of a sudden the whole body turned into countless golden thread weaving giant net, and impartial body cover in the strong winds, "bang!" This guy's heavy body He fell **** the ground.

"Hehehe, the golden net catches the fowls, this is what I prepared for you." Guan Heng now held his shoulders with his shoulders tilted to the end, and said, "Struggle, the power of the original fire is very strong You are about to burn your body and evil spirits together. "

"Dududu—wowuwu—" At this moment, Qing Huang was still blowing the little whistle, but in an instant, an anxious voice yelled: "Coo-ooh-hot Damn me! Stop, stop! "

Between the flashes of light and flint, a mass of giant bird spirits emerged from the meat bound by the golden net, and this guy cried with a throaty voice: "Alas, chisels! Are you two nearby? Stop this guy soon Don't let him ruin the body! "

"Well, this is the look of the gale?" Qing Huang lowered her whistle at this moment, and was about to look a few more times, but Guan Heng said, "If you want me to stop, that won't work, because the strength of the original fire must take you This evil spirit converges within the soul, so how can you bring you back to the spiritual realm? "

"Boobies, you just want to destroy the evil that I absorbed, this body is not bad for you, look at me!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the wind and soul shadow shrank back to the body, and then everyone saw the giant bird's body trembling, and then suddenly opened its hook-like bird's beak to spit out a strong evil spirit.

"Big ghost, baby white ghost, do it together!" As Guan Heng's shout sounded, he moved like electricity, already rushing up with the second ghost, and gathered the fire with his palm to form a triangle. Having lived in this evil spirit, Guan Heng mouth spit out two words gently: "refining."

"Woohoo--wow--" Instantly, the evil spirit completely dissipated in front of the crowd, and then the wind suddenly fell to the ground: "Flop."

"Oh ... I'm burned. Who is this stinky kid? He even attacked with fire? I know my feathers are the most afraid of burning and burning." After listening to the strong wind, I chirped with the chiseling spirit. Laughing: "Hahaha--"

"Hey, laugh a fart." Gale said angrily: "Hurry up and release me from this broken net."

"That wouldn't work, who knows if the evil spirit on your body has completely subsided?" Guan Heng smiled holding his shoulders at this time: "In my opinion, you should check it thoroughly again, baby white ghost, and burn it with fire ..."

"Help!" Gale is now sick and calling for medical treatment, shouting at Qing Huang: "The whistle princess, save me, save me."

"What's a 'whistle princess'?" Qing Huang smiled bitterly: "This name is awful."

Guan Heng said at this time: "Hey, all blame yourself for being bad, if we let us burn this flesh together with evil spirits, will it be all right? Why keep the flesh?"

The wind murmured at this time: "This, this ... you can fly everywhere with the flesh. Can you understand the mood of the birds?"

"Slap." Guan Heng smiled slightly, then flicked his fingers to let the hunter pull out of the Golden Nets.

At this time, Qinghuang, Wu and Chichi recounted the story. When she heard that she was going to return to the spirit world to resurrect Princess Wu, she immediately promised: "No problem, no problem, I look forward to this It's been a long day, let's go find the rest of the beasts. "

"Wait first." Guan Heng glanced at the wind at this moment, he said, "Hey, it saved your life, but you can't save it for nothing, so you have to repay me."

"You, what do you want to do?"

Gale found that Guan Heng was staring at his own eyes, but felt his back chilling for a while. Guan Heng then said, "In fact, it's nothing. Your temporary body can't bring back to the spirit world anyway. You can only use it for a few days. How about a few days as a mount for us? "

"What? Then you want to ride the bird to heaven?" Gale was anxious when he heard it: "No, no, I only let Princess Xun ride before, no one else!"

"Little stingy, Master Ben is willing to use you as a mount, that's to give you face." Guan Hengyan slumped his face: "You just let me let go of this flesh just now, I'm not happy now, I think Burn it. "

"Uh uh uh ... you show that you are suppressing birds by bullying, bullying birds ..."

Gale was grieved at this moment, but before he could continue to talk, Xiao Hei had quietly climbed up to the wide bird's back and rolled up on it. She also yelled, "Oh, comfortable, really comfortable , Big Bird, I like you, like your back. "

"Eh ?! Where did the little girl come from? But ... it seems pretty cute." After seeing Xiao Hei, the mood of Dafeng suddenly made a big turn, and she seemed a little happy.

The next cricket and Chichi explained quietly: "Except for talking with Princess cricket, this guy, Dafeng, usually likes the requirements of children, especially pretty girls, hehe, this guy will never refuse."

"Hehehe, that's all right." Guan Heng shouted at the moment: "Xiao Hei, you and Swallow Ghost Meow can stay on the windy back these days, it should be happy."

"Hey, big bird, am I left on your back, are you happy?" Hearing Xiao Hei's question, Dafeng cooed: "Okay, okay, the other two girls can come up if they need it. ,but……"

The giant bird glanced at Guanheng: "Only you, no!"

"Abominable, you **** lascivious guy, you clearly value women over men, sexism!" It was late, then fast, and the furious Guan Guan shook his fist, the original fire gathered time, and the wind screamed: " My mother, it's scary! "

"Hoo--" In the next moment, the strong wind of the Godbird just swayed its wings a little, swept away in a volley with little black and swallowing the ghost, and fell on the edge of the deep pit dozens of feet above.

"Well, so fast." Guan Heng, Qing Huang, and Ruo Tao saw this scene all at once, and the spirit of Wu laughed: "Ha ha, no wonder this guy wants to keep the flesh, so he would fly like this, flying The speed is several times faster than the pure soul. It can be said to be too fast. "

Upon hearing this, the two girls who were promised to ride by Gale were very happy, and Guan Heng bit his lower lip and thought, "Huh, Gale wants to avoid, and will not let me ride and dream Ah, sooner or later the opportunity will let you fall into my custody. "


After a while, the crowd returned to the deep pit of the ruins of the ancient city of Qingqiu, where the strong wind was still waiting.

Guan Heng said: "Xiao Hei ca n’t always ride around with you, so you can move freely and help us find the whereabouts of the other gods and beasts. When necessary, I will let Qing Huang blow a whistle to find you. Can you do that? "

—— [2017.6.13 Fourth more, Hello everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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